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Russia Accuses NATO of Expanding UN No-Fly Zone Libya Resolution

Russia Accuses NATO of Expanding UN No-Fly Zone Libya Resolution
folder_openInternational News access_time13 years ago
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Russia laid its differences with the NATO when it came to the West's ongoing bombing campaign against Libya, saying it expanded the UN resolution on the Libyan situation.

On the sidelines of a NATO-Russia Council meeting in Sochi Sunday, tense talks between NATO and Russian officials took place, during which Moscow accused the international alliance of interpreting the UN resolution regarding military intervention in the country.

Sergei Lavrov, the Russian Foreign Minister affirmed, "So far, there is no common understanding over how the resolution is being implemented", in reference to the UN resolution imposing a no-fly zone over Libya to protect civilians.

The US-led Western military attacks however are not abiding by this resolution, for NATO-Western aircrafts are conducting daily attacks, killing dozens of Libyans under the pretext of targeting Libyan ruler Muammar Gaddafi.
In this context, Russian Foreign Minister added, "We want this resolution to be fulfilled literally, without expanding its interpretation".
