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Battle of the Mighty


Poll: US Politicians Prioritize Political Interests over National Interests

Poll: US Politicians Prioritize Political Interests over National Interests
folder_openInternational News access_time13 years ago
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The majority of Americans believe that US politicians are prioritizing their political interests over the country's national interests in the ongoing debt ceiling impasse, a new poll revealed.

The Gallup Poll released a poll on Monday in which it said that at least two-thirds of Americans say Democrats and Republicans are seeking political interests, not national interests, in the heated negotiations over the US debt limit.

The two major American parties have been arguing on how to prevent a debt default in the United States as the August 2 deadline, when the government is said to face a default on its financial obligations, approaches.

Half of 1,016 adults surveyed nationwide in the poll opined that US President Barack Obama and Congress have been acting worse than their predecessors in dealing with the nation's problems.

In addition, the poll found that Americans are split on the urgency of the looming debt crisis, with the majority of those polled wanting their representatives to vote against raising the federal debt limit.

The majority of respondents are also concerned about the potential government decision to raise the debt ceiling without cutting down on future spending, while 56 percent of them anticipate an economic crisis.

Source: Gallup Poll
