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Report: FBI violated phone conversation privacy

Report: FBI violated phone conversation privacy
folder_openInternational News access_time14 years ago
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Local Editor, 19-1-2010

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has violated US laws by collecting over 2,000 telephone records during the Bush administration.

The Washington Post said Tuesday it obtained emails that showed the "spy agency" created false terrorism emergencies between 2002 and 2006 in order to collect information concerning its citizens.

According to the report, the FBI admitted that it had violated the Electronic Communications Privacy Act by doing so. 

"This practice ceased in 2006 and never involved obtaining the content of telephone conversations. Additionally, steps have been taken to ensure similar situations do not occur in the future," FBI spokesman Michael Kortan told Reuters.

The Justice Department is expected to release a report this month to show the extent of the violations.
