The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of April in 1998...
Islamic Resistance Performs 113 Operations in April, 1998
This April, the squadrons of the Lebanese resistance performed 146 operations against the occupation forces and Lahd agents: The Islamic Resistance performed 113 operations, "the Cyclone Organization" corresponding to "the Syrian Social National Party (SSNP)" performed 14, "the Amal Movement" 12."The Lebanese Brigades for Resisting the "Israeli" Occupation" performed the other 7, by that having performed a total of 12 operations since their launching.
The operations wounded 10 "Israeli" soldiers, an "Israeli" officer, and 5 Lahd militiamen. The operations also killed a Lahd militiaman, the enemy acknowledged.
In fact, "the Amal Movement" wounded 4 Zionists, and the Islamic Resistance resulted in other casualties.
For their part, the Islamic-Resistance sources declared 13 "Israelis" and 5 Lahd militiamen were wounded and another militiaman was killed
Security sources claimed that on April 15, 1998, two Zionist soldiers were injured while on a "live-rounds-armory drill" the occupation forces held along the Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine.
One of the soldiers suffered a severe injury and was immediately transported to hospital in occupied Palestine, the sources added.
Operation Aazour-Jezzine, April 16, 1998
On April 16, 1998, the Islamic-Resistance fighters blasted a vehicle of the Lahd Militia, demolishing it and killing or injuring every Lahd militiaman on it. Ambulances were seen rushing to the operation zone. Agent Ridwan Nicolas Yusuf (50 years old), who was a native of Annan Town in Jezzine, was killed, the Lahd Militia acknowledged.
Operation Sheheen-Mount Baseel, April 27, 1998
At dawn on April 27, 1998, the Islamic Resistance began an operation series against the enemy forces and the Lahd agents. The fighters first lay in ambush while a Zionist force was moving in the surroundings of Sheheen-Baseel. As soon as the force reached the ambush spot, the fighters bombed a heavy explosive. Many of the force soldiers were killed or wounded.
Positioned at a close distance from the force, another group of fighters opened the fire of their machine guns on the surviving soldiers. The enemy then had to evacuate the casualties from the operation zone on board of a helicopter.
Approximately two hours later, other Islamic-Resistance groups attacked enemy reinforcements in ar-Rahrah Region and at Blat Site. The Resistance artillerists then bombarded the operation zone, obstructing the evacuation of the casualties the helicopters were trying to pull using ropes.
The resistance fighters as well confronted a helicopter attempting to carry out an airdrop onto Mount ad-Deshmeh in order to evacuate the casualties. The fighters also bombarded Zionist reinforcements and forces marshaled at the Radar Site, in addition to the sites of Blat, Baseel, and ath-Thaheera. Other Resistance artillerists attacked several enemy patrols in the regions of ar-Rahrah and ash-Shumarieh.
In the afternoon, the fighters blasted a semi-armored vehicle of the Lahd Militia on Toumet Niha-Jezzine Route, killing or wounding each of the crewmen. Among 5 Zionists wounded, an officer and two soldiers suffered a critical condition. Another soldier, too, was wounded as the Resistance bombarded Blat Site, reported a Zionist military spokesman.
The confrontations were fierce, admitted the occupation sources. The Zionist rescue team evacuating the casualties had a hard time and was endangered as the operation zone was rather like a mine field. The helicopter crewmen could not land down since the operation zone was being bombarded. The doctor of the group was targeted, First Lieutenant Sal Lanzman, as well as the (male) nurse were wounded. Ropes were used to pull the wounded soldiers, yet no help could be offered to them in those two hours.
The force targeted was a special force corresponding to "the Nahal Brigade", the Zionist spokesman added.
Furthermore, the Resistance fighters implanted an explosive bomb in a vehicle of the Lahd Militia, blasting it as soon as it joined a Lahd patrol en route to Ain Majdaline, near Jezzine. Two Lahd militiamen were injured.

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