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Obama public support down on key issues

Obama public support down on key issues
folder_openInternational News access_time15 years ago
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Source: Press TV, 20-07-2009

After six months in office, President Barack Obama's approval rating has declined over the handling of key issues in the United States, according to a new poll.

In the survey conducted by Washington Post/ABC News, some 52% approved his work on the embattled economy, down 8 points from its peak.

The president's handling of health care rated 49%, again down eight points.

About half of respondents, 49%, disapproved of his handling of the deficit while 43% approved it, according to the poll conducted by telephone Wednesday through Saturday.

Obama's solutions were strongly disapproved of on specific areas, for example on the economy, 35% vs. 29%, on health care, 33% vs. 25%, on the deficit, 38% vs. 19%.

The president's 'overall' approval rating remains higher than his marks on specific domestic issues, with 59% giving him positive reviews and 37% disapproving.

However, the latest poll shows for the first time in his presidency that Obama has fallen under 60% in Post-ABC polling, and he is a substantial six percentage points lower than he was just a month ago.
