Poll: One in Seven in US, UK Believe US Government Behind 9/11 Attacks
In a new survey that interviews 1,000 people in the UK and the same number in the US, found that one in seven people are convinced that the US government was involved in a conspiracy to stage the September 11 attacks, the London-based Daily Mail reported.
Furthermore, the poll specified that 14% of Britons and 15% of Americans believe that the former administration was involved in the tragedy.
The questionnaire asked, "It is generally accepted that these attacks were carries out by al-Qaida. However some people have suggested there was a wider conspiracy that included the American government. Do you, yourself, believe that there was a wider conspiracy, or not?"
The survey was carried out for a BBC documentary which examined why so many people believe there is a darker truth behind the attacks, the Daily Mail further added.
It was part of the BBC two programme, The conspiracy Files- Ten Years On.
The BBS Radio 2 quoted American host Alex Jones saying "Private, corporate, world networks working in US, British, "Israeli" intelligence - all three groups - have been found to have fingerprints but the main driver was rogue networks at the top of the US Government".
"The Government admits they've staged event before. The official story doesn't add up", Jones added.
Source: The Daily Mail
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