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Al-Ahed Telegram


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The following are the Islamic-Resistance operations that took place during the month of August in 1997...

Islamic Resistance Performs 69 Operations in August 1997

This August, the Islamic Resistance performed 69 operations among 91 operations performed by the different resistance squadrons in West Beqaa and the South.
While trying to run away, some Lahd militiamen clashed with the occupation forces; thus, an "Israeli" soldier and two Lahd militiamen were wounded.
Quite overwhelmed, three other "Israeli" soldiers were wounded, too, in two different accidents/incidents.

The operations resulted in the death of 2 "Israeli" soldiers and 2 Lahd militiamen, in addition to the wounding of 14 "Israeli" soldiers, 4 "Israeli" settlers, and 6 Lahd militiamen, the enemy acknowledged.
In contrast, the Islamic-Resistance sources reported 14 had been deceased and 37 had been wounded.

Al-Kfour Confrontation, August 4, 1997

After four "Israeli" helicopters air-dropped a commando force of "the Golani Brigade" near the towns of Charkiyeh, al-Kfour, and Toul, the enemy force progressed to the southwest side of al-Kfour Town. Consequently, the Islamic Resistance confronted the "Israeli" commando force. Using different kinds of machine guns and artillery, the Resistance fighters violently clashed with the force approximately for four hours.

Now that the Resistance fighters' fire had besieged the commando force, some Zionist war planes and helicopters interfered. The Resistance fighters, however, caused the enemy soldiers several casualties and foiled the terrorism operation.
Before withdrawing from the place, the "Israeli" commandoes implanted explosive bombs camouflaged as rocks along the route leading to the southwest side of al-Kfour Town.

And while an Islamic-Resistance group was clearing the operation zone of the explosives, they exploded. Five civilians were wounded, and five Resistance fighters were martyred: Tayseer Hussein Badranne, Muhammad Yusuf Hazimeh, Jaafar Abdul Hassan Dhaher, Hussein Zein Qaseer, and Qassem Jameel Qa'oun.
A Zionist spokesman in occupied al-Quds (Jerusalem) said one of Hizbullah fighters martyred in al-Kfour Town (in the South) had been responsible for the death of 9 "Israeli" soldiers two years earlier.

"The Golani Brigade", to which the commando force aforementioned corresponds, also suffered the death of 9 soldiers in an Islamic-Resistance operation in 1995.
Hizbullah promised the counterstrike was going to be really harsh, and Head of Hizbullah's Office in the South Sheikh Nabil Kaouk iterated, "We shall never stop fighting the occupation."
Another Hizbullah commander declared as well that so many "Israeli" military units had been involved in the operation, which indicated "Israel" had made a serious plot. The commander said the fighters' discovery of the force as well as their barrage foiled the "Israeli" infiltration and forces the commando units to withdraw.

Resistance Commences Artillery Strike against Settlements in North of Occupied Palestine, August 6, 1997

The Islamic-Resistance Fire Backup Unit launched Katyusha rockets against the Zionist sites of Birket Reesheh and Blat in the West Sector of the occupied region.
Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah held a press conference on August 7, 1997, confirming, "Whenever "Israel" assails the civilians, Hizbullah is not bound by "the April Agreement." His Eminence added, ""The April Agreement" is no longer protecting the civilians; hereupon, resorting to other means as to protecting the civilians has become crucial."

Marking the 1st week of the martyrdom of al-Kfour martyrs, Sayyed Nasrallah called the Islamic Resistance, the Lebanese Army, and the people to be fully ready in case of any wide-scaled "Israeli" attacks.
After the enemy had perpetrated a horrible massacre against the civilians of Saida on August 19, 1997, the Islamic Resistance again launched several sets of Katyusha rockets against the settlements of Nahariya, al-Motelleh, and Keryat Shemona as well as their outskirts in the north of occupied Palestine.

The international news agencies reported upon the statement of "Israeli" military sources that two Katyusha-rocket sets, separated only by an hour, were launched against the north of occupied Palestine in the morning.
For its part, the "Israeli" channel reported the settlers of the north of occupied Palestine had rushed to shelters. The channel also said 3 "Israelis" had been wounded in the settlements of Keryat Shemona and Nahariya.
The rockets launched were approximately 40, declared the Islamic-Resistance sources.

Hizbullah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah iterated, "Having patiently endured the "Israeli" breaches for a year and several months, the Islamic Resistance resorted to this counterstrike, which represented the only way out... "Israel" did breach "the April Agreement". Hereupon, the Islamic Resistance is literally bound to "the April Agreement" as long as it can protect the civilians and the other side is bound to it. Otherwise, the Islamic Resistance is unconcerned with "the April Agreement"."

Resistance Executes Lahd Militiaman Ghassan Suweidan, August 7, 1997

The Islamic Resistance group of al-Kfour martyrs executed the Lahd militiaman Ghassan Suweidan while he was en route to Jezzine.
Before his execution, Sergeant Suweidan worked at Bater-Jezzine Crossing Point, and he would be there daily.

West Sector Confrontations, August 23, 1997

Lying in ambush, the Islamic-resistance fighters opened their fire on a Zionist force in ar-Rahrah in West Beqaa. Violently clashing with the occupation troops, the fighters caused casualties among them.
As the Zionist war planes and helicopters appeared in the operation zone to reinforce the besieged troops, the ground antiaircraft artillery counterattacked the Zionist aircraft, resulting in more losses.

In the meantime, another Islamic-Resistance group attacked an "Israeli" force patrolling between Ramieh and Baseel, several meters away from the Lebanese borders with occupied Palestine.
Other Islamic-Resistance groups as well opened their barrage on a Zionist force in the south of as-Salehani Ranch and another on Mount Abu Nasser Eddine in the outskirts of Sheheen. The Resistance attacked reinforcements arriving in Sheheen, too.
For its part, the Resistance Fire Backup Unit bombarded Blat Site and Zionist reinforcements on as-Salehani-Baseel Route.
At least 5 soldiers were killed and 7 others wounded, and a "Cobra" helicopter was hit, confirmed the Islamic Resistance.

Wadi el-Hjeir, Wadi Slouki Confrontations, August 28, 1997

Again, the Islamic-Resistance fighters, as well as the Amal-Movement groups, harshly struck the occupation forces, performing a series of operations and confrontations in Wadi el-Hjeir and Wadi Slouki. Using machine guns and rocket shells, the fighters clashed with the occupation forces for several hours.

Great reinforcements arrived in the operation zone, and several Zionist helicopters interfered with the battle more than once, trying to evacuate the deceased and wounded soldiers. The enemy forces as well attempted to carry out airdrops, but the fighters foiled them.
Four "Israeli" soldiers were killed and others wounded during the confrontations, confirmed some information.
For its part, the Lahd Militia's "Middle East Channel" reported the casualties were seventeen, adding two "Israeli" soldiers were killed and three others wounded during the Islamic Resistance's confrontations with a Zionist security convoy heading from ar-Rihan Barracks to Bir Kallab Site.

The military correspondent of "the "Israeli" Military Channel" reported, "While on a field activity in the West Sector of "the security line" at noon, an "Israeli" force monitored an Amal-Movement cell. Opening fire on the cell, the "Israeli" group killed four and wounded another...

The strong wind whirling in the clash zone moved the conflagration that had blazed near the "Israeli" force. Besieged by fire, the force suffered the death of 4 soldiers and the injury of 6 others."

Consequently, the "Israeli" Chief of "the Northern Command" Amiram Levin decided to form a committee that would investigate into the incident.
Receiving authorization from the military censorship, the enemy's channel declared the names of three of the deceased "Israelis": First Sergeant Usheri Shevartesh (19 years old), First Sergeant Aurn Zarif (21 years old), and Sergeant Dan Shimon (21 Years old).
Later on , the Amal Movement announced the martyrdom of 4 of its fighters during the confrontations: Ahmad Muhammad Wehbi, Samir Issam Kharroubi, Muhammad Dakhil Qobeissi, and Ali Hussein Ne'mah.

Seven Islamic-Resistance Fighters Martyred in August 1997

Martyr Tayseer Hussein Badranne: martyred by al-Kfour blast on August 4, 1997

Martyr Muhammad Yusuf Hazimeh: martyred by al-Kfour blast on August 4, 1997

Martyr Hussein Zein Qaseer: martyred by al-Kfour blast on August 4, 1997

Martyr Jaafar Abdul Hassan Dhaher: martyred by al-Kfour blast on August 4, 1997

Martyr Qassem Jameel Qa'oun: martyred by al-Kfour blast on August 4, 1997

Martyr Muhammad Merhij Othman: martyred by an "Israeli" airstrike against Janta Hills on August 9, 1997

Martyr Hussein Elias Fakhr Eddine: martyred while confronting the enemy forces along Ramieh-as-Salehani axis on August 23, 1997

