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Wikileaks Publishes Stratfor’s E-mails: CIA’s Dirty Secrets

Wikileaks Publishes Stratfor’s E-mails: CIA’s Dirty Secrets
folder_openInternational News access_time12 years ago
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In its new series of uncovering the hidden US intelligence facts, Wikileaks has published five million emails from Stratfor, an intelligence company based in Texas.
Wikileaks Publishes Stratfor’s E-mails: CIA’s Dirty Secrets
Looking at Stratfor practices, it appears to be America's very own privately run CIA.

Stratfor was founded over a decade ago in Austin, Texas by George Friedman, a former political science professor. Friedman is the company's chief intelligence officer, financial overseer, and CEO.
Presenting himself as a "best selling author" on the company's About Us page, Friedman has a history of working on matters of security and military with the American military, as well as other institutions like the notorious RAND Corporation.
Friedman's wife, Meredith Friedman, is actively involved in the operations of the think-tank.
She is Chief International Officer and vice-president of Communications. From the emails, it seems her role is to expand Stratfor's public relations network, setting up events and interviews for her husband with the media, as well as academic and political personalities.
Moreover, Meredith organizes the international wing of Stratfor, where employees are sent off to conferences overseas.

According to Wikileaks, Stratfor's clients are the US Government, other countries and military organizations, as well as private companies.
They reveal the inner workings of a company that fronts as an intelligence publisher, but provides confidential intelligence services to large corporations, such as Bhopal's Dow Chemical Co., Lockheed Martin, Northrop Grumman, Raytheon and government agencies, including the US Department of Homeland Security, the US Marines and the US "Defense" Intelligence Agency.

"They have a global network of spies in governments and media companies, including secret deals with dozens of media organizations and journalists, from Reuters to the Kiev Post."
The list of Stratfor's "Confederation Partners" are included in the release.
The emails further uncover that these spies get paid in Swiss bank accounts and pre-paid credit cards.

Stratfor claims that it operates "without ideology, agenda or national bias", yet the emails reveal private intelligence staff that aligns themselves closely with US government policies and channel tips to the Mossad - including through an information mule in the "Israeli" newspaper Haaretz, Yossi Melman.
The "Israeli" is well known for conspiring with Guardian journalist David Leigh to secretly, and in violation of WikiLeaks'contract with the Guardian, move WikiLeaks US diplomatic cables to "Israel".

In another leak, CEO George Friedman ordered Stratfor analyst Reva Bhalla on 6 December 2011, on how to exploit an "Israeli" intelligence informant providing information on the medical condition of Venezuelan President, Hugo Chavez said:
"You have to take control of him. Control means financial, sexual or psychological control... This is intended to start our conversation on your next phase."

Source: News Agencies, Edited by
