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Ramadan 2025


Speech of Sheikh Qassem during the funeral ceremony of Sayyed Nasrallah and Sayyed Safieddine

Speech of Sheikh Qassem during the funeral ceremony of Sayyed Nasrallah and Sayyed Safieddine
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In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds. May prayers and salutations be upon the most deserving of creatures, our Master and beloved leader, Abu al-Qasim Muhammad, upon his pure and noble family, upon his chosen and pious companions, and upon all the prophets and righteous until the Day of Judgment.

May peace be upon this esteemed and solemn gathering. Peace be upon everyone who have come together on this momentous occasion to bid farewell to the leader of martyrs, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and his loyal companion, Sayyed Hashem Saffieddine.

A warm welcome to delegations from across the world and to the proud Lebanese people in all their diversity—across sects, beliefs, parties, and affiliations. We also extend our respects to Dr. Mohammad Haidar, the representative of Lebanese President General Joseph Aoun and Prime Minister Mr. Nawaf Salam.

O proud and resilient people, I speak to you on behalf of my brother, my beloved, and my role model, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah. Peace be upon you, the most honorable of people. Peace be upon you, the most loyal of people. Peace be upon you, the most generous of people—you who have made us very proud. Let the seven heavens, the earth, and all within them bear witness that you remain true to your pledge and steadfast in your support of Nasrallah.

Peace and Allah’s mercy and blessings be upon you.

{Among the believers are men who have proven true to what they pledged to Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their pledge [with their lives], others are waiting [their turn]. They have never changed [their commitment] in the least.}

Today, we bid farewell to a truly historic and extraordinary leader. A leader not only of his nation but of the Arab and Islamic world—a symbol of resistance, a beacon for the free and oppressed across the globe. Today, we say goodbye to our Sayyed, our beloved. The beloved of the fighters, the beloved of the people. The champion of the poor and the oppressed, the voice of the downtrodden, the steadfast ally of the Palestinian cause. Today, we lay to rest the Sayyed of the Nation’s Martyrs, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

Born in 1960, Sayyed’s devotion to faith began at an early age. He traveled to the holy city of Najaf to pursue religious studies under the guidance and blessing of the martyred Imam Sayyed Muhammad Baqir al-Sadr. At just 16 years old, he studied under the care of Sayyed Abbas al-Mousawi, remaining there for two years before circumstances in Iraq forced him to return to Baalbek in 1978 alongside his mentor.

In Baalbek, he continued his studies and worked under the leadership of the revered and disappeared Imam Musa al-Sadr—may God return him and his companions safely. He dedicated himself to cultural and social efforts, tirelessly serving the people until 1982, the year Hezbollah was founded.

From the very beginning, he was a key and active member of this party. In 1989, he took on the role of head of the Executive Council in the first Shura. After the martyrdom of Sayyed Abbas al-Mousawi on February 16, 1992, he assumed the position of Secretary General, a role he held until his martyrdom on September 27, 2024.

Our dear Sayyed led the Resistance to the nation and led the nation to the Resistance. We came to a point where we no longer distinguished between the Resistance and the nation; they were one heart, united with him—fighting, listening, and striving to follow his guidance and example. This great man immersed himself in Islam, in Muhammad and his family, and in the principle of guardianship [Wilaya]. He was honest, loyal, compassionate, generous, humble, steadfast, brave, wise, and strategic. He was the beloved of the Resistance fighters, trusting and believing in the people. He loved them, and they loved him back. He was the leader of both minds and hearts, always with his eyes on Palestine and Al-Quds. He made an immense contribution to reviving this cause, and he insisted on staying in the Resistance’s operations room, working alongside the fighters. He was martyred while at the frontlines.

I miss you, Sayyed, and so do all who loved you. But you remain with us—through your path, your teachings, your resistance, your vision, and your unwavering jihad. You are alive within us, for as Allah says: {Never say that those martyred in the cause of Allah are dead—in fact, they are alive! But you do not perceive it.}

We will safeguard this trust and remain steadfast on this path. We will honor your will, as we honor the will of Sayyed Abbas and Sayyed Hashem. You were the one who, on February 18—just two days after the martyrdom of Sayyed Abbas—declared with unwavering resolve: “We will see this path through, even if we are all martyred, even if our homes are destroyed over our heads. We will never abandon the choice of resistance.”

O Sayyed, you loved and devoted yourself to Wilayah in obedience to Imam Khamenei who said to us: “Hezbollah in Lebanon has lost a leader unlike any other, but the blessings of his wisdom and decades of jihad will never fade.”


Here, in this gathering, I wish to pledge allegiance to this path, and so does your people, your followers. I wondered—should we swear an oath, or is it enough to declare our commitment and pledge our loyalty? And I realized that if we proclaim our vow and remain steadfast upon it, we will reach our goal. And so, I ask you to join me in repeating these words three times, with our fists raised high: “We remain true to the pledge, O Nasrallah!”

Today, we bid farewell to the Secretary General, Sayyed Hashem Safieddine. He was a loyal companion, a beloved friend, a steadfast supporter, and a pillar of strength. We mourn your loss, O Sayyed, as a guiding light on our path. But you remain with us—through your vision, your sacrifices, and the legacy you have left behind.

Born in 1962, he was there from the very beginning, witnessing the foundation of the party in 1982. That same year, he traveled to the holy city of Qom to pursue religious studies. Yet, he never stayed away—he would return to Lebanon periodically, standing alongside the fighters in their struggle.

In 1991, he took on the leadership of the southern region, and by 1994, he had entered the Shura Council, serving as the head of the Executive Council. Then, after the martyrdom of his beloved Sayyed Hassan, he assumed the position of Secretary General—only to be martyred just six days later.

He dedicated himself to educational, cultural, and social institutions, working across various fields to serve the people. He stood by the fighters, ensuring their needs were met and their readiness maintained. He was the steadfast right hand of Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, always supporting and guiding them along the way.

We miss you, O Sayyed, just as we miss our Secretary General, Sayyed Hassan. And in the spirit of loyalty, I must take a moment to honor some of the brothers and leaders who were martyred in the two headquarters—those who fell in the headquarters of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, the Sayyed of the Nation’s Martyrs, including Hajj Abbas and Brigadier General Abbas Nilforoushan, a commander in the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps. His blood merged with the blood of the Resistance’s martyrs on the path to Palestine.

Hajj Abu Al-Fadl Ali Abdul-Munim Karaki, Hajj Abu Hassan Ammar Ali Naif Ayoub, Hajj Amin Abdul-Amir Muhammad Siblini, Hajj Nabil Ibrahim Hussein Jezzini, Hajj Jihad Samir Tawfiq Dib, Dr. Gharib Hassan Muhammad Amin Salman, and Hajj Hassan Muhammad Habib Khair al-Din.

Among those who were martyred alongside Sayyed Hashem were Hajj Murtada Hussein Ali Hazimeh, Hajj Adel Ali Muhammad Bahsoon, and brother Maher Mahmoud Muhammad Shahin.

Our deepest condolences and congratulations to the families of the martyrs—to the families of the two esteemed leaders and to all those who have given their lives on the path to Al-Quds. Congratulations to the loyal, to the devoted, to those who see Palestine as their guiding compass.

This path is the path of all martyrs. It is a path of strength and life, for as Allah says: {Never think of those martyred in the cause of Allah as dead. In fact, they are alive with their Lord, well provided for.}

Here, we must honor the wounded—those who are living martyrs. We also salute the prisoners and say to them: We will never abandon you in the hands of the Zionists. You must be freed, and we will take every necessary step and exert all possible pressure to secure your release.

As for you, this great gathering of people, I know that Sayyed lives in your hearts and minds, just as he does in the hearts of millions around the world who are watching this moment—those who wish they could stand here beside you. This massive crowd, almost unparalleled—perhaps even unprecedented in Lebanon’s history—is a testament to loyalty. You are the people of unwavering devotion. You are the people of generosity. You are the people who endure, who carry forward the legacy, who never waver.

Today, I will speak on four key points.

1- What We Faced

We faced the battle of support—the support for Gaza—because standing with Gaza is an essential part of our faith in the liberation of Palestine. The “Israeli” regime had planned to launch a war on Lebanon just four days later, on October 11. And even if that war did not take place at that exact moment, “Israel” had every intention of waging war on Lebanon sooner or later, because it cannot tolerate the existence of such a powerful Resistance.

We stood against the “Israeli” entity and, behind it, the greatest oppressor—the United States—which mobilized all its capabilities to confront Gaza, Palestine, Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, Iran, and the entire Axis of Resistance that rallied around Gaza and Palestine. The level of brutality we have witnessed is unprecedented, with the sole aim of eliminating the Resistance in Gaza and Lebanon. But just as the aggression has reached an unprecedented scale, so too has the sacrifice, as we remain steadfast in the face of this pressure.

On the other hand, the level of resilience and perseverance has also been unprecedented—this, in itself, is a great achievement. We reorganized, and our heroic Resistance fighters held their ground along the border. Seventy-five thousand “Israeli” soldiers failed to advance against the Resistance. We could hear their cries of distress every time they reported a security incident in the north—that was the impact of the steadfastness and sacrifices of the Resistance. Our men, our youth, our people have given everything. Women, children—everyone has sacrificed. You, the people of the Resistance, are the firm ground beneath our feet, the rain that grants life, the unwavering spirit of Hussein keeping the banner aloft, and the stance of Zainab shaking the foundations of the oppressors.

You are a people who will never be defeated. We will stand together, we will resist together, and we will pledge together: “We remain loyal to the pledge, O Nasrallah!”

The supporters of the Resistance and the Lebanese people stood together as one, setting an example of unity. Praise be to God—this gathering is a powerful expression of national unity, Arab unity, Islamic unity, and even human unity, all centered around Palestine and the cause of justice.

2-Where do we stand now?

We agreed to the enemy’s request for a ceasefire because it was no longer in the interest of the Resistance or Lebanon to continue a disproportionate fight that caused damage without any political or military gains. At that point, any continuation would have meant nothing but senseless killing and combat, with no real progress on the ground or in negotiations.

It was a position of strength to agree to a ceasefire at the right moment. Had the battle continued for another month or two, the results would have remained the same. Now, we have entered a new phase—one that requires different tools, strategies, and approaches. The most important step we have taken is ensuring that the state takes responsibility now that the Resistance has prevented the enemy from achieving its objectives or launching an invasion. We accomplished the first part of our mission; the second part is in the hands of the state.

We upheld our commitment, while “Israel” did not—and never will. We exercised patience, giving diplomacy a chance for an “Israeli” withdrawal. We did not violate the agreement, so we would not be placed on equal footing with them. But today, as the deadline for withdrawal has passed, we are no longer facing mere “Israeli” violations—we are facing occupation and aggression. Whether it is one point or five, it is still occupation. Any bombing of Lebanese territory, regardless of the justification, is still aggression.

“Israel” cannot continue its occupation and attacks. Let it be known that the Resistance remains strong—in numbers, in arms, and in the steadfastness of its people. We firmly believe that ultimate victory is inevitable, just as past victories were. It may be delayed because only a few are standing up to the enemy, but if everyone were to rise, the equation would change.

Wake up, you who are asleep! The Resistance has given you a unique experience, proving that it is possible to stand firm against “Israel” and endure. In any case, the Holy Quran reveals the divine law: “Israel” oppresses, America oppresses, and they continue to escalate their tyranny. However, history has shown that injustice does not last forever—oppressors always meet their reckoning.

{Those [are the] societies We destroyed when they persisted in wrong, and We had set a time for their destruction.}

3-What about the future of the Resistance?

It seems that many are confused and unsettled by us. One moment, they analyze and predict that it’s over—that the Resistance has come to an end. No, my dear, the Resistance is far from over. The Resistance remains strong, present, and fully prepared.

Resistance is faith and justice, and no one can strip us of our faith or rob us of our right. We believe that the Resistance is not just a right—it is a duty. It is the lifeblood of free nations seeking liberation. Resistance is not written in ink on paper; it is written in the blood of the martyrs; it is written in the blood of the martyrs. It is proven through sacrifice, undeterred by those who oppose it. It will uproot the occupier—if not today, then tomorrow. It does not fear the tyrants of the world. It charts the future for the free, rising above the noise of those who croak like frogs.

Resistance is a belief stronger than any army, a love that runs deep in every gathering, an honor that defeats every oppressor, and a victory that immortalizes every fighter. So let your hatred consume you—because the Resistance is here to stay, strong and unwavering.

We will continue the work of resistance with methods, strategies, and timing that align with the current phase and the leadership’s judgment. The continuation of the resistance does not mean that every day we will respond or that every day we will fire. No. We choose when to act, and we choose when to be patient. But make no mistake, the Resistance is here to stay.

We will not accept that America, the tyrant, controls our country. What did America tell “Israel”? It told them, “Let’s stop as long as you can’t move forward by even two meters. And through political means, we will influence Lebanon’s internal affairs. We will take for you politically what you couldn’t take through war.” It won’t happen. You won’t get it through politics, just as you couldn’t get it through war.

And let it be known to the Americans, if we are silent now, and if you move freely with bad intentions, trying to pressure the officials and Lebanon, you will not achieve your goals. The officials in Lebanon know the balance of power; they understand the rights of the people, and they know that these diverse forces represent the people. So, I advise you to stop your conspiracies.

Do not think that our patience or wisdom when it comes to priorities has weakened. The path is long, and we are ready for it. We will not submit, and we will not accept to be killed or occupied while standing by idly. No one can ask us to expose ourselves or offer up our strength so that the enemy can control us.

You know that we are the children of “Hayhat minna al-dhilla” (Far from humiliation). Oh, advocates of sovereignty, wake up! What did you do with the opportunity of the [ceasefire] agreement? What are you doing now? We do not hear a word from you against “Israel”, we do not hear a word from you against America. How can sovereignty exist with this ongoing occupation? And with this American intervention? By God, if all the tyrants of the world gathered to kill or humiliate us, we will face them until victory or martyrdom.

Have you not been amazed, you who are watching us? Have you not been astonished that we emerged from the rubble in the Olu al-Baas battle and regained the initiative, forcing “Israel” to ask for a ceasefire? Were you not shocked by the sight of people heading to the south unarmed, challenging “Israeli” tanks and liberating parts of the land? Were you not surprised by the success of the agreement in electing the Lebanese president and defeating the advocates of exclusion? We were an integral part, along with the Amal Movement, in the country’s structure to lead the country. Were you not perplexed by how we cooperated to facilitate the birth of the government?

O our people, we are the children of Wilayah, the children of Imam Khamenei and Imam Khomeini, the children of Imam Musa al-Sadr, the children of Sayyed Abbas al-Mousawi, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, and Sayyed Hashem Safieddine, the children of Hajj Qassem Soleimani and Hajj Imad Mughniyeh. All this chain returns to the origin, to Muhammad, Ali, and Hussain, and it prepares the banner for Imam Mahdi (may Allah hasten his reappearance). Far from humiliation, we stand strong.

4- What are our constants in the new phase?

We are in a new phase, so what are our constants? We have said: “We remain loyal to the pledge.” This means, O our leader, rest assured. The leaders are here, the Resistance fighters are here, the resistances are here, the heroic fighters are here, the people from all sects are here, and the nation is here.

  1. The Resistance is fundamental, and it is our faith-based and political choice as long as the occupation exists and its threat remains. We exercise our right to resist based on our assessment of the interest and according to the circumstances. We will continue the state’s efforts to expel the occupation diplomatically, and afterward, we will build on the results. Later, we will discuss Lebanon’s benefit from its strength when discussing the defense strategy.
  2. Palestine is a right, and it is our compass. We support its liberation and will continue the project to resist Trump’s expulsive plans alongside all the active forces in the region. The many martyrs and the wounded—160,000 martyrs and wounded in Gaza—are the true price for the continuation of dignity, to carry on the banner, and to remain true to the pledge.
  3. We will participate in building a strong and just state, contributing to its renaissance based on equality among citizens in rights and duties, and within the framework of the Taif Agreement, under three fundamental pillars:
  4. Expelling the occupier and securing the release of the prisoners
  5. Reconstruction, restoration, and infrastructure development is a fundamental commitment of this state, and we are with it.
  6. Approving the rescue plan for economic, financial, administrative, judicial, and social revival as quickly as possible.
  7. We are committed to ensuring everyone’s participation in building the state, and we are dedicated to national unity and civil peace. I tell you: For us, Lebanon is the final homeland for all its people, and we are among its people.

Here, I will focus on an important point. We are allied with the Amal Movement. This alliance has been forged through blood, sacrifice, giving, resistance, and confrontation.

Do not think for a moment that you can drive a wedge between us, for we stand united in our stance, in our choices, and in our politics. Together, we will remain, God willing, for our dignity, the dignity of Lebanon, and the dignity of the entire nation. We firmly believe in the vital role of the great Lebanese army in defending our sovereignty and security. To those with fiery tempers, I say: Within Lebanon, there are no winners or losers—because all outcomes are determined by “Israel”. Let us compete for the betterment of our country and our people, for this is what is best for us all.

I thank you all, I thank the Lebanese people, I thank all the delegations that have come from both inside and outside the country. I thank Imam Khamenei for his kind gesture, his words, and the delegation he sent to this blessed gathering. I thank everyone, without exception. I cannot list them all right now, but in truth, all of you are our beloved ones, and all of you bring honor and dignity in this magnificent and great presence.

May you be under God’s protection, O Sayyed Hassan, in Allah’s care, alongside His chosen ones, the prophets, the imams, and the martyrs. And, God willing, this historic day will be recorded. This is a day from the days of Allah, a day of Hussein, O grandson of Hussein.

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of Allah be upon you.





















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