Sayyed Nasrallah: Resistance has Presented a Strategy in Two Domains: Liberation and Defense

Source: Translated by, 26-05-2008
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah the Sustainer and Cherisher of the Worlds. Peace and Prayers be upon Mohammad, The Seal of Prophets, and on his family and elected followers, and upon all the messengers and prophets. May Allah's peace and mercy be upon you all.
To begin, we salute the pure souls of the martyrs, the martyrs of the resistance and the martyrs of the nation, all the nation, the leader of the martyrs of the Islamic Resistance our leader Sayyed Abbas Moussawi, the sheikh of our martyrs of the Islamic Resistance Sheikh Ragheb Harb, and the soul of our beloved brother whom we miss among us today our martyr leader Hajj Imad Moghnieh...and to all martyrs.
I welcome you all in the eighth anniversary of the Resistance and Liberation ceremony. Here you are filling the fields to prove once more your identity and truth, the fact that you are the most honorable people, the most generous people, the purest people.
The Lord Almighty said in His glorious book (the Quraan):
((Truly Pharaoh elated himself if the land and broke up is people into sections, depressing small group among them: their sons he slew but he kept alive their females for he was indeed a maker of mischief)). Among today's pharaohs is America and its tool ‘Israel', and in corresponding to that is Allah's promise for ever and ever to the end of time, ((And We wished to be Gracious to those who were being depressed in the land, to make them leaders (in Faith) and make them heirs, To establish a firm place for them in the land, and to show Pharaoh, Haman, and their hosts, at their hands, the very things against which they were taking precautions)).
Dear brothers and sisters, our eighth anniversary, the anniversary of the liberation and the victory of the resistance, the people, and the nation... coincides with the 60th anniversary of usurping Palestine and the establishment of the oppressive entity. It also coincides with the 30th anniversary of the 1978 ‘Israeli' invasion to south Lebanon and the setup of the occupied zone which was later expanded. Hence this is a time to contemplate and draw lessons whether in Lebanon or in the Arab and Islamic worlds.
I will skip all introductions, despite the fact that the occasion bears (significant) thought, emotions, and moral and literary rights. I will skip all introductions for we have much to talk about today.
I will start with Lebanon. Regarding the resistance, the resistance has set an example and offered a strategy in two fields, not one: the strategy of liberation and resistance, and the strategy of defending the people and the nation against invasions and threats. So there is an example of two strategies and views for liberation and defense. This is our message today to Lebanon and the Arab and Islamic worlds; it's a joint message by the resistance in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq to the whole nation. When ‘Israel' invaded south Lebanon in 1978, UNSC resolution 425 was issued, we waited for its implementation and we bargained on the international community. In Lebanon, there were suggestions that a united Arab strategy be formed to confront the aggression with the pretext that Lebanon couldn't confront ‘Israel' on its own. None of this happened... the international community didn't move a finger to implement the resolution nor did Arab governments budge to place a defense strategy since the official community had abandoned the choice of confrontation.
The bargain wasn't placed here alone since Imam Mussa Sadr here in Lebanon had established the choice of resistance with the help of southerners and Lebanese and, of course, trust in Almighty Allah and with the employment of available self-resources.
What was the result of wrong bargains? ‘Israel' thought Lebanon was weak and incapable of confrontation... and the result was the invasion in 1982, [which was undertaken] in an attempt to annex Lebanon to ‘Israel' for good and to revive a new Arab Nakbah (Catastrophe).
Facing this ‘Israeli' invasion the Lebanese were divided as is the case with all nations in the world in history. We Lebanese are no exception in this matter. Throughout history in every country which was invaded by an occupier, the people of that nation would be divided into several groups. This was the case in Lebanon in 1982 and so was the case in Palestine and still is relatively. This is the case in Iraq. This is the case in past and future history.
Facing the occupation requirement and on how to deal with it people split into numerous groups: a neutral group that stand on the sidelines in the beginning and waits, a second unconcerned group that is not concerned by what happens as long as it eats, drinks, and goes on outings on the weekend and isn't concerned in whose hands authority and sovereignty is nor what state the country is in, a third group of cheap collaborators and tools such as Anthony Lahd army who are cheap mercenaries and Lebanese at the same time, a fourth group that had intersecting interests with the ‘Israelis' and collaborates with them, a fifth previously defeated group that was looking forward to cooperate with the occupation on any level in the framework of cutting national losses and is usually composed of elites, a sixth group that, politically and through the media, rejects occupation but is not ready to pay the price or give blood, and a seventh group that believes that its humanitarian, national, religious and moral obligation is to take up arms and liberate the country regardless of the price; this is the group of the resistance that believes in resistance and resists in practice.
This division is a natural historic social division and is not limited to Lebanon and is the result of losing national consensus on any issue. Some say that there was no consensus on the resistance in 1982 or that there is no national consensus on the resistance in Palestine or in Iraq, but there is also no national consensus on collaboration or carelessness. Therefore no decision bears national consensus, and each group makes up its mind and moves on forward. This is what happened in Lebanon. And I call upon any occupied nation as I have in the past that the resistance doesn't wait for consensus. It rather takes up arms and moves on to the duty of liberation, the liberation of land, people and regain dignity and glory with arms, blood, and heavy sacrifices.
The resistance was a part of the Lebanese people and was not all the people of which are various parties and religious sects ... and there were martyrs among all Lebanese sects and parties both Islamic and patriotic. The resistance depended upon its willpower, jihad, operational actions, and the efforts of its youth. It was the obligation of the Arab and Islamic world to support it. Many sat back while thanked Syria and the Islamic republic in Iran came forward along with acting powers form the Arab and Islamic world. The first victory began in 1984-1985.
The resistance pushed forward till the historic victory of 25 May 2000, an evident victory for Lebanon, the resistance, Arabs, and the nation... an evident complete defeat of ‘Israel' and the "greater ‘Israel'" project that would extend from the Nile to the Euphrates and was broken down in southern Lebanon and the west Bekaa...and a humiliating exit for the Zionists without any prizes, gains or guarantees. The resistance's liberation strategy was successful. But the negotiation strategies, from Madrid to elsewhere, brought nothing to Lebanon, not a single inch of soil. The wait-and-see strategy only led the enemy to increased strength and the country to more desperation. Hence in the year 2000 on days like this the liberation strategy depended by the resistance saw success.
In Palestine after the catastrophe of 1948, the Palestinians were waiting in vain for their Arab brothers to form a unified Arab strategy or for the international community to act. They would have become lost and forgotten were it not for the armed Palestinian resistance from the first bullet and the first operation, and because of which the world and the occupiers of Palestine woke up to the fact that there is a Palestinian people, land, and cause... that there was someone pleading for his rights taking up arms and granting blood regardless of the price.
Once more the Palestinian motto was launched noting that we will head to Al Quds (Jerusalem) by the millions. Even today, dear brothers and sisters, whatever Palestinian achievements made since the beginning of the resistance till this day is , in the first degree, because of the resistance, struggle and armed strife of the Palestinian people and all resistance factions....ending with a huge accomplishment and significant victory. In view of the changing world balance, blockaded Gaza which was cut from the world was capable of defeating the Zionist army and forcing it, for the second time after Lebanon, into a humiliating unconditional withdrawal from the Gaza sector with no strings attached, and without any gains.
Yet again, the resistance's liberation strategy won meanwhile negotiations were attempting to regain the land inch by inch whilst it was required to surrender for every inch what could not be surrendered. What this signifies is that up till now, in Lebanon and in Palestine, experience has it that as Arabs, as a nation, and as Muslims, our sole way out of the catastrophe and all its ideological, psychological, military, security, political, and social through resistance in its method, cultures, willpower, and execution.
Moving to Iraq, and in brief: In Iraq there exists an evident American occupation and American control of land and resources. The Americans in the past few years have played the game of occupation and democracy. And today the objectives behind that democracy are surfacing. How? Promptly after the American invasion the Iraqi people, like all the nations I mentioned earlier, were divided into two strong groups, into believers in the political process, and into believers in resistance, namely armed resistance. It is absolutely natural for us in the resistance to side with the resistance movement in Iraq from an ideological, political, practical, experimental standing point. And despite that the pro-political operation group took their time and reached a difficult, intricate, separating exam which is the position on the agreements and accords that America wants to impose on Iraq and its peoples, and impose upon the government and parliament to consent to them.
Here the true American objective behind the democracy game is uncovered. They came and opened the doors in front of all Islamic, patriotic, and national groups (to participate) knowing with whom they are friends and allies. So they opened the doors in front of everyone for a parliament to be elected and for it to elect a government, and therefore the whole world will refer to them as an elected government and parliament till the day comes when it (America) asks of this legalized government and legalized parliament to legalize the occupation, to sign an agreement granting the American sovereign control over Iraq making the security, political decision, oil, and Iraqi resources all in the hands of the Americans. Here the Americans are uncovered, and here the believers in the political process in Iraq, be they Shiite or Sunni Muslims, patriots or national, are faced with a difficult test. You (believers in the political process) say that you took part in the political process to decrease losses and as a means to deter the occupation. Today you are faced with a test. Will you hand over Iraq to the Americans for ever and ever? Or will you take the stance that is dictated by your religion, your Islam, your Arabism, your nationalism, your ethics, and your humanity?
Today in the name of all those that have convened here and in the names of all free people in the Arab and Islamic worlds, I call upon the Iraqi people to with all its political and religious leaders to take the glorious historic position that prevents Iraq from falling forever in the hands of the occupier. As is the case in Lebanon and in Palestine, the various resistance factions in Iraq was capable of inflicting defeat after defeat on the American army. Here Iraq is also called upon to resort to the liberation strategy of resistance that was adopted in Lebanon and Palestine. This strategy is the only way to return the strong rich injured Iraq to its people and nation.
Dear brothers and sisters, before I conclude my research on the resistance and move on to the internal Lebanese situation, I would like to tell you that we also have presented a example of a strategy of defense as was the case in the liberation strategy. The July-august 2006 war is the example. How was it possible for a public resistance.....? How was it possible, as judge Winnograd put it, for several thousands to withhold for weeks in the face of the strongest army in the Middle East? Hence we are not discussing a defensive strategy studied in books and universities, rather, of a defense strategy that was implemented and inflicted defeat on the aggressor and usurper in the confessions of its entire society.
This war in July changed many equations and weakened the possibilities of war in the region. Yes, dear brothers and sisters, your steadfastness in Lebanon, the blood of your martyrs, your nobleness and courage, your resistance which thwarted ‘Israel's' war and aggression on Lebanon...all weakened the possibilities of war in the region. The possibilities of an American war on Iran after the Lebanese sample was studied. The possibility of an American war on Syria is a very very far after the Lebanese war in Lebanon. As to an ‘Israeli' or American war on Lebanon or on a war by those who bet on the Americans and ‘Israeli' tools...In Lebanon we are the most dignified people when we fought in July war and will fight and will fight in any future confrontation.
In Palestine after the catastrophe of 1948, the Palestinians were waiting in vain for their Arab brothers to form a unified Arab strategy or for the international community to act. They would have become lost and forgotten were it not for the armed Palestinian resistance from the first bullet and the first operation, and because of which the world and the occupiers of Palestine woke up to the fact that there is a Palestinian people, land, and cause... that there was someone pleading for his rights taking up arms and granting blood regardless of the price. Once more the Palestinian motto was launched noting that we will head to Al Quds (Jerusalem) by the millions.
Even today, dear brothers and sisters, whatever Palestinian achievements made since the beginning of the resistance till this day is , in the first degree, because of the resistance, struggle and armed strife of the Palestinian people and all resistance factions....ending with a huge accomplishment and significant victory. In view of the changing world balance, blockaded Gaza which was cut from the world was capable of defeating the Zionist army and forcing it, for the second time after Lebanon, into a humiliating unconditional withdrawal from the Gaza sector with no strings attached, and without any gains.
Yet again, the resistance's liberation strategy won meanwhile negotiations were attempting to regain the land inch by inch whilst it was required to surrender for every inch what could not be surrendered. What this signifies is that up till now, in Lebanon and in Palestine, experience has it that as Arabs, as a nation, and as Muslims, our sole way out of the catastrophe and all its ideological, psychological, military, security, political, and social through resistance in its method, cultures, willpower, and execution.
Moving to Iraq, and in brief: In Iraq there exists an evident American occupation and American control of land and resources. The Americans in the past few years have played the game of occupation and democracy. And today the objectives behind that democracy are surfacing. How? Promptly after the American invasion the Iraqi people, like all the nations I mentioned earlier, were divided into two strong groups, into believers in the political process, and into believers in resistance, namely armed resistance.
It is absolutely natural for us in the resistance to side with the resistance movement in Iraq from an ideological, political, practical, experimental standing point. And despite that the pro-political operation group took their time and reached a difficult, intricate, separating exam which is the position on the agreements and accords that America wants to impose on Iraq and its peoples, and impose upon the government and parliament to consent to them.
Here the true American objective behind the democracy game is uncovered. They came and opened the doors in front of all Islamic, patriotic, and national groups (to participate) knowing with whom they are friends and allies. So they opened the doors in front of everyone for a parliament to be elected and for it to elect a government, and therefore the whole world will refer to them as an elected government and parliament till the day comes when it (America) asks of this legalized government and legalized parliament to legalize the occupation, to sign an agreement granting the American sovereign control over Iraq making the security, political decision, oil, and Iraqi resources all in the hands of the Americans. Here the Americans are uncovered, and here the believers in the political process in Iraq, be they Shiite or Sunni Muslims, patriots or national, are faced with a difficult test.
You (believers in the political process) say that you took part in the political process to decrease losses and as a means to deter the occupation. Today you are faced with a test. Will you hand over Iraq to the Americans for ever and ever? Or will you take the stance that is dictated by your religion, your Islam, your Arabism, your nationalism, your ethics, and your humanity?
Today in the name of all those that have convened here and in the names of all free people in the Arab and Islamic worlds, I call upon the Iraqi people to with all its political and religious leaders to take the glorious historic position that prevents Iraq from falling forever in the hands of the occupier. As is the case in Lebanon and in Palestine, the various resistance factions in Iraq was capable of inflicting defeat after defeat on the American army. Here Iraq is also called upon to resort to the liberation strategy of resistance that was adopted in Lebanon and Palestine. This strategy is the only way to return the strong rich injured Iraq to its people and nation.
Dear brothers and sisters, before I conclude my research on the resistance and move on to the internal Lebanese situation, I would like to tell you that we also have presented a example of a strategy of defense as was the case in the liberation strategy. The July-august 2006 war is the example. How was it possible for a public resistance.....? How was it possible, as judge Winnograd put it, for several thousands to withhold for weeks in the face of the strongest army in the Middle East? Hence we are not discussing a defensive strategy studied in books and universities, rather, of a defense strategy that was implemented and inflicted defeat on the aggressor and usurper in the confessions of its entire society.
This war in July changed many equations and weakened the possibilities of war in the region. Yes, dear brothers and sisters, your steadfastness in Lebanon, the blood of your martyrs, your nobleness and courage, your resistance which thwarted ‘Israel's' war and aggression on Lebanon...all weakened the possibilities of war in the region. The possibilities of an American war on Iran after the Lebanese sample was studied. The possibility of an American war on Syria is a very very far after the Lebanese war in Lebanon. As to an ‘Israeli' or American war on Lebanon or on a war by those who bet on the Americans and ‘Israeli' tools...In Lebanon we are the most dignified people when we fought in June war and will fight and will fight in any future confrontation.
Following the July war, we can see that the same defense strategy of the resistance is being employed in Gaza Strip. 'Israel' is battling in Gaza Strip a guerilla war, the way Gaza wishes it to be. 'Israel' will not invade Gaza because of its good behavior or because of its fear of an Arab public opinion or a certain Arab or international stance, knowing that it has carte blanche from the present Pharaoh, George Bush. However, it is calculating each move in Following the July war, we can see that the same defense strategy of the resistance is being employed in Gaza Strip. 'Israel' is battling in Gaza Strip a guerilla war, the way Gaza wishes it to be. 'Israel' will not invade Gaza because of its good behavior or because of its fear of an Arab public opinion or a certain Arab or international stance, knowing that it has carte blanche from the present Pharaoh, George Bush. However, it is calculating each move in Gaza Strip, a city with proud nation and brave fighters from all the resistance brigades.
This besieged, hungered, and victimized strip is rendering 'Israel' incapable and confused regarding options and methods. The defense strategy is succeeding in both Lebanon and Gaza despite the asymmetry of forces and the armament, economic and financial capacities as well as the lack of the international support.
When the present pharaoh or George Bush, who will leave office God wiling, arrived to Palestine, and while ignoring the disaster of its nation and offering his total support to 'Israel', he wreaked his wrath upon the resistance movements in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq as well as the countries that side by and support the resistance. He also promised the 'Israelis' that 'Israel' will celebrate this sixtieth anniversary again after one hundred and twenty years. Bush is mistaken and will be disappointed. This very 'Israel' will cease to exist in the future. Bush also promised the world that the defeat will strike Hizbullah and the resistance movements. I promise Bush and Condoleezza Rice, who spoke about the loss of Hizbullah, that as long as Hizbullah stands by righteousness and depends on Allah and the noblest people like your selves, I tell them you are the defeated ones.
On the eighth anniversary of the resistance and liberation, I ask the Arab nations and governments coupled with the Lebanese government to seriously mull the strategy of liberation and the strategy of defense in shade of the present symmetries in the region. In Lebanon, as always, there is continual utterance about designing a national defense strategy.
However, I must also say that we need a strategy for the liberation of Shibaa Farms and Kafarshoub Hills, a defense strategy against aggression. We also require a plan to liberate the Shibaa Farms and Kafarshoub Hills as well as free the prisoners even though we say, "free your selves from the plan of freeing the prisoners" because freeing the prisoners is our promise and vow, freeing the prisoners is an achievement of the almighty through our hands-and shortly Samir and his brothers will be amongst you in Lebanon.
On May 25, 2000, the crowds gathered in Bint Jubeil, where I served and addressed them on their behalf. I had the honor to announce their victory, sacrifices, and feeling proud of the blood of their martyrs. I also gifted their victory to all Lebanon, all Palestine and the nation in its entirety.
When I took the rostrum in Bint Jubeil, I said that we did our duty and it would be satisfactory for us to see God pleased with us because we fulfilled our duty. We sought no thanks, prizes or gifts from anyone. I also said that we sought no power and that the land that was liberated by the blood of the resisting martyrs in their entirety belonged to the Lebanese state and Lebanese authority. Therefore, it had to be fully responsible on the fields of security, justice, community and economy. We did not want to be responsible for security or administration. When we said it, didn't our words turn into deeds?
They did. We did not try any traitor and we handed over all collaborators to the Lebanese justice. No military appearance of ours has ever surfaced along the borderline that was liberated through blood. Instead, we said to the state, proceed and be responsible.
We asked the state to give attention to two issues: give developmental attention to the areas that lived the battles in the south and to the areas which struggled and offered martyrs in the deprived south, when I also mentioned Baalbeck by its name as well as Hirmil and Akkar. What did those, who sought the state's authority to be stretched, achieve after eight years? Who prevented you from going to the borderline and the deprived areas in order to fulfill your duty as a state? The Lebanese know it. Let our Arab brothers also know that there are many areas in Lebanon which know nothing of the Lebanese authority but the police and tax collectors, and they are deprived of development, services and care.
I also said, when I was asked and answered, that my brothers and I did not seek any change to the political structure of the system and we did not demand any change to the Taif accord. We did not seek share of power or share of offices. We did not want anything at all. This is what happened. One must know that when they teach us about the French, Vietnamese, and Indian resistance, they tell us that the resistance disarmed after the liberation was achieved. I say to them that throughout history all the resistances that emerged victorious seized power or demanded power after their victory was achieved. On the contrary, we never sought power in the first place. We said to them that this power belongs to you but do not monopolize it and be fair, give attention to the people, solve their social and economic problems, and maintain the dignities of the people. We never sought partnership of power after the victory of 2000. Who can say otherwise?
Today, I repeat, speaking on Hizbullah in precise. We do not seek any power in Lebanon. We do not want to seize power or control Lebanon. We do not want to impose our ideology or agenda on the Lebanese nation because we believe that Lebanon is one of its kind, multiple and diversified. This country cannot rise but through the participation, cooperation, concord and unity of all. We always demanded these issues. Many tried, through their media, to twist this truth. They think that when they say that Hizbullah follows the supreme authority-the just authority, the jurisprudent authority, the wise authority, the brave authority, the honest authority, and the loyal authority- I reply and say to them that the supreme authority recognizes us as its party. Lebanon is a diversified country and you must preserve it.
Gaza Strip, a city with proud nation and brave fighters from all the resistance brigades.
This besieged, hungered, and victimized strip is rendering 'Israel' incapable and confused regarding options and methods. The defense strategy is succeeding in both Lebanon and Gaza despite the asymmetry of forces and the armament, economic and financial capacities as well as the lack of the international support.
When the present pharaoh or George Bush, who will leave office God wiling, arrived to Palestine, and while ignoring the disaster of its nation and offering his total support to 'Israel', he wreaked his wrath upon the resistance movements in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq as well as the countries that side by and support the resistance. He also promised the 'Israelis' that 'Israel' will celebrate this sixtieth anniversary again after one hundred and twenty years. Bush is mistaken and will be disappointed. This very 'Israel' will cease to exist in the future. Bush also promised the world that the defeat will strike Hizbullah and the resistance movements. I promise Bush and Condoleezza Rice, who spoke about the loss of Hizbullah, that as long as Hizbullah stands by righteousness and depends on Allah and the noblest people like your selves, I tell them you are the defeated ones.
On the eighth anniversary of the resistance and liberation, I ask the Arab nations and governments coupled with the Lebanese government to seriously mull the strategy of liberation and the strategy of defense in shade of the present symmetries in the region. In Lebanon, as always, there is continual utterance about designing a national defense strategy.
However, I must also say that we need a strategy for the liberation of Shibaa Farms and Kafarshoub Hills, a defense strategy against aggression. We also require a plan to liberate the Shibaa Farms and Kafarshoub Hills as well as free the prisoners even though we say, "free your selves from the plan of freeing the prisoners" because freeing the prisoners is our promise and vow, freeing the prisoners is an achievement of the almighty through our hands-and shortly Samir and his brothers will be amongst you in Lebanon.
On May 25, 2000, the crowds gathered in Bint Jubeil, where I served and addressed them on their behalf. I had the honor to announce their victory, sacrifices, and feeling proud of the blood of their martyrs. I also gifted their victory to all Lebanon, all Palestine and the nation in its entirety.
When I took the rostrum in Bint Jubeil, I said that we did our duty and it would be satisfactory for us to see God pleased with us because we fulfilled our duty. We sought no thanks, prizes or gifts from anyone. I also said that we sought no power and that the land that was liberated by the blood of the resisting martyrs in their entirety belonged to the Lebanese state and Lebanese authority. Therefore, it had to be fully responsible on the fields of security, justice, community and economy. We did not want to be responsible for security or administration. When we said it, didn't our words turn into deeds? They did. We did not try any traitor and we handed over all collaborators to the Lebanese justice. No military appearance of ours has ever surfaced along the borderline that was liberated through blood. Instead, we said to the state, proceed and be responsible.
We asked the state to give attention to two issues: give developmental attention to the areas that lived the battles in the south and to the areas which struggled and offered martyrs in the deprived south, when I also mentioned Baalbeck by its name as well as Hirmil and Akkar. What did those, who sought the state's authority to be stretched, achieve after eight years? Who prevented you from going to the borderline and the deprived areas in order to fulfill your duty as a state? The Lebanese know it. Let our Arab brothers also know that there are many areas in Lebanon which know nothing of the Lebanese authority but the police and tax collectors, and they are deprived of development, services and care.
I also said, when I was asked and answered, that my brothers and I did not seek any change to the political structure of the system and we did not demand any change to the Taif accord. We did not seek share of power or share of offices. We did not want anything at all. This is what happened. One must know that when they teach us about the French, Vietnamese, and Indian resistance, they tell us that the resistance disarmed after the liberation was achieved. I say to them that throughout history all the resistances that emerged victorious seized power or demanded power after their victory was achieved. On the contrary, we never sought power in the first place. We said to them that this power belongs to you but do not monopolize it and be fair, give attention to the people, solve their social and economic problems, and maintain the dignities of the people. We never sought partnership of power after the victory of 2000. Who can say otherwise?
Today, I repeat, speaking on Hizbullah in precise. We do not seek any power in Lebanon. We do not want to seize power or control Lebanon. We do not want to impose our ideology or agenda on the Lebanese nation because we believe that Lebanon is one of its kind, multiple and diversified. This country cannot rise but through the participation, cooperation, concord and unity of all. We always demanded these issues. Many tried, through their media, to twist this truth. They think that when they say that Hizbullah follows the supreme authority-the just authority, the jurisprudent authority, the wise authority, the brave authority, the honest authority, and the loyal authority- I reply and say to them that the supreme authority recognizes us as its party. Lebanon is a diversified country and you must preserve it.
Much was said in recent events, that the this or that side wanted to control Lebanon... they spoke of a coup and a change of power to bring Lebanon under Syrian guardianship, just like what happened in the July 2006 war the U.S. adopted, and described as 'Lebanon witnessing the birth pangs of a new Middle East'. Back then they claimed, as they do today, that the resistance was fighting for the Iranian nuclear program and the International Tribunal.
When the "government" revoked its two black decisions the opposition proved in Doha that it does not want to monopolize power and did not raise the ceiling of demands. We did not employ what happened recently in politics and we did not ask for political gains. The opposition kept to the political demands it had upheld prior to the recent events without changes.
Yes... after the events that took place in Lebanon, the cadres of the opposition have the right to ask for lifting the political demands ceiling, because changes had taken place. Yet, we did not alter an iota of our demands nor raise the ceiling, because we want to rescue Lebanon from what is more dangerous; from army-resistance inter-fighting, from sectarian sedition, from the hot summer promised by the tyrant 'Pharaoh, Haman' David Welch and his bosses. We did not at all employ what happened politically, nor did we demand for any political gains, despite what we incurred of unjust accusations, distortion and vicious abuse by many people. Yet, I will not delve into this topic today ..
Is this experience not enough as an argument to settle the ongoing debate in Lebanon that accuses us of dreams of domination and hegemony?
In the past in Bint Jbeil and again here today in the proud southern suburb, I renew my call for true partnership, where none is discounted or omitted, where no one is imposed over anyone else, to provide the Lebanese with the opportunity to build a true and fair state, governed by representatives who are elected faithfully in integrity, through sincere and solid alliances, to allow the Lebanese people the opportunity to work together away from outside interference..
A few days ago, the Saudi Council of Ministers asked for constitutional amendments that ensured Lebanon's Arab identity. I personally agree, yes, I, who believes in 'Welayit-el-faqih' (the rule of religious jurisprudent), agree to perform constitutional amendments to ensure the Arab identity of Lebanon, to prevent anyone from intervening in Lebanon. It was better to them to talk about the western and American intervention in Lebanon. As for our friends, the world knows that they do not impose their decisions on us. We, in the opposition, whether here on the ground, in Doha or anywhere, are the decision-makers.
Regarding the recent events, I have already explained some aspects, and repercussions of the events during last Thursday's press conference, but today I am faced with two choices: either I explain, clarify and give detailed account of what happened in the period leading up to the two decisions being taken, through to taking them, their meaning, and the risks involved, and I know that this will lead to a resurgence of tensions on the Lebanese arena at the time I do not want to sour the joy of the Lebanese reconciliation and their joy of electing a new president to Lebanon, or postpone all this debate, thus leaving certain matters outstanding in the minds of some, vague for others and unfair to us.
I, for now, prefer to postpone this debate and suffer the unjust accusations against the resistance for the sake of reunification.
Faced with the recent events some points need to be addressed.
Both, them and us, are deeply wounded, therefore they and we are also faced with two options: either deepen the wounds by dwelling on them, or work on the bandaging and treatment of these wounds for the sake of Lebanon and the people of Lebanon; we support the latter.
Such course needs words and deeds, for which we are ready.
What is important is to draw lessons from what happened, and with such lessons I am not to be misinterpreted as speaking from the logic of a 'victor'.
Hence, let us deal with opening the wounds at a later time when everyone concerned is calm and at more ease, when logic and reason can help mend the wounds, when we launch a new phase in Lebanon, the post-May 25, 2008 phase, that is after the national, Arab and international merriment that was witnessed yesterday in our Lebanese Parliament.
Dear brothers and sisters, faced with these developments I must put forward the following points:
First: On your behalf, I wish to thank our fellow Arabs, the Arab Ministerial Committee, the Arab League Secretary-General, special thanks to the leadership and the people of the State of Qatar, and all the sister nations and friendly countries, particularly Syria and the Islamic Republic in Iran, as well as all Lebanon's friends, all who helped achieve this agreement.
Second: On the question of disarmament, again today I stress the item contained in the Doha agreement not to use arms to achieve any political gains by any of the parties. We strongly support this sentence and we will discuss that at the dialogue table, but now hear me out: the resistance weapon is for confronting the enemy, to liberate the land and the prisoners and to defend Lebanon, and not to be used for any political gains, but as for the other weapons, what were they for? Who was accumulating them? For whom were they being prepared and trained on?
And here is a question: the state's weapon means that of the national army and the security forces. It is to defend the homeland, protect the citizens and the protection of their various rights, to protect the State and establish security.
The resistance weapon should not be used to achieve gains internally, but also the state's weapon should not be used to settle accounts with any opposition political group.
The weapon of the state should not be used either for the implementation of external projects that weaken Lebanon's ability in the face of "Israel", nor against the resistance and its weapon.
Every weapon has to continue to serve the objectives for which it was employed, whether the weapon of the resistance or that of the state.
Third: regarding the election law. There is no doubt that the law we reached thus far is better than previous laws, particularly the 'year 2000 law'. This law came at the cost of the opposition's partisan and confessional share of the allocated seats in Parliament, especially at the expense of Hizbullah and Amal movement, but we agreed to it because it ensures true representation that is approved by the other side.
This law is derived from a settlement between parties who want to pluck Lebanon out of its
crisis... I hope the time comes when the Lebanese are able to sit calmly to discuss a civilized and modern law that acts as a foundation for the establishment of the state.
The true intentions of all those who say they want to build a state, are revealed when talking about the election law. The election law is the key to building the state, installing power, government, authority and the institutions. Anyone trying to fit an election law to their size, or to that of their leadership, their party or confession, proves they do not want to build a state. It is not enough to accuse others of not wanting to build a state, he who refuses to give the Lebanese a law that truly represents them, does not want a state but rather wants a farm. In any case, this is the possible settlement now.
Fourth: Electing Gen. Michel Suleiman as President of the Republic renews hope among the Lebanese for a new era and a new beginning. The inauguration speech we heard yesterday reflects the harmonious spirit that His Excellency promised to act through in the coming stage, which is what Lebanon needs of harmony, partnership and cooperation, and away from monopolization.
Fifth: A Government of National Unity through a genuine partnership between the opposition and the loyalists, is not a victory for the opposition against the loyalists, but a victory for all of Lebanon and every Lebanese, a victory for co-existence and the state, because this country can not be established, built, sustained and remain firm but through cooperation, agreement and collaboration.
When I addressed your sit-in protest in both martyrs and Riyadh al-Solh squares and said: 'As I promise you victory always, I promise you victory again', I did not mean the victory of one group against another, nor a side against another, nor opposition against loyalists. As I believe, that victory in Lebanon cannot be achieved but through the government of National Unity. When agreement on forming a national unity government was reached in Doha, the victory was for Lebanon, just as May 25th, 2000 was not a victory for one category or political group, and again just as Lebanon was the victor in July 2006, Lebanon is the victor in Doha today.
We will contribute with all sincerity and seriousness in the formation of this government to start its work. I have previously promised the presence of spectrums of the opposition, not limited only to the opposition's representation through Hizbullah, Amal movment and the Reform and Change bloc, but to allow the opportunity for other forces of the opposition, even if from Hizbullah's share, because, unfortunately, the structure and composition of Lebanon is one of quotas and shares.
We will work in earnest for the best possible representation of the opposition in the government of national unity. Also, I hope that the government is serious and works on addressing the many problems facing the Lebanese, rather than wasting a lot of the Lebanese people's time, or just kill time; a government that is serious about assuming responsibility.
Sixth: Since we are talking about the future government and the next stage, I, in all sincerity, particularly invite the movement and those who love the martyr PM Rafik Hariri, to take advantage of this great man's considerable experience, to benefit from the horizons of his strategic thinking on Lebanon, whom with a great mind and a great heart was able to harmonise between the development and reconstruction project of the State and that of the Resistance.
Some wanted to force the government and the resistance to take one of two choices: either a 'Hong Kong' type Lebanon or one like 'Hanoi', i.e. either a devastated country or a prosperous one, one that is subject to 'Israel's' whims.
The resistance with martyr PM Rafik Hariri's mind, was able to say 'we do not imitate anyone, neither Hong Kong nor Hanoi, nor follow any model'..
We the Lebanese make the model. We can offer the world a country where development, economy, the state, companies, investments and productive sectors, can coexist alongside the resistance that does not exercise the task of the state, nor competes against its authority, but shares the burden of the responsibility in liberating the land and defending the homeland.
This is the formula we and Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri coexisted under and shared, and he who is faithful to the legacy of this great martyr has to carry on with this work. This is not an invitation to bilateral, trilateral or quad alliance, which has become a thing of the past. We now call for the participation of the broadest possible spectrum of people, to stay away from any monopolization of authority, in the state or in its institutions.
I strongly hope and pray to God that the Lebanese may have a calm gentle summer. I invite all to cooperate as there are two dreams, one Lebanese and one American; the Lebanese dream speaks of a tranquil and calm summer, on the other hand the American dream speaks of a "hot summer". Hence, let us realize our dreams and not those of our enemies. I promise you along with all the Lebanese and all our loved ones in both the Arab and Islamic worlds, to make every effort to overcome all hatred, to put aside all the sensitivities and join hands in cooperation and build Lebanon.
Thanks to the leaderships of the Islamic Sunnis in Lebanon, the Arab and Islamic worlds, to the religious, political and intellectual leaderships, because the courageous stands they took disrupted the American project which always tries to portray any political conflict anywhere as a sectarian conflict..
Thanks to the nationalist Druze leaders of the sons of Ma'arouf (Bani-Ma'arouf), from the resistance Mountain, for their courageous and nationalistic stands, whether clergy, elders, political leaders, media figures or forces and political parties because through their voices and courage, they prevented anyone in the world from portraying that what is happening here is a Shiite - Druze sedition.
Thanks to all to the Nationalistic Christian leaders in Lebanon, who confirmed through their position that the conflict is political and far removed from sectarianism... and compassion and mercy for all the martyrs.
To mention the martyrs, 14 of us passed away as martyrs, whom we are proud of, and are honored by, through whom our heads are held high, and two martyrs from the Lebanese 'Saraya' (the Lebanese Brigades for Resisting Occupation), in addition to martyrs from Amal movement, the Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party and the Lebanese Democratic Party.
These martyrs were from all confessions, Muslims and Christians, Sunnis, Shiites and Druze... therefore suspicions cannot remain over the non-sectarian nature of this conflict.
We are proud of these martyrs, just as we regret and feel pain for all the victims from the other side who passed away during these events. The families of those martyred can find consolation in that their sons' blood brought Lebanon out of a long dark tunnel... If it was not for their blood and sacrifices, some foreign forces wanted to take Lebanon to a place where no opportunity exists for it to stand and rise.
We owe it to those martyrs who placed Lebanon before a new summer and a new life.
On your Resistance and Liberation Day, we give our beloved Beirut, the dear Mountain, the steadfast Bekaa, North and South Lebanon, to each village, party and sect in Lebanon, to every group and confession of Lebanon, and to you all our affection, gratitude, respect and open hand, always ready for cooperation in building a strong, dignified, just and a resilient Lebanon, capable of steadfastness, proud as its mountains, eternal as its cedars...
Peace, mercy and God's blessings be upon you.
In the Name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah the Sustainer and Cherisher of the Worlds. Peace and Prayers be upon Mohammad, The Seal of Prophets, and on his family and elected followers, and upon all the messengers and prophets. May Allah's peace and mercy be upon you all.
To begin, we salute the pure souls of the martyrs, the martyrs of the resistance and the martyrs of the nation, all the nation, the leader of the martyrs of the Islamic Resistance our leader Sayyed Abbas Moussawi, the sheikh of our martyrs of the Islamic Resistance Sheikh Ragheb Harb, and the soul of our beloved brother whom we miss among us today our martyr leader Hajj Imad Moghnieh...and to all martyrs.
I welcome you all in the eighth anniversary of the Resistance and Liberation ceremony. Here you are filling the fields to prove once more your identity and truth, the fact that you are the most honorable people, the most generous people, the purest people.
The Lord Almighty said in His glorious book (the Quraan):
((Truly Pharaoh elated himself if the land and broke up is people into sections, depressing small group among them: their sons he slew but he kept alive their females for he was indeed a maker of mischief)). Among today's pharaohs is America and its tool ‘Israel', and in corresponding to that is Allah's promise for ever and ever to the end of time, ((And We wished to be Gracious to those who were being depressed in the land, to make them leaders (in Faith) and make them heirs, To establish a firm place for them in the land, and to show Pharaoh, Haman, and their hosts, at their hands, the very things against which they were taking precautions)).
Dear brothers and sisters, our eighth anniversary, the anniversary of the liberation and the victory of the resistance, the people, and the nation... coincides with the 60th anniversary of usurping Palestine and the establishment of the oppressive entity. It also coincides with the 30th anniversary of the 1978 ‘Israeli' invasion to south Lebanon and the setup of the occupied zone which was later expanded. Hence this is a time to contemplate and draw lessons whether in Lebanon or in the Arab and Islamic worlds.
I will skip all introductions, despite the fact that the occasion bears (significant) thought, emotions, and moral and literary rights. I will skip all introductions for we have much to talk about today.
I will start with Lebanon. Regarding the resistance, the resistance has set an example and offered a strategy in two fields, not one: the strategy of liberation and resistance, and the strategy of defending the people and the nation against invasions and threats. So there is an example of two strategies and views for liberation and defense. This is our message today to Lebanon and the Arab and Islamic worlds; it's a joint message by the resistance in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq to the whole nation. When ‘Israel' invaded south Lebanon in 1978, UNSC resolution 425 was issued, we waited for its implementation and we bargained on the international community. In Lebanon, there were suggestions that a united Arab strategy be formed to confront the aggression with the pretext that Lebanon couldn't confront ‘Israel' on its own. None of this happened... the international community didn't move a finger to implement the resolution nor did Arab governments budge to place a defense strategy since the official community had abandoned the choice of confrontation.
The bargain wasn't placed here alone since Imam Mussa Sadr here in Lebanon had established the choice of resistance with the help of southerners and Lebanese and, of course, trust in Almighty Allah and with the employment of available self-resources.
What was the result of wrong bargains? ‘Israel' thought Lebanon was weak and incapable of confrontation... and the result was the invasion in 1982, [which was undertaken] in an attempt to annex Lebanon to ‘Israel' for good and to revive a new Arab Nakbah (Catastrophe).
Facing this ‘Israeli' invasion the Lebanese were divided as is the case with all nations in the world in history. We Lebanese are no exception in this matter. Throughout history in every country which was invaded by an occupier, the people of that nation would be divided into several groups. This was the case in Lebanon in 1982 and so was the case in Palestine and still is relatively. This is the case in Iraq. This is the case in past and future history.
Facing the occupation requirement and on how to deal with it people split into numerous groups: a neutral group that stand on the sidelines in the beginning and waits, a second unconcerned group that is not concerned by what happens as long as it eats, drinks, and goes on outings on the weekend and isn't concerned in whose hands authority and sovereignty is nor what state the country is in, a third group of cheap collaborators and tools such as Anthony Lahd army who are cheap mercenaries and Lebanese at the same time, a fourth group that had intersecting interests with the ‘Israelis' and collaborates with them, a fifth previously defeated group that was looking forward to cooperate with the occupation on any level in the framework of cutting national losses and is usually composed of elites, a sixth group that, politically and through the media, rejects occupation but is not ready to pay the price or give blood, and a seventh group that believes that its humanitarian, national, religious and moral obligation is to take up arms and liberate the country regardless of the price; this is the group of the resistance that believes in resistance and resists in practice.
This division is a natural historic social division and is not limited to Lebanon and is the result of losing national consensus on any issue. Some say that there was no consensus on the resistance in 1982 or that there is no national consensus on the resistance in Palestine or in Iraq, but there is also no national consensus on collaboration or carelessness. Therefore no decision bears national consensus, and each group makes up its mind and moves on forward. This is what happened in Lebanon. And I call upon any occupied nation as I have in the past that the resistance doesn't wait for consensus. It rather takes up arms and moves on to the duty of liberation, the liberation of land, people and regain dignity and glory with arms, blood, and heavy sacrifices.
The resistance was a part of the Lebanese people and was not all the people of which are various parties and religious sects ... and there were martyrs among all Lebanese sects and parties both Islamic and patriotic. The resistance depended upon its willpower, jihad, operational actions, and the efforts of its youth. It was the obligation of the Arab and Islamic world to support it. Many sat back while thanked Syria and the Islamic republic in Iran came forward along with acting powers form the Arab and Islamic world. The first victory began in 1984-1985.
The resistance pushed forward till the historic victory of 25 May 2000, an evident victory for Lebanon, the resistance, Arabs, and the nation... an evident complete defeat of ‘Israel' and the "greater ‘Israel'" project that would extend from the Nile to the Euphrates and was broken down in southern Lebanon and the west Bekaa...and a humiliating exit for the Zionists without any prizes, gains or guarantees. The resistance's liberation strategy was successful. But the negotiation strategies, from Madrid to elsewhere, brought nothing to Lebanon, not a single inch of soil. The wait-and-see strategy only led the enemy to increased strength and the country to more desperation. Hence in the year 2000 on days like this the liberation strategy depended by the resistance saw success.
In Palestine after the catastrophe of 1948, the Palestinians were waiting in vain for their Arab brothers to form a unified Arab strategy or for the international community to act. They would have become lost and forgotten were it not for the armed Palestinian resistance from the first bullet and the first operation, and because of which the world and the occupiers of Palestine woke up to the fact that there is a Palestinian people, land, and cause... that there was someone pleading for his rights taking up arms and granting blood regardless of the price.
Once more the Palestinian motto was launched noting that we will head to Al Quds (Jerusalem) by the millions. Even today, dear brothers and sisters, whatever Palestinian achievements made since the beginning of the resistance till this day is , in the first degree, because of the resistance, struggle and armed strife of the Palestinian people and all resistance factions....ending with a huge accomplishment and significant victory. In view of the changing world balance, blockaded Gaza which was cut from the world was capable of defeating the Zionist army and forcing it, for the second time after Lebanon, into a humiliating unconditional withdrawal from the Gaza sector with no strings attached, and without any gains.
Yet again, the resistance's liberation strategy won meanwhile negotiations were attempting to regain the land inch by inch whilst it was required to surrender for every inch what could not be surrendered. What this signifies is that up till now, in Lebanon and in Palestine, experience has it that as Arabs, as a nation, and as Muslims, our sole way out of the catastrophe and all its ideological, psychological, military, security, political, and social through resistance in its method, cultures, willpower, and execution.
Moving to Iraq, and in brief: In Iraq there exists an evident American occupation and American control of land and resources. The Americans in the past few years have played the game of occupation and democracy. And today the objectives behind that democracy are surfacing. How? Promptly after the American invasion the Iraqi people, like all the nations I mentioned earlier, were divided into two strong groups, into believers in the political process, and into believers in resistance, namely armed resistance. It is absolutely natural for us in the resistance to side with the resistance movement in Iraq from an ideological, political, practical, experimental standing point. And despite that the pro-political operation group took their time and reached a difficult, intricate, separating exam which is the position on the agreements and accords that America wants to impose on Iraq and its peoples, and impose upon the government and parliament to consent to them.
Here the true American objective behind the democracy game is uncovered. They came and opened the doors in front of all Islamic, patriotic, and national groups (to participate) knowing with whom they are friends and allies. So they opened the doors in front of everyone for a parliament to be elected and for it to elect a government, and therefore the whole world will refer to them as an elected government and parliament till the day comes when it (America) asks of this legalized government and legalized parliament to legalize the occupation, to sign an agreement granting the American sovereign control over Iraq making the security, political decision, oil, and Iraqi resources all in the hands of the Americans. Here the Americans are uncovered, and here the believers in the political process in Iraq, be they Shiite or Sunni Muslims, patriots or national, are faced with a difficult test. You (believers in the political process) say that you took part in the political process to decrease losses and as a means to deter the occupation. Today you are faced with a test. Will you hand over Iraq to the Americans for ever and ever? Or will you take the stance that is dictated by your religion, your Islam, your Arabism, your nationalism, your ethics, and your humanity?
Today in the name of all those that have convened here and in the names of all free people in the Arab and Islamic worlds, I call upon the Iraqi people to with all its political and religious leaders to take the glorious historic position that prevents Iraq from falling forever in the hands of the occupier. As is the case in Lebanon and in Palestine, the various resistance factions in Iraq was capable of inflicting defeat after defeat on the American army. Here Iraq is also called upon to resort to the liberation strategy of resistance that was adopted in Lebanon and Palestine. This strategy is the only way to return the strong rich injured Iraq to its people and nation.
Dear brothers and sisters, before I conclude my research on the resistance and move on to the internal Lebanese situation, I would like to tell you that we also have presented a example of a strategy of defense as was the case in the liberation strategy. The July-august 2006 war is the example. How was it possible for a public resistance.....? How was it possible, as judge Winnograd put it, for several thousands to withhold for weeks in the face of the strongest army in the Middle East? Hence we are not discussing a defensive strategy studied in books and universities, rather, of a defense strategy that was implemented and inflicted defeat on the aggressor and usurper in the confessions of its entire society.
This war in July changed many equations and weakened the possibilities of war in the region. Yes, dear brothers and sisters, your steadfastness in Lebanon, the blood of your martyrs, your nobleness and courage, your resistance which thwarted ‘Israel's' war and aggression on Lebanon...all weakened the possibilities of war in the region. The possibilities of an American war on Iran after the Lebanese sample was studied. The possibility of an American war on Syria is a very very far after the Lebanese war in Lebanon. As to an ‘Israeli' or American war on Lebanon or on a war by those who bet on the Americans and ‘Israeli' tools...In Lebanon we are the most dignified people when we fought in July war and will fight and will fight in any future confrontation.
In Palestine after the catastrophe of 1948, the Palestinians were waiting in vain for their Arab brothers to form a unified Arab strategy or for the international community to act. They would have become lost and forgotten were it not for the armed Palestinian resistance from the first bullet and the first operation, and because of which the world and the occupiers of Palestine woke up to the fact that there is a Palestinian people, land, and cause... that there was someone pleading for his rights taking up arms and granting blood regardless of the price. Once more the Palestinian motto was launched noting that we will head to Al Quds (Jerusalem) by the millions.
Even today, dear brothers and sisters, whatever Palestinian achievements made since the beginning of the resistance till this day is , in the first degree, because of the resistance, struggle and armed strife of the Palestinian people and all resistance factions....ending with a huge accomplishment and significant victory. In view of the changing world balance, blockaded Gaza which was cut from the world was capable of defeating the Zionist army and forcing it, for the second time after Lebanon, into a humiliating unconditional withdrawal from the Gaza sector with no strings attached, and without any gains.
Yet again, the resistance's liberation strategy won meanwhile negotiations were attempting to regain the land inch by inch whilst it was required to surrender for every inch what could not be surrendered. What this signifies is that up till now, in Lebanon and in Palestine, experience has it that as Arabs, as a nation, and as Muslims, our sole way out of the catastrophe and all its ideological, psychological, military, security, political, and social through resistance in its method, cultures, willpower, and execution.
Moving to Iraq, and in brief: In Iraq there exists an evident American occupation and American control of land and resources. The Americans in the past few years have played the game of occupation and democracy. And today the objectives behind that democracy are surfacing. How? Promptly after the American invasion the Iraqi people, like all the nations I mentioned earlier, were divided into two strong groups, into believers in the political process, and into believers in resistance, namely armed resistance.
It is absolutely natural for us in the resistance to side with the resistance movement in Iraq from an ideological, political, practical, experimental standing point. And despite that the pro-political operation group took their time and reached a difficult, intricate, separating exam which is the position on the agreements and accords that America wants to impose on Iraq and its peoples, and impose upon the government and parliament to consent to them.
Here the true American objective behind the democracy game is uncovered. They came and opened the doors in front of all Islamic, patriotic, and national groups (to participate) knowing with whom they are friends and allies. So they opened the doors in front of everyone for a parliament to be elected and for it to elect a government, and therefore the whole world will refer to them as an elected government and parliament till the day comes when it (America) asks of this legalized government and legalized parliament to legalize the occupation, to sign an agreement granting the American sovereign control over Iraq making the security, political decision, oil, and Iraqi resources all in the hands of the Americans. Here the Americans are uncovered, and here the believers in the political process in Iraq, be they Shiite or Sunni Muslims, patriots or national, are faced with a difficult test.
You (believers in the political process) say that you took part in the political process to decrease losses and as a means to deter the occupation. Today you are faced with a test. Will you hand over Iraq to the Americans for ever and ever? Or will you take the stance that is dictated by your religion, your Islam, your Arabism, your nationalism, your ethics, and your humanity?
Today in the name of all those that have convened here and in the names of all free people in the Arab and Islamic worlds, I call upon the Iraqi people to with all its political and religious leaders to take the glorious historic position that prevents Iraq from falling forever in the hands of the occupier. As is the case in Lebanon and in Palestine, the various resistance factions in Iraq was capable of inflicting defeat after defeat on the American army. Here Iraq is also called upon to resort to the liberation strategy of resistance that was adopted in Lebanon and Palestine. This strategy is the only way to return the strong rich injured Iraq to its people and nation.
Dear brothers and sisters, before I conclude my research on the resistance and move on to the internal Lebanese situation, I would like to tell you that we also have presented a example of a strategy of defense as was the case in the liberation strategy. The July-august 2006 war is the example. How was it possible for a public resistance.....? How was it possible, as judge Winnograd put it, for several thousands to withhold for weeks in the face of the strongest army in the Middle East? Hence we are not discussing a defensive strategy studied in books and universities, rather, of a defense strategy that was implemented and inflicted defeat on the aggressor and usurper in the confessions of its entire society.
This war in July changed many equations and weakened the possibilities of war in the region. Yes, dear brothers and sisters, your steadfastness in Lebanon, the blood of your martyrs, your nobleness and courage, your resistance which thwarted ‘Israel's' war and aggression on Lebanon...all weakened the possibilities of war in the region. The possibilities of an American war on Iran after the Lebanese sample was studied. The possibility of an American war on Syria is a very very far after the Lebanese war in Lebanon. As to an ‘Israeli' or American war on Lebanon or on a war by those who bet on the Americans and ‘Israeli' tools...In Lebanon we are the most dignified people when we fought in June war and will fight and will fight in any future confrontation.
Following the July war, we can see that the same defense strategy of the resistance is being employed in Gaza Strip. 'Israel' is battling in Gaza Strip a guerilla war, the way Gaza wishes it to be. 'Israel' will not invade Gaza because of its good behavior or because of its fear of an Arab public opinion or a certain Arab or international stance, knowing that it has carte blanche from the present Pharaoh, George Bush. However, it is calculating each move in Following the July war, we can see that the same defense strategy of the resistance is being employed in Gaza Strip. 'Israel' is battling in Gaza Strip a guerilla war, the way Gaza wishes it to be. 'Israel' will not invade Gaza because of its good behavior or because of its fear of an Arab public opinion or a certain Arab or international stance, knowing that it has carte blanche from the present Pharaoh, George Bush. However, it is calculating each move in Gaza Strip, a city with proud nation and brave fighters from all the resistance brigades.
This besieged, hungered, and victimized strip is rendering 'Israel' incapable and confused regarding options and methods. The defense strategy is succeeding in both Lebanon and Gaza despite the asymmetry of forces and the armament, economic and financial capacities as well as the lack of the international support.
When the present pharaoh or George Bush, who will leave office God wiling, arrived to Palestine, and while ignoring the disaster of its nation and offering his total support to 'Israel', he wreaked his wrath upon the resistance movements in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq as well as the countries that side by and support the resistance. He also promised the 'Israelis' that 'Israel' will celebrate this sixtieth anniversary again after one hundred and twenty years. Bush is mistaken and will be disappointed. This very 'Israel' will cease to exist in the future. Bush also promised the world that the defeat will strike Hizbullah and the resistance movements. I promise Bush and Condoleezza Rice, who spoke about the loss of Hizbullah, that as long as Hizbullah stands by righteousness and depends on Allah and the noblest people like your selves, I tell them you are the defeated ones.
On the eighth anniversary of the resistance and liberation, I ask the Arab nations and governments coupled with the Lebanese government to seriously mull the strategy of liberation and the strategy of defense in shade of the present symmetries in the region. In Lebanon, as always, there is continual utterance about designing a national defense strategy.
However, I must also say that we need a strategy for the liberation of Shibaa Farms and Kafarshoub Hills, a defense strategy against aggression. We also require a plan to liberate the Shibaa Farms and Kafarshoub Hills as well as free the prisoners even though we say, "free your selves from the plan of freeing the prisoners" because freeing the prisoners is our promise and vow, freeing the prisoners is an achievement of the almighty through our hands-and shortly Samir and his brothers will be amongst you in Lebanon.
On May 25, 2000, the crowds gathered in Bint Jubeil, where I served and addressed them on their behalf. I had the honor to announce their victory, sacrifices, and feeling proud of the blood of their martyrs. I also gifted their victory to all Lebanon, all Palestine and the nation in its entirety.
When I took the rostrum in Bint Jubeil, I said that we did our duty and it would be satisfactory for us to see God pleased with us because we fulfilled our duty. We sought no thanks, prizes or gifts from anyone. I also said that we sought no power and that the land that was liberated by the blood of the resisting martyrs in their entirety belonged to the Lebanese state and Lebanese authority. Therefore, it had to be fully responsible on the fields of security, justice, community and economy. We did not want to be responsible for security or administration. When we said it, didn't our words turn into deeds?
They did. We did not try any traitor and we handed over all collaborators to the Lebanese justice. No military appearance of ours has ever surfaced along the borderline that was liberated through blood. Instead, we said to the state, proceed and be responsible.
We asked the state to give attention to two issues: give developmental attention to the areas that lived the battles in the south and to the areas which struggled and offered martyrs in the deprived south, when I also mentioned Baalbeck by its name as well as Hirmil and Akkar. What did those, who sought the state's authority to be stretched, achieve after eight years? Who prevented you from going to the borderline and the deprived areas in order to fulfill your duty as a state? The Lebanese know it. Let our Arab brothers also know that there are many areas in Lebanon which know nothing of the Lebanese authority but the police and tax collectors, and they are deprived of development, services and care.
I also said, when I was asked and answered, that my brothers and I did not seek any change to the political structure of the system and we did not demand any change to the Taif accord. We did not seek share of power or share of offices. We did not want anything at all. This is what happened. One must know that when they teach us about the French, Vietnamese, and Indian resistance, they tell us that the resistance disarmed after the liberation was achieved. I say to them that throughout history all the resistances that emerged victorious seized power or demanded power after their victory was achieved. On the contrary, we never sought power in the first place. We said to them that this power belongs to you but do not monopolize it and be fair, give attention to the people, solve their social and economic problems, and maintain the dignities of the people. We never sought partnership of power after the victory of 2000. Who can say otherwise?
Today, I repeat, speaking on Hizbullah in precise. We do not seek any power in Lebanon. We do not want to seize power or control Lebanon. We do not want to impose our ideology or agenda on the Lebanese nation because we believe that Lebanon is one of its kind, multiple and diversified. This country cannot rise but through the participation, cooperation, concord and unity of all. We always demanded these issues. Many tried, through their media, to twist this truth. They think that when they say that Hizbullah follows the supreme authority-the just authority, the jurisprudent authority, the wise authority, the brave authority, the honest authority, and the loyal authority- I reply and say to them that the supreme authority recognizes us as its party. Lebanon is a diversified country and you must preserve it.
Gaza Strip, a city with proud nation and brave fighters from all the resistance brigades.
This besieged, hungered, and victimized strip is rendering 'Israel' incapable and confused regarding options and methods. The defense strategy is succeeding in both Lebanon and Gaza despite the asymmetry of forces and the armament, economic and financial capacities as well as the lack of the international support.
When the present pharaoh or George Bush, who will leave office God wiling, arrived to Palestine, and while ignoring the disaster of its nation and offering his total support to 'Israel', he wreaked his wrath upon the resistance movements in Lebanon, Palestine and Iraq as well as the countries that side by and support the resistance. He also promised the 'Israelis' that 'Israel' will celebrate this sixtieth anniversary again after one hundred and twenty years. Bush is mistaken and will be disappointed. This very 'Israel' will cease to exist in the future. Bush also promised the world that the defeat will strike Hizbullah and the resistance movements. I promise Bush and Condoleezza Rice, who spoke about the loss of Hizbullah, that as long as Hizbullah stands by righteousness and depends on Allah and the noblest people like your selves, I tell them you are the defeated ones.
On the eighth anniversary of the resistance and liberation, I ask the Arab nations and governments coupled with the Lebanese government to seriously mull the strategy of liberation and the strategy of defense in shade of the present symmetries in the region. In Lebanon, as always, there is continual utterance about designing a national defense strategy.
However, I must also say that we need a strategy for the liberation of Shibaa Farms and Kafarshoub Hills, a defense strategy against aggression. We also require a plan to liberate the Shibaa Farms and Kafarshoub Hills as well as free the prisoners even though we say, "free your selves from the plan of freeing the prisoners" because freeing the prisoners is our promise and vow, freeing the prisoners is an achievement of the almighty through our hands-and shortly Samir and his brothers will be amongst you in Lebanon.
On May 25, 2000, the crowds gathered in Bint Jubeil, where I served and addressed them on their behalf. I had the honor to announce their victory, sacrifices, and feeling proud of the blood of their martyrs. I also gifted their victory to all Lebanon, all Palestine and the nation in its entirety.
When I took the rostrum in Bint Jubeil, I said that we did our duty and it would be satisfactory for us to see God pleased with us because we fulfilled our duty. We sought no thanks, prizes or gifts from anyone. I also said that we sought no power and that the land that was liberated by the blood of the resisting martyrs in their entirety belonged to the Lebanese state and Lebanese authority. Therefore, it had to be fully responsible on the fields of security, justice, community and economy. We did not want to be responsible for security or administration. When we said it, didn't our words turn into deeds? They did. We did not try any traitor and we handed over all collaborators to the Lebanese justice. No military appearance of ours has ever surfaced along the borderline that was liberated through blood. Instead, we said to the state, proceed and be responsible.
We asked the state to give attention to two issues: give developmental attention to the areas that lived the battles in the south and to the areas which struggled and offered martyrs in the deprived south, when I also mentioned Baalbeck by its name as well as Hirmil and Akkar. What did those, who sought the state's authority to be stretched, achieve after eight years? Who prevented you from going to the borderline and the deprived areas in order to fulfill your duty as a state? The Lebanese know it. Let our Arab brothers also know that there are many areas in Lebanon which know nothing of the Lebanese authority but the police and tax collectors, and they are deprived of development, services and care.
I also said, when I was asked and answered, that my brothers and I did not seek any change to the political structure of the system and we did not demand any change to the Taif accord. We did not seek share of power or share of offices. We did not want anything at all. This is what happened. One must know that when they teach us about the French, Vietnamese, and Indian resistance, they tell us that the resistance disarmed after the liberation was achieved. I say to them that throughout history all the resistances that emerged victorious seized power or demanded power after their victory was achieved. On the contrary, we never sought power in the first place. We said to them that this power belongs to you but do not monopolize it and be fair, give attention to the people, solve their social and economic problems, and maintain the dignities of the people. We never sought partnership of power after the victory of 2000. Who can say otherwise?
Today, I repeat, speaking on Hizbullah in precise. We do not seek any power in Lebanon. We do not want to seize power or control Lebanon. We do not want to impose our ideology or agenda on the Lebanese nation because we believe that Lebanon is one of its kind, multiple and diversified. This country cannot rise but through the participation, cooperation, concord and unity of all. We always demanded these issues. Many tried, through their media, to twist this truth. They think that when they say that Hizbullah follows the supreme authority-the just authority, the jurisprudent authority, the wise authority, the brave authority, the honest authority, and the loyal authority- I reply and say to them that the supreme authority recognizes us as its party. Lebanon is a diversified country and you must preserve it.
Much was said in recent events, that the this or that side wanted to control Lebanon... they spoke of a coup and a change of power to bring Lebanon under Syrian guardianship, just like what happened in the July 2006 war the U.S. adopted, and described as 'Lebanon witnessing the birth pangs of a new Middle East'. Back then they claimed, as they do today, that the resistance was fighting for the Iranian nuclear program and the International Tribunal.
When the "government" revoked its two black decisions the opposition proved in Doha that it does not want to monopolize power and did not raise the ceiling of demands. We did not employ what happened recently in politics and we did not ask for political gains. The opposition kept to the political demands it had upheld prior to the recent events without changes.
Yes... after the events that took place in Lebanon, the cadres of the opposition have the right to ask for lifting the political demands ceiling, because changes had taken place. Yet, we did not alter an iota of our demands nor raise the ceiling, because we want to rescue Lebanon from what is more dangerous; from army-resistance inter-fighting, from sectarian sedition, from the hot summer promised by the tyrant 'Pharaoh, Haman' David Welch and his bosses. We did not at all employ what happened politically, nor did we demand for any political gains, despite what we incurred of unjust accusations, distortion and vicious abuse by many people. Yet, I will not delve into this topic today ..
Is this experience not enough as an argument to settle the ongoing debate in Lebanon that accuses us of dreams of domination and hegemony?
In the past in Bint Jbeil and again here today in the proud southern suburb, I renew my call for true partnership, where none is discounted or omitted, where no one is imposed over anyone else, to provide the Lebanese with the opportunity to build a true and fair state, governed by representatives who are elected faithfully in integrity, through sincere and solid alliances, to allow the Lebanese people the opportunity to work together away from outside interference..
A few days ago, the Saudi Council of Ministers asked for constitutional amendments that ensured Lebanon's Arab identity. I personally agree, yes, I, who believes in 'Welayit-el-faqih' (the rule of religious jurisprudent), agree to perform constitutional amendments to ensure the Arab identity of Lebanon, to prevent anyone from intervening in Lebanon. It was better to them to talk about the western and American intervention in Lebanon. As for our friends, the world knows that they do not impose their decisions on us. We, in the opposition, whether here on the ground, in Doha or anywhere, are the decision-makers.
Regarding the recent events, I have already explained some aspects, and repercussions of the events during last Thursday's press conference, but today I am faced with two choices: either I explain, clarify and give detailed account of what happened in the period leading up to the two decisions being taken, through to taking them, their meaning, and the risks involved, and I know that this will lead to a resurgence of tensions on the Lebanese arena at the time I do not want to sour the joy of the Lebanese reconciliation and their joy of electing a new president to Lebanon, or postpone all this debate, thus leaving certain matters outstanding in the minds of some, vague for others and unfair to us.
I, for now, prefer to postpone this debate and suffer the unjust accusations against the resistance for the sake of reunification.
Faced with the recent events some points need to be addressed.
Both, them and us, are deeply wounded, therefore they and we are also faced with two options: either deepen the wounds by dwelling on them, or work on the bandaging and treatment of these wounds for the sake of Lebanon and the people of Lebanon; we support the latter.
Such course needs words and deeds, for which we are ready.
What is important is to draw lessons from what happened, and with such lessons I am not to be misinterpreted as speaking from the logic of a 'victor'.
Hence, let us deal with opening the wounds at a later time when everyone concerned is calm and at more ease, when logic and reason can help mend the wounds, when we launch a new phase in Lebanon, the post-May 25, 2008 phase, that is after the national, Arab and international merriment that was witnessed yesterday in our Lebanese Parliament.
Dear brothers and sisters, faced with these developments I must put forward the following points:
First: On your behalf, I wish to thank our fellow Arabs, the Arab Ministerial Committee, the Arab League Secretary-General, special thanks to the leadership and the people of the State of Qatar, and all the sister nations and friendly countries, particularly Syria and the Islamic Republic in Iran, as well as all Lebanon's friends, all who helped achieve this agreement.
Second: On the question of disarmament, again today I stress the item contained in the Doha agreement not to use arms to achieve any political gains by any of the parties. We strongly support this sentence and we will discuss that at the dialogue table, but now hear me out: the resistance weapon is for confronting the enemy, to liberate the land and the prisoners and to defend Lebanon, and not to be used for any political gains, but as for the other weapons, what were they for? Who was accumulating them? For whom were they being prepared and trained on?
And here is a question: the state's weapon means that of the national army and the security forces. It is to defend the homeland, protect the citizens and the protection of their various rights, to protect the State and establish security.
The resistance weapon should not be used to achieve gains internally, but also the state's weapon should not be used to settle accounts with any opposition political group.
The weapon of the state should not be used either for the implementation of external projects that weaken Lebanon's ability in the face of "Israel", nor against the resistance and its weapon.
Every weapon has to continue to serve the objectives for which it was employed, whether the weapon of the resistance or that of the state.
Third: regarding the election law. There is no doubt that the law we reached thus far is better than previous laws, particularly the 'year 2000 law'. This law came at the cost of the opposition's partisan and confessional share of the allocated seats in Parliament, especially at the expense of Hizbullah and Amal movement, but we agreed to it because it ensures true representation that is approved by the other side.
This law is derived from a settlement between parties who want to pluck Lebanon out of its
crisis... I hope the time comes when the Lebanese are able to sit calmly to discuss a civilized and modern law that acts as a foundation for the establishment of the state.
The true intentions of all those who say they want to build a state, are revealed when talking about the election law. The election law is the key to building the state, installing power, government, authority and the institutions. Anyone trying to fit an election law to their size, or to that of their leadership, their party or confession, proves they do not want to build a state. It is not enough to accuse others of not wanting to build a state, he who refuses to give the Lebanese a law that truly represents them, does not want a state but rather wants a farm. In any case, this is the possible settlement now.
Fourth: Electing Gen. Michel Suleiman as President of the Republic renews hope among the Lebanese for a new era and a new beginning. The inauguration speech we heard yesterday reflects the harmonious spirit that His Excellency promised to act through in the coming stage, which is what Lebanon needs of harmony, partnership and cooperation, and away from monopolization.
Fifth: A Government of National Unity through a genuine partnership between the opposition and the loyalists, is not a victory for the opposition against the loyalists, but a victory for all of Lebanon and every Lebanese, a victory for co-existence and the state, because this country can not be established, built, sustained and remain firm but through cooperation, agreement and collaboration.
When I addressed your sit-in protest in both martyrs and Riyadh al-Solh squares and said: 'As I promise you victory always, I promise you victory again', I did not mean the victory of one group against another, nor a side against another, nor opposition against loyalists. As I believe, that victory in Lebanon cannot be achieved but through the government of National Unity. When agreement on forming a national unity government was reached in Doha, the victory was for Lebanon, just as May 25th, 2000 was not a victory for one category or political group, and again just as Lebanon was the victor in July 2006, Lebanon is the victor in Doha today.
We will contribute with all sincerity and seriousness in the formation of this government to start its work. I have previously promised the presence of spectrums of the opposition, not limited only to the opposition's representation through Hizbullah, Amal movment and the Reform and Change bloc, but to allow the opportunity for other forces of the opposition, even if from Hizbullah's share, because, unfortunately, the structure and composition of Lebanon is one of quotas and shares.
We will work in earnest for the best possible representation of the opposition in the government of national unity. Also, I hope that the government is serious and works on addressing the many problems facing the Lebanese, rather than wasting a lot of the Lebanese people's time, or just kill time; a government that is serious about assuming responsibility.
Sixth: Since we are talking about the future government and the next stage, I, in all sincerity, particularly invite the movement and those who love the martyr PM Rafik Hariri, to take advantage of this great man's considerable experience, to benefit from the horizons of his strategic thinking on Lebanon, whom with a great mind and a great heart was able to harmonise between the development and reconstruction project of the State and that of the Resistance.
Some wanted to force the government and the resistance to take one of two choices: either a 'Hong Kong' type Lebanon or one like 'Hanoi', i.e. either a devastated country or a prosperous one, one that is subject to 'Israel's' whims.
The resistance with martyr PM Rafik Hariri's mind, was able to say 'we do not imitate anyone, neither Hong Kong nor Hanoi, nor follow any model'..
We the Lebanese make the model. We can offer the world a country where development, economy, the state, companies, investments and productive sectors, can coexist alongside the resistance that does not exercise the task of the state, nor competes against its authority, but shares the burden of the responsibility in liberating the land and defending the homeland.
This is the formula we and Prime Minister Rafiq Hariri coexisted under and shared, and he who is faithful to the legacy of this great martyr has to carry on with this work. This is not an invitation to bilateral, trilateral or quad alliance, which has become a thing of the past. We now call for the participation of the broadest possible spectrum of people, to stay away from any monopolization of authority, in the state or in its institutions.
I strongly hope and pray to God that the Lebanese may have a calm gentle summer. I invite all to cooperate as there are two dreams, one Lebanese and one American; the Lebanese dream speaks of a tranquil and calm summer, on the other hand the American dream speaks of a "hot summer". Hence, let us realize our dreams and not those of our enemies. I promise you along with all the Lebanese and all our loved ones in both the Arab and Islamic worlds, to make every effort to overcome all hatred, to put aside all the sensitivities and join hands in cooperation and build Lebanon.
Thanks to the leaderships of the Islamic Sunnis in Lebanon, the Arab and Islamic worlds, to the religious, political and intellectual leaderships, because the courageous stands they took disrupted the American project which always tries to portray any political conflict anywhere as a sectarian conflict..
Thanks to the nationalist Druze leaders of the sons of Ma'arouf (Bani-Ma'arouf), from the resistance Mountain, for their courageous and nationalistic stands, whether clergy, elders, political leaders, media figures or forces and political parties because through their voices and courage, they prevented anyone in the world from portraying that what is happening here is a Shiite - Druze sedition.
Thanks to all to the Nationalistic Christian leaders in Lebanon, who confirmed through their position that the conflict is political and far removed from sectarianism... and compassion and mercy for all the martyrs.
To mention the martyrs, 14 of us passed away as martyrs, whom we are proud of, and are honored by, through whom our heads are held high, and two martyrs from the Lebanese 'Saraya' (the Lebanese Brigades for Resisting Occupation), in addition to martyrs from Amal movement, the Syrian Socialist Nationalist Party and the Lebanese Democratic Party.
These martyrs were from all confessions, Muslims and Christians, Sunnis, Shiites and Druze... therefore suspicions cannot remain over the non-sectarian nature of this conflict.
We are proud of these martyrs, just as we regret and feel pain for all the victims from the other side who passed away during these events. The families of those martyred can find consolation in that their sons' blood brought Lebanon out of a long dark tunnel... If it was not for their blood and sacrifices, some foreign forces wanted to take Lebanon to a place where no opportunity exists for it to stand and rise.
We owe it to those martyrs who placed Lebanon before a new summer and a new life.
On your Resistance and Liberation Day, we give our beloved Beirut, the dear Mountain, the steadfast Bekaa, North and South Lebanon, to each village, party and sect in Lebanon, to every group and confession of Lebanon, and to you all our affection, gratitude, respect and open hand, always ready for cooperation in building a strong, dignified, just and a resilient Lebanon, capable of steadfastness, proud as its mountains, eternal as its cedars...
Peace, mercy and God's blessings be upon you.
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allah ye7mi elsayed
allah ye7mi elsayed