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Poll: Americans Do Not Trust News Reported in US

Poll: Americans Do Not Trust News Reported in US
folder_openInternational News access_time13 years ago
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A new poll showed that many Americans do not trust the news reported in the US believing that the news are inaccurate and do not tell the truth, according to the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press.

The center has been tracking views in this regard since 1985, and the rating remained quite negative, however this is the most negative poll. In this regard, Americans believe that there are many things they watch on media that do not make, where 66% of the population surveyed say that news stories "often are inaccurate", and 77% think that news organizations tend to favor one side.

Furthermore, the poll indicated that 80% of Americans consider that news organizations are influenced by powerful people and organizations.
When the Pew Research Center for the People and the Press asked people what comes to their mind when they think of "news organizations", precisely those inaccurate ones, most people named CNN and Fox News.

Source: News Agencies, Edited by team
