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“Occupy” Protests Continue in Various US Districts

“Occupy” Protests Continue in Various US Districts
folder_openInternational News access_time13 years ago
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The Occupy Wall Street protests continue to spread throughout the US territories, especially in the cities of New York and Boston.

A new wave of arrests has appeared, where in New York district of Harlem, some 30 anti-Wall Street protesters were arrested by the city's Police Department. Demonstrators held signs that read "NYPD Protests and Serves the Rich" and "Cease, Desist: Stop and Frisk".
The police made arrests on charges of disorderly conduct, after a group of protesters, including activists and religious officials, marched to a police station in Harlem and blocked its entrance.

Princeton University professor Cornel West was among the detainees, the Associated Press reported.
A protester indicated that West's arrest was for causes he supported, including the Occupy Wall Street movement.
Residents in Harlem were protesting the police department's "stop and frisk" strategy adopted against civilians.

Meanwhile, the NYPD also arrested Occupy Wall Street movement organizer, Debra Sweet, as she took part in a broad anti-US policy protest.
In a previous interview with Press TV, Sweet stated, "The US government does not represent people's interests. All of these decisions that are happening, the huge amount of US wealth that's poured into these occupations in Afghanistan and Iraq was never chosen by anyone in this country, but the people who run it".

Furthermore, Occupy Boston protesters marched on Friday night between the local Dewey and Dudley squares. The Hood joined Boston in a peaceful "Occupy the Hood" rally, with protesters holding banners saying, "Fight the Power", "End Racial Profiling", "Jobs not Jails".
Others called against the Boston Police Department, accusing it of "protecting and serving the rich" only, the Boston Herald stated.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by team
