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Saudi Political Prisoners Declare Strike

Saudi Political Prisoners Declare Strike
folder_openToday's News access_time11 years ago
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A large number of political prisoners in Saudi prisons announced an open hunger strike over accepting visits and calls.

Saudi Political Prisoners Declare Strike In a speech addressed to their families, Saudi political inmates iterated that referring to court will not facilitate their release unless their bodies wither and wane from sickness or are killed like their fellow inmates.

The speech accentuated that not only did officials in the Mabahith, the Saudi Arabia's secret police agency (General Investigation Directorate), strip away prisoners' rights, but oppression and tyranny still continue to this moment.

Moreover, the speech noted the death of inmate Ziad al-Bouhairan due to the prison's negligence in treating him from diabetes. The statement added that more than 15 prisoners died inside the prison because of administering overdoses or wrong doses. Some died because the prison van turned over during transfer and some died due to secret killing like Mubarak al-Hajeri.

Inmates further stressed the necessity of a collective stance that would prevent authorities from oppressing them and fabricating accusations.

Source: al-Ahed News, Translated and Edited by