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Hizbullah , Future Make Headway to Ease Tension

Hizbullah , Future Make Headway to Ease Tension
folder_openBreak the Siege access_time10 years ago
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Local Editor

Hizbullah and the Future movement agreed Monday during their second dialogue session to support efforts to "continue the implementation of the security plan across all Lebanese regions," revealing that they have made "progress" on the issue of defusing sectarian tensions.

Hizbullah , Future Make Headway to Ease Tension"Discussions tackled a main topic - defusing sectarian tensions - and serious progress was made in this regard," said a joint statement issued after the talks in Ain al-Tineh.
The two parties also agreed to "support the continued implementation of the security plan across all Lebanese regions," the statement added.

The dialogue's sponsor, House Speaker Nabih Berri, did not take part in the talks but he was represented by his political aide, Finance Minister Ali Hassan Khalil, who had also attended the first session.

Dialogue had kicked off on December 23 between the two parties and the first session was aimed at devising a "roadmap" and a "mechanism" for the next sessions.
The rival political groups also expressed during that session their willingness to engage in "serious" dialogue over "all issues."

Monday's was the second session of a dialogue launched last month with the aim of easing tensions and facilitating the election of a new president.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by website team
