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Ramadan 2025


Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]’s Birth Anniversary

Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on Prophet Muhammad [PBUH]’s Birth Anniversary
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Translated by Al-Ahed News

Speech of Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah at a rally celebrating the birthday anniversaries of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and his grandson Imam Al-Sadiq (PBUH) as well as the Week of Islamic Unity in the southern suburbs of Beirut | 11-10-2022
I seek refuge in Allah from the accursed Satan. In the name of Allah the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, and prayers and peace be upon our Master and Prophet, the Seal of Prophets, Abi al-Qassem Muhammad Bin Abdullah and his good and pure household and his good and chosen companions and all the prophets and messengers.
May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you all.

First, I welcome you all to this blessed ceremony, God willing, in which we express our love, loyalty, adoration, and belonging to the Master of the Messengers and the Seal of the Prophets, Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his household.

I greet all of you on this dear and cherished anniversary. Tonight, we are celebrating the following occasions:

-    The birthday anniversary of the Greatest Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his household)
-    The birthday anniversary of his grandson Imam Jaafar bin Muhammad al-Sadiq (PBUT)
-    The Islamic Unity Week

I would like to talk about the occasions, of course, and then move on to the developments in our current situation in Lebanon and the region – briefly if possible – especially in light of the important developments that we are witnessing these days and during the next few hours regarding the issue of oil and gas, the demarcation of maritime borders, and an understanding or agreement being discussed in this regard.

First, allow me to salute and express our appreciation to and glorification of the Yemeni people. We have seen them a few days ago mark this occasion in the various free Yemeni governorates that are not under the control of the forces of aggression. Millions attended the celebrations in dozens of arenas. 

We chose nighttime to mark the occasion because of the hot weather. They [the Yemeni people] sat for hours during the day on the ground listening to the speech of the dear and courageous leader, Sayyed Abdul Malik Badr al-Din al-Houthi, may God protect and bless him.

They expressed their love for the Messenger of God (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his household) with all means.

In fact, we feel ashamed, and this is the case, I think, with the Arab and the Islamic worlds.

An eight-year-war has been imposed on them. They are a besieged people who are suffering from many living, health, and security crises. Yet, millions gathered in an unparalleled scene throughout the world.

At the beginning of the speech, it is worth bowing before this people’s love and adoration for the Messenger and show them respect and appreciation.

Of course, the celebrations in many Arab and Islamic countries are developing and improving, and this is what we must strive for.

Commemorating the Mawlid [birthday anniversary of Prophet Muhammad] is not a bid'ah [innovation in religious matters] anymore. The National Day is not the only day that is celebrated.

Today, the Arab world, the Muslim world, Muslims should celebrate, rejoice, and cherish the birth of their greatest Prophet (may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his household).

We will seek to rejoice because we are not accustomed to it. We are better in sadness. Isn’t it so? In Ashura, Karbala, and mourning ceremonies.

We want to try to rejoice, especially when we consider what our peoples in the Arab and Islamic worlds have suffered from in the past century and years and what the Palestinian people and our people in the region suffered from due to the presence of the usurping entity. This did not leave a place for joy. Nonetheless, we must rejoice.

The first point that I would like to point out and start with is the Islamic Unity Week.

You know, there were two opinions about the birthday of the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family). Some say he was born on 12th Rabi’ al-Awwal. Others say on 17th Rabi’ al-Awwal.

Of course, our beloved Sunni brothers adopt the 12th of Rabi’ al-Awwal [as the birthday of the Prophet).

The Shiites adopt two dates: 

Some adopt 17th Rabi’ al-Awwal, which is the most popular, and others say 12th Rabi’ al-Awwal. This is a point of contention. How can we bridge between 12 and 17?

From here, I approach the idea of the Islamic Unity Week.

After the victory of the blessed Islamic Revolution in Iran under the leadership of Imam Khomeini (may God Almighty be pleased with him), it considered one of its priorities was to work on the project of unity, the concept of unity, and the idea of unity. 

Instead of people celebrating on the 12th and others on the 17th, we can have a week of celebrations, even though the Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him and his family) deserves that his birthday be celebrated for more than a week.

Hence, the point of contention was turned into a point of agreement. A bridge was built between the 12th and 17th and was named the Islamic Unity Week.

This is a simple example of the points of contention. This is one of the simplest points of contention in the Islamic world – whether the Prophet was born on the 12th or the 17th. 

This is normal because at that time they did not written down [events], they depended on memory. They memorized [events] from one generation to another.

There were no means of communication like now to deliver the news. Sometimes the news arrived late. Therefore, there is more than one opinion about many things other than the Prophet’s birthday. 

Regarding the subject of the dates of birth and death of caliphs, imams, well-known figures, leaders, sultans, great scholars, if someone reviews history books, they’d find that there has always been a dispute about the date of birth or death of so-and-so and the date of a certain event. This is normal.

But as time passed, this was considered one of the points of contention.

The main idea is that if we have a culture of unity, closeness, cooperation, and solidarity, we can first try to focus on the points of commonality, agreement, and understanding

This also extends to the national issue as I will talk about it shortly – not at the level of the Islamic world and Muslims only, but also at the national level in every country, in Lebanon, in Syria, in Iraq, in Palestine, and in all our countries.

When there is a positive will, a sincere will, and a serious will to unite, to unite the word, to show solidarity and cooperation, this spirit makes you focus on points of commonality and agreement.

Then, when you go to the points of disagreement or disagreement on any of the topics, you can deal with it in a positive way.

First, we must see if we can build a bridge between the two points, such as the week of unity, or at the very least, to understand each other when we disagree on a topic, an idea, or a position, and excuse each other.

It is not a problem if we disagree, brother, if you have your proof and argument and I have mine. Let us not make a big deal out the point of contention.

Sometimes when there is a will to divide, one would make a big deal out of nothing. He’d turn a small issue into a strategic and an existential issue.

Meanwhile, dealing with the points of intellectual, cultural, religious, political, or national differences moderately, without exaggerating and magnifying it, if all this is governed by the will, spirit, and culture of convergence and unity, we can find solutions and push our country and our nation towards more positivity.

At the national level, there are also many common things in any country and there is no problem.

I remember decades ago, there was a debate in Lebanon –  what we have is cultural multiplicity or cultural diversity, multiplicity or diversity of the same reality. One might call it diversity and another multiplicity, yet there is no confusion in terminology.

When there is civilizational diversity, cultural diversity, religious diversity, based on our will, culture, and seriousness, we can turn this diversity from a threat into an opportunity. We can also turn it into a threat.

We can either consider it or deal with it as a weakness that we surrender to or turn it into a strength and wealth, as His Eminence Sayyed Musa al-Sadr used to say.

This is the idea of Unity Week, which turned one of the historical points of contention into a point of convergence.

The other point that I would like to talk about is the nature of the occasion. The brothers chose for this season, this year, the title of Muhammad Is Mercy.

Allow me in a few minutes to talk about the Messenger of God (peace be upon him and his family) before I move on.

One of the most important events or occasions in the life of any human being is the day he was born. Before that day, he did not exist for him to have anything important.

The day he is born in and the day he dies in are very important events for a person. The beginning and the end for any human being is a very important issue and a very important event for a person.

Therefore, for us, the birth of the Prophet is the beginning of every good, mercy, blessing, transformation, and everything good that occurred in this existence because it is the birth of a human being who’s blessed existence is the reason for major transformations in human history and endless goodness, mercy, and blessings for humanity not only in this world but also in the hereafter. I will return to this idea shortly.

For many people who are born, their presence and remembrance begin with their birth, sometimes shortly before their birth.

When they die as billions of people, they are not remembered. Only a few people’s memory remain present, with varying degrees.

As for Muhammad, his remembrance and presence began with Adam (PBUH), since the beginning of man’s creation, as it is found in our Islamic narrations [stories], both Sunnis and Shiites.

Adam asked for forgiveness through this great human being who will be born from his descendants. Prophets and messengers preached about him until he was born.

After his death and departure from this world, his memory lived on and will remain until the Hour of Judgment, alive, strong, present, and defiant, with the blessing of his great achievements in 23 years.

It is a short period if we take the great achievements into account – the divine preservation of the Holy Qur’an, God’s book, in which Muhammad is mentioned.

With every adhan, iqamah, prayer, and tashahhud of more than one billion and 500 million Muslims in the world, the name of Muhammad remains throughout the ages and generations.

[It will remain] throughout history through the enormous sacrifices of the household of the Messenger of God and his companions.

In Karbala, Zainab said in the assembly of Yazid, "By God, you will not kill our inspiration and erase our remembrance” – i.e., remembering Muhammad and his household (PBUT).

[His name will remain through] his sons and grandsons, who were great scholars, such as Imam Jaafar bin Muhammad al-Sadiq, whose birthday we are also celebrating.

Imam al-Sadiq was destined, due to the political and security conditions during his time, to open all doors to science, Islamic sciences, and Islamic law. He was able to inform and give knowledge.

By the way, Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq was not a mujtahid who presented his personal opinion. Whenever Imam Jaafar al-Sadiq spoke about something, he said: ‘My father informed me from his father, grandfather, grandfather’s father, and from the Messenger of Allah.’ This is a golden chain.

In any case, this presence remained strong and great after his death and will remain so. We will witness the true and strongest presence of this figure and name on the Day of Resurrection, the day people will be resurrected and gathered in one desert. Billions of people will meet on that day.

Dear brothers and sisters, in the life of the Messenger of God Muhammad, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him and his household, between birth and death, is the greatest and most important event. 

Imam Khomeini said it is the greatest event in human history since God created Adam until the Hour of Judgment. This is his opinion. He said this, and the event is the mission of the Prophet.

We all know that the Messenger of God became a prophet when he was 40 years old. He was given a prophetic mission to be a prophet and a messenger not only to Quraysh like many of the prophets who were sent only to their people.

Many of the prophets of the Children of “Israel” [Israelites] were prophets just for the Israelites. Many other prophets were prophets of their own people.

He [Prophet Mohammad] was not only sent to Quraysh, to Mecca, to the Arabian Peninsula, or to the Arabs, but also to the whole world – to all people of his era and to those who come after him until the Day of Judgment.

The prophetic mission is the greatest event in the life of the Prophet and mankind because this mission sealed and completed the heavenly messages. It presented the divine religion in its most complete, comprehensive, broadest, and most tolerant form.

We all know that the religion of the prophets is one religion even if it takes on multiple names – religion in its ideological dimension – because the creed speaks of the facts we believe in in existence and in the universe.

These facts in existence and in the universe do not change from time to time or from the era of one prophet to another. Human and moral values that stem from human nature do not change from time to time. These are constant and permanent in all the messages of the prophets (PBUT).

However, Sharia [Islamic religious law], the way to worship, the limits of worship, transactions, trade, sales, war, peace, financial issues change because they are linked to human development, human needs, human capabilities, threats faced by humans, etc.

There is one religion, one creed, similar moral and human values, but there are many laws. One law amends and abrogates from a law that preceded it.

The religion that Muhammad brought is the religion of all the prophets starting from Adam to Noah to Abraham to Moses to Jesus to all the prophets of God (PBUT).

As for Sharia, yes, it is the Sharia of Muhammad, which introduced new rulings, new laws, new jurisprudence. It abrogated many of the previous rulings and reduced many previous responsibilities.

God Almighty says in His Glorious Book:

 In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

{Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered prophet, whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel, who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the evil and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them.}

So, there are things that have been loosened, weights that have been lifted, and shackles that have been loosened. 

{So they who have believed in him, honored him, supported him and followed the light which was sent down with him - it is those who will be the successful.}

Therefore, this is the final message, the full message, the comprehensive message. Its true title and essence is mercy.

Here, I return to ‘Muhammad is mercy’, and the Sharia is tolerant. Why? Because one of the most important rules in the Sharia of Muhammad when it comes to religious rulings is abolishing hardship, that is, abolishing everything that leads to some kind of hardship for people within reasonable limits. These rules remain in place.

The basic principle in Sharia is that a person should not be charged with what he cannot bear and to do something that he can’t do. This is mercy in Sharia.

Everything that is mentioned in the Sharia of Muhammad, in the most general sense, is doable by Man. This is according to reality and experience.

God Almighty tells him, {And We have not sent you, [O Muhammad], except as a mercy to the worlds.} Yes, he was mercy. 

He was mercy when he brought the people of Arabia out of darkness and into the light; when he brought them out from the worship of idols made of stone and wood to the worship of the One God, the Creator and the Mighty.

The Messenger of God was mercy. He was mercy for them in this world and in the Hereafter. Imagine if these people died as idolaters, they would have been judged on the Day of Resurrection as idolaters.

He was mercy when he revived human and moral values in a society that was fed up with women – mothers, wives, daughters, sisters, even little girls that were buried in dirt.

He revived human and moral values. He revived Man’s view towards another, the real view towards the other human being, regardless of color, language, race, religious affiliation.

He revived Man’s view towards women, the poor, the civilizational crisis of slaves in those times.

The tolerant Sharia forbade those people [from killing]. This became a religion, law, and rulings for those who used to find it easy to kill.

Unfortunately, in Lebanon and the region – let's talk a little about our country – the easiest thing now is for people to kill each other. 

Why was that person killed? They had a disagreement over the right of way. Sometimes brothers kill each other because they disagreed over their father’s inheritance.

This is how the situation was during Jahiliyyah [ignorance], even worse. Individuals, families, clans, and tribes killed each other over very trivial reasons.

There was no social security, peace, or tranquility. There was no internal peace. It was possible at any given moment for a person to be killed in Mecca, in Medina, in the Arabian Peninsula because there were no discipline, laws, or deterrents, psychological or authoritarian deterrent.

The Messenger of God decreed the inviolability of blood, the inviolability of money, and the inviolability of honor. He was mercy.

He unified the conflicting tribes and clans in order to make from them a force, a state, and a nation where they [these tribes and clans] enjoy all the blessings of this world under the shadow of this state, force, and nation. He was mercy.

He insisted on the institution of marriage. Back then, in that society people had extramarital relations openly. For example, some people disagreed – who does this child belong to? 

The child was attributed to four fathers. At the time, there was no DNA testing to find out who the child’s father was, and this was a common case. 

Today, there are people pushing humanity into this kind of ignorance. A few days ago, I was reading a statistic on one Western country – without mentioning the name. But those who follow the statistics know. 

During this year, 51% of births occurred outside the institution of marriage. Can you imagine a society where half or three quarters of the children are born out of wedlock?

It does not matter whether we are talking about Islam, Christianity, or any other religion. In the end, marriage is marriage, be it religious or civil. 

Some intend for these values to collapse. A few days ago, some brothers showed me a document issued by the White House or the US State Department, which has been distributed for some time to US embassies in the world. They are required to promote the culture of homosexuality. Where are they taking human society to? 

In any case, the insistence on the institution of marriage and facilitating the building of a family and the preservation of its purity and cohesion through provisions, procedures, directives, and instructions are one of the most important manifestations of mercy.

Even the harsh punishments that some people look at and say [sarcastically] that your religion is a religion of mercy. The killer is killed, and the thief has his hand cut off [with varying jurisprudential difference between the sects from where his hand be cut off].

Are these not harsh rulings that contradict the mercy that you claim? No! Let me give you an example from our society today.

The killer gets locked up. He later gets out, and what does he do? He kills again. This time he does not kill one only, but rather two, three, four, and five. He commits a massacre. Isn't this what happened several weeks ago? I will not name the city or village this incident took place.

Nowadays, thieves, robbers, and criminals enter serve six months, a year, two years, three years, at most, in prison. Then, they get out with more experience! Why? Because they learn and gain more experience and knowledge [in prison]. 

Imagine that you live in a society in which the murderer is executed. Would anyone dare to kill?

But killing becomes easier because the killer is punished for the most extreme case to a month, two months, a year, two years, three years in prison.

The same applies to the one who steals and those who block people’s way – that person who is upset due to something and opens fire at buildings. Then, this person goes to prison for two or three weeks, knowing that this is a legal and jurisprudential subject – the rulings and punishments against a corrupter on earth are harsh.

Islamic punishments outwardly are cruel and inwardly are mercy because through decisive punishments they prevent murder, theft, corruption on earth, and assault on people's dignity.

In the Lebanese society today, any person who feels like it opens fire at cars on the roads and at buildings. The most the state, the army, the security services do is arrest him and imprison him for a month, two, or three. Then, he is out and commits a more horrible and terrible crime than the one he already committed.

In any case, even though it [the punishment] seems cruel, but its essence and nature is mercy. 

I conclude my talk about the Messenger and say that his presence was mercy, his message was mercy, his life was mercy, all his deeds were mercy, and his advice and relationship with orphans, the poor, the needy, the helpless was mercy.

However, the greatest mercy is in the afterlife, which is embodied in Muhammad. You see this world, no matter how much one attains in it, it is a false world that is mortal. What is the ultimate thing you can do? Rule the world? Then what? It is over.

What matters is that eternal and immortal life, which I like to say, many times, is limitless in the Hereafter.

People will be held accountable for their faith, their deeds, their sins, for what they have committed in that difficult situation on the day of the greatest hunger, the day of the greatest fear, the day of the greatest thirst, on the Day every nursing mother will be distracted from that [child] she was nursing, and every pregnant woman will abort her pregnancy, and you will see the people [appearing] intoxicated while they are not intoxicated.
On that day, we, the sinners and the guilty, have nothing. God Almighty will open a door to His vast mercy. He will open the doors of mercy for the overwhelming majority of people because we cannot rely on our deeds, as mentioned in many supplications.

The prophets intercede and the apostles for their people. The great saints of God intercede. Martyrs intercede. This is present in our culture. Martyrs intercede for their fathers, mothers, brothers, and comrades.

However, according to our Islamic faith, we believe that the intercessor, the greatest intercessor on the Day of Resurrection will be the Master of the Messengers and the Seal of the Prophets. With his mercy, kindness, and love, he will intercede. Here, Muhammad is a mercy to the worlds.

Of course, our responsibility is to explain this message to people at a time when the great Prophet well as his religion and Sharia are being abused by the enemies of Islam and by groups claiming to belong to it, while it presents the ugliest image of Islam through their practices that has nothing to do with Islam.

Today, on the birthday of the Messenger I say: It is the responsibility of all of us as Muslims, especially the scholars, intellectuals, thinkers, elites, and everyone who can say a word or write a line or express a situation, to defend this Prophet, the prophet of mercy as well as the religion of mercy, the Prophet’s life, history, and objectives.

Let us remove from people’s minds everything that was committed by these groups because I believe that this is the most dangerous thing that our Prophet and our religion have been subjected to in the last few hundred years.


Brothers and sisters, we now delve into the developments. Of course, I will not take up a lot of your time.

The main issue is the demarcation [of the maritime border]. Regarding the presidency, I have nothing new to say. Let us see what we can do in the next session.

Regarding the government, we still insist and call on all concerned parties to form a government in the available time. The situation is like a cold and hot draft. 

You feel that things are moving forward. A few hours later, the next day in the morning, or the day after tomorrow, the problem is back. In any case, we should not despair regarding this matter.

Our main issue with regard to Lebanon is the issue of demarcating the maritime borders and extracting oil and gas. Of course, a few days ago, I said we are facing crucial days.

Today, I say, we are facing crucial hours. The party concerned with expressing the official Lebanese position is His Excellency President Michel Aoun, after agreeing and consulting with the Parliament Speaker and the Prime Minister. They are the responsible party – not me or no one else – to say that Lebanon agreed to this final text or did not agree to this final text, etc.

Therefore, we, as Lebanese, in the first place, await the declaration of the official stance by His Excellency the President.

I think that the state and the people are also waiting for the official stance of the enemy’s government. Even though hours ago, it was said that the head of the “Israeli” government announced his approval and acceptance of this agreement, but what is important is what will happen tomorrow in the meeting of “Israel’s” cabinet.

In any case, these details concern the enemy. As for us, we will wait the official stance, and only after the agreement is signed, we can say that we have a deal.

After that, we will see what the state will call it – an agreement, an understanding. There is no quarrel over the name, the important thing is the product. Sometimes, they disagree on the name, but the important thing is the result. 

Therefore, we will wait. I am speaking here on behalf of the resistance, because with regard to the enemy, the head of the enemy’s government said he agrees.

We all have been following contradictory statements during the past few months, especially in the past few weeks in the enemy entity. 

There are sharp divisions, mutual insults, and accusations of treason and surrender. This exists. Therefore, there is a sharp split in the position. Within the current government, too, there are multiple opinions.

We don't know what will happen tomorrow or the day after tomorrow. Until the Lebanese see the delegations going to Naqoura on TV, we must remain cautious.

A person can change his mind at any hour and at any moment. According the Lebanese negotiators, the past few days saw difficult negotiations because there were disagreements on specific points, some of which may have been essential while others a formality.

However, reaching an agreement or understanding was not easy. Hence, we will wait.

The “Israeli” media and some Arab media outlets are claiming that Hezbollah want to sabotage the deal and that it has no interest in an agreement or an understanding.

It is strange that there are still people who speak this language, after all the behavior that Hezbollah has shown since the opening this file.

When the final texts are published, people may have remarks on some literature, terminology, technical discussion, or legal discussion.

For us as a resistance, what concerns us is the following. From the beginning, we said that we stand by and behind the Lebanese state when it comes to the Lebanese demands.

We have no problem when the Lebanese officials say that the agreement meets the Lebanese demands.

No one should think otherwise. Regarding this subject, from the very start and when threats and speeches escalated, I always said we want to eat grapes, and I was frank and clear about it.

We only care about the extraction of oil and gas from Lebanese waters. When it was said that this was linked to the demarcation, we said, go ahead with the demarcation. You all know our stance on demarcation. There is no need to repeat.

In any case, the resistance will consider things to be accomplished when the Lebanese officials and His Excellency the President announce the official Lebanese position that supports this agreement and understanding.

Until then, we must remain vigilant. I will return to this later.

Of course, in Lebanon as well as in the enemy’s entity, people will come out and say – they have already started – what is this and what happened. They’ll talk about the abandonment of rights and Line 29, etc. Let them wait for the final text.

There are people who have already accused us of betrayal, attacked us, and insulted us on social media and they’ve yet to read anything [about the issue] in Arabic or in English.

In any case, I call on people to approach this understanding after the final text is released. It will be published since it is not a confidential document. Every person in Lebanon can approach this understanding and the results with the spirit of national responsibility so they can judge positively or negatively.

However, the judgement must stem from a patriotic spirit and not to settle scores. For example, if someone wants to settle scores with His Excellency the President, a party, or the resistance.

Some people hold us responsible for the lines. However, we have nothing to do with the lines, neither 23 nor 29. If you ask me where our maritime border is, I’ll tell you it extends all the way to Gaza.

We and the Palestinian people will not divide, and when Palestine is liberated, we will not disagree on the maritime borders.

They must approach the subject, as I said, in a patriotic, objective, and real spirit. I say this to those who will criticize.

For those who will rejoice – they are the majority as I understand it – for the majority of the Lebanese people who will rejoice after the official announcement of the deal and the start of the implementation, as we have an upcoming new stage, they also have to approach the achievement or victory in an objective and patriotic spirit.

This means that no one alone was the reason for the achievement, i.e., no one can say that the reason was Zaid, Omar, Bakr, etc.

Like we say, a reason is made of parts. There are a number of reasons that came together to form a real reason which led to this great historical achievement, if it is achieved. God willing, it will be achieved.

We must look, here, at all the reasons, and there is no need from now to distribute the percentages.

Today, we are experiencing an excellent situation in Lebanon, an experience in which the leaders [the president, the parliament speaker, the prime minister] are cooperating despite their many differences.

Truth be told, they cooperated and put their differences and sensitivities aside and took up national responsibilities regarding this file.

We are witnessing a new situation in which the leaders, state officials in different positions, as well as political, security and military institutions cooperated.

There was also a very wide embrace of the resistance’s incubating environment, in the first place, and this is very important.

When the resistance declares that something must not happen unless another matter takes place even if it meant war, this incubating environment will primarily bear the consequences of this choice and difficult decision.

But this environment supported and defended this decision. However, some people wrote on some social networking sites and elsewhere disheartening articles about what it means when a war breaks out at a time when we all know that the enemy fears this war more than the Lebanese.

Hence, the position of the resistance’s incubating environment and the majority of the Lebanese people, who did not object to this option at the very least – we did not expect certain segments or groups to support even though some supported and adopted, but many, at the very least did not object – is important and remarkable despite all the “Israeli” threats, intimidation, and incitement at home against this option.

This option is to stand strong and prevent the enemy from extracting gas and oil from Karish before responding to the demands of the Lebanese state. This popular position must be commended.

The resistance its leaders, fighters, and heroes must be with the state and must be present in  its natural right as it has always been over the past days, weeks, and months. All of this must be approached objectively.

We are then faced with an experience that requires official solidarity and national solidarity.

The state, the resistance, the people, and the army – we go back to the equation – stood together in a such a difficult regional and international circumstances.

No one in the globe is concerned about Lebanon, the oil and gas fields in Lebanese waters, the Lebanese maritime borders, or about the fate of the Lebanese people.

Every country in the world is preoccupied with itself, the coming winter, oil and gas, going back to the use of coal, and power blackouts.

We all heard what President Macron said two days ago. He objected to his American friends and told them that we are friends and allies and it is not acceptable for you to sell us oil and gas at prices four times higher than what you sell in your market.

The whole world today is preoccupied with itself. No one is devoted to Lebanon, not the Arab League, which has never been dedicated to Lebanon, or the Arab world, or the international community.

Lebanon will be able, God willing, to realize this great achievement.

I call on all political forces and media institutions, especially individuals on social networks, not to ruin this national wedding which will be held for this achievement, God willing.

This means that instead of thanking each other, we might end up hurting each other, offending each other, or accusing each other because this happens sometimes.

Sometimes, unfortunately, an unknown person, an “Israeli” electronic army, or someone in the world may drag people on social networking sites into a fierce and a never-ending battle between political trends and groups, while none of the leaders of these groups know about it.

Therefore, we must have a sense of responsibility when addressing this file.

Until then, I must mention, as I mentioned a little while ago, the Mujahideen of the resistance, brothers and sisters, for your knowledge – since this was not made public – did not need to send drones or naval units or engage in any form of maneuver at sea or on land because the goal from the start was to let the enemy know that the resistance is serious about what it said.

At the time, someone in Lebanon came said that this is nonsense and a psychological war, and there is nothing the resistance can do.

Unfortunately, these people are giving their genius advice to the embassies. They are conveying information to the 
“Israelis” as the “Israelis” follow the Lebanese media and what is said in the Lebanese media. What these people say please them.

During the past period, the resistance only sent drones to prove its seriousness and convince the “Israelis” of its seriousness.

It did many things that the “Israelis” saw, realized, felt, heard. But people did not hear of because the goal was for the “Israelis” to understand our seriousness, and we did not want to worry people through some activities that were meant to convey this message.

In addition, we were seriously putting ourselves in front of the possibility that things would not reach the desired result, so we will have to implement our commitment, our decision, and our promise.

That is why during the few months the brothers, the leaders, cadres, and Mujahideen in the Islamic resistance worked night and day, while many people slept in their homes, to be ready to carry out the work.

They worked so we could be ready for the expected reactions from the enemy, to be ready for what is more dangerous. Indeed, they stayed up and made strenuous efforts. The efforts of years were implemented within a few months. 

I would like to thank these brothers and tell them to maintain your readiness, measures, and vigilance. Nothing will change until we see with our own eyes that the understanding has been signed. After the understanding is a brand new day.

With regard to oil and gas, before I move on to the last point,  the negotiations are still ongoing. The officials and the leaders are managing the negotiations, while the resistance is working on its readiness, preparations, and arrangements.

However, there has been a lot of discussions in Lebanon about the funds from gas and oil even though they have not been extracted or sold. 

Of course, there is no problem with this discussion. It is good to start early. This is good because time is passing by quickly, brothers and sisters. Some people asked how much time we need. A year, two, three, four, five?

A few days ago, these misfortunes began, and now it’s been three or four years. Time passes in the blink of an eye. There is no problem.

This is what should happen, and this is the responsibility of the state supported by the resistance. We must follow up on this matter. Signing the deal in Naqoura is not the end. Where are the companies that will start exploration, drilling, and extraction?

We are in a battle against time. We all talked and everyone agrees – whoever does not is being arrogant – that the only hope for the Lebanese to get out of their economic, financial, monetary, and living crisis is through this door.

It is not clear whether there is another door. Neither the IMF nor the international community that is preoccupied with itself will be able to get Lebanon out of this deep hole.

We may even have to collect aid and donations for some countries that we were expecting to provide Lebanon with loans and aid.

We do not know what the crisis unfolding between Russia, Ukraine, Europe, and America will lead to. In any case, this is a real discussion and a real hope.

That is why I tell all the Lebanese tonight, yes, this is a serious responsibility. You are right. People who have worries and fears are right to worry and fear because the corruption, waste, and the billions of dollars that have been lost happened in our country and not anywhere else.

Therefore, we respect whoever is expressing their fear and anxiety, and we are among them. so, what does this entail? This entails places a national responsibility, primarily on the part of the parliament.

I know that a discussion has begun in the specialized committees in Parliament about proposals submitted by a number of parliamentary blocs regarding this issue, in particular the idea of forming a sovereign fund.

Of course, many respected countries in the world have a very important experience when it comes to sovereign funds.

Regarding the money earned from oil and gas, we must benefit from the experiences of countries that have sovereign funds because these are human sciences and human experiences.
It allows us not to start from scratch. We must benefit from the experiences of countries. We must engage from now in serious and realistic discussions. We must also act in a spirit of responsibility and patriotism.

It should be considered a national wealth that is not owned by a sect, a specific political force, a specific party, or a specific geographic area.

God willing, regarding this matter also, I promise and tell you, in cooperation with all our friends, all political forces, and parliamentary blocs, whether in Parliament or in the government, and with His Excellency the newly elected president – i.e., with all the pillars of the state – we will all bear the responsibility of immunizing this money that will go into the Lebanese fund.

It will be the property of all the generations, this one. We are relying on this money. Great hopes are built upon it. Matters must be discussed from a position of great hopes.

The last issue which we must talk about briefly is the developments in Palestine. As for the developments in the region and the international situation, we will talk about them later, God willing.

Brothers and sisters, the developments in Palestine, including what is happening today in the West Bank and in Al-Quds is very important.

However, allow me to conclude the previous topic [gas and oil]. Tonight, we will not issue threats. Tonight, there will only be joy and applause.

I chose my words carefully tonight. I made sure the enemy could not exploit any word I said to their advantage. Just as we started, we want to finish. We want to eat grapes. We are not flexing our muscles or raising the ceiling or increasing the dose. We are calm. God willing, we will all be winners. 

Regarding Palestine, what is happening in the West Bank is very important and is, no doubt, shocking to the “Israeli” entity and all the political forces in the entity because they believe the West Bank had been domesticated in the past decades.

They believed that the West Bank entered a period of stagnation and that due to the political, security, economic, and social difficulties that surround it, the West Bank will never be able to stand on its feet and fight.

However, there is a real popular resistance and a real popular uprising in the West Bank today. The people there are resisting with weapons, bullets, and bombs!

This is an important development that took place in the past few days. An operation used to take place in the West Bank, every two or three weeks or every month.

However, nowadays, there is an operation every day; there are two and three operations every day. Where is the “Israeli” army’s focus now?

In the West Bank. The courage and creativity of the fighters, Mujahideen, and resistance fighters in the West Bank are unparalleled.

They are not only brave and courageous, but they are also creative, in the way they fight and confront.

All this is shown on TV, for the most part. There are daily operations; martyrs fall every day; detainees are arrested every day; there are raids on homes, cities, villages, and camps, yet the operations are escalating, and the will is becoming more emboldened.

What is important here is the effects of these operations and uprising on the enemy’s entity, its society, and its army. 

Of course, many in Lebanon do not follow what the “Israelis” say regarding this issue because we are preoccupied with ourselves, but it has very important and great effects.

The resistance work here is cumulative. The messages the West Bank and Al-Quds are sending are as strong as the messages of Gaza.

Today, the resistance in the West Bank needs solidarity, including media, political, popular, and moral solidarity.

If a person has money, he must support it financially. Political, media, and popular solidarity is very important, especially amid normalization [agreements].

The resistance in the West Bank and Al-Quds need solidarity, care, support, and protection. God willing, it has the ability to change the equations and pin a lot of hopes on them.

I must congratulate the brothers in the Islamic Jihad Movement in Palestine, the leadership, the Mujahideen, the supporters, the bases, and especially dear brother and Secretary General Hajj Ziyad al-Nakhalah, on the anniversary of the founding of this jihadi movement.

This movement had a great contribution to the Al-Quds Sword [Battle], which was at the forefront of the confrontation in the battle for the unity of the squares.

We congratulate them for their founding, which is an essential part of the resistance movements in Palestine and on which hopes are pinned on.

I must also commend the position of the brothers in the Hamas leadership and the recent statement it issued, calling for strengthening relations with Syria.

We believe that this decision made by the leadership of the Hamas movement, headed by the head of the political bureau, dear brother Mr. Ismail Haniyeh, and his brothers in the leadership is a brave, wise, correct, and sound decision.

This is because the Palestinian people, the Palestinian resistance, the region, and the axis of resistance are in dire need of regrouping, reuniting, and taking the right positions.

Of course, some of our friends, allies, and loved ones may have remarks; they may have emotional reasons or political reasons.

In any case, this decision was not easy for the leadership of Hamas, and it is also not an easy decision for the Syrian leadership.

But I tell you, the real decision, God willing, is to be resolute in regrouping the axis of resistance, with its governments, states, armies, movements, and factions.

We are definitely moving in this direction, and the fate of the people in the region is linked to this. We do not know what the global and international repercussions of the Russian, Ukrainian, Western European, American conflict will lead to.

In the end, everyone has his own assessment and estimates regarding the situation. In light of this international and the regional situation, the main element of power that protects our peoples, states, homelands, borders, and causes is when this axis is cohesive, in solidarity, and is mutually supportive.

Yes, we can always be in the era of victories and in the time when the era of defeats is over. Therefore, this is a step that we support, help, defend, and give our blessing, and we believe that it is a very important step on this path.

Dear brothers and sisters, on this good and fragrant occasion, we wish for our peoples, our region, our countries, and our governments all the best.

We hope that the coalition forces attacking Yemen will heed the call dear leader Sayyed Abdul Malik al-Houthi made in the past few days and on the Prophet’s birthday.

These forces must know that this people, this army, and this popular resistance abolished the belief that ‘we can enter and seize Sana’a in two weeks.’ This matter is over. 

These military parades and massive crowds send a clear message.

We wish the Yemeni, Palestinian, Syrian, Iraqi, Iranian, and Bahraini people, as well as all the peoples in our region and in the Arab and Islamic world all the best.

Of course, [all the best to] the Lebanese people, who are called to act responsibly and patriotically, with high spirit and sincerity, and away from any personal, partisan, factional, and sectarian calculations. 

They must benefit from the experience so that everyone discovers that we have the strength, if we work together, to achieve victory after another, God willing.

Many happy returns, and may God's peace, mercy, and blessings be upon you.


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