“Occupy” Protests Spread in US, Obama Worried Over Economic Status
On the sidelines of the G20 summit held in Cannes, France, US President Barack Obama expressed concerns over his country's very slow economic growth, saying it was "underperforming".
"My hope is that the folks back home, including those in the United States Senate and the House of Representatives, when they look at today's job numbers, which were positive but indicate once again that the economy's growing was too slow, they think twice before they vote no again on the only proposal out there right now that independent economists say would actually make a dent in unemployment right now", Reuters reported Obama saying.
Words do not change anything in the fact that the bank and "rich economists" are looting the people who pay taxes for the government. As Obama delivers his remarks, anti-capitalism "Occupy Wall Street" protests spread across the US, with strict condemnation of the corporate rule of the rich.
The "occupy" movement that was launched in New York's Wall Street campaign is now spreading across the country, where protesters rally against the corporate system of the US.
In Los Angeles, California, thousands of citizens marched towards one of the nation's busiest shipping ports and shut it down, causing clashes with police officers.
Clashes started after a large fire was started in the middle of a downtown street. The Occupy Los Angeles campaign staged mass protests during the past week, gathering in front of the LA Police Department headquarters. The police arrested dozens of protesters.
On another hand, supporters of the Occupy Wall Street movement in Denver, Colorado, are also staging anti-corporate rallies to call against the deceiving policies and rule of the rich.
Washington on its part witnessed a mass protest in support of the Occupy Wall Street campaign. Police officers used pepper spray against protesters, and arrested six them after being charged of criminal trespass of a Chase Bank in a neighborhood in Seattle.
Moreover, the "occupy" demonstrations flew across the sea to Europe, where major cities as London, Stockholm, Oslo, Berlin, Madrid, and many others are staging "occupy" protests to call against the capitalist system ruling their lives.
Source: News Agencies, Edited by moqawama.org team
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