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Islamic Jihad: “Israel” Deluded to Think it Can Wrest Control Over West Bank

Islamic Jihad: “Israel” Deluded to Think it Can Wrest Control Over West Bank
folder_openPalestine access_time 11 days ago
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By Staff, Agencies

The Islamic Jihad has stated that the criminal cabinet of "Israeli" Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will be utterly misguided if it believes it can successfully seize control of the occupied West Bank and annex it.

The Gaza Strip-based Palestinian resistance movement issued a statement on Tuesday, a week after the occupying entity launched a massive bloody offensive against Palestinians in the West Bank.

“The brutal aggression on the occupied West Bank enters its seventh day, with the criminal ‘Israeli’ Nazi occupation army continuing its onslaught, committing all forms of war crimes, including field executions, random arrests, brutal torture, hospital sieges, home demolitions, forced displacement of residents, destruction of infrastructure, and the fragmentation of regions, all amid international and Arab silence, which grants the enemy a green light to continue its blatant aggression,” the resistance movement said.

“Throughout the days of this aggression, resistance fighters in the West Bank have been valiantly confronting the onslaught, executing heroic and qualitative operations against the enemy soldiers at every point of engagement, inflicting casualties in their ranks in defense of our people, our land, and our sanctities, fulfilling their duty in the face of this aggression,” the Islamic Jihad added.

Early last week, “Israel’s” far-right minister Itamar Ben-Gvir provocatively announced his intention to build a synagogue at the Al-Asqa Mosque compound in the occupied Old City of Al-Quds [“Jerusalem”], drawing condemnations from all over the Islamic world.

It was the first time for the “Israeli” minister to openly speak about building a synagogue inside the complex, strengthening the narrative that the Muslim holy site and Palestinian national symbol is under threat from the occupying entity.

“Netanyahu and members of his” cabinet’s “insistence on portraying the West Bank as part of the entity's map, both before and after the Al-Aqsa Flood battle, is evidence that the aggression on the West Bank is part of a premeditated plan that the entity’s” cabinet “seeks to implement and make a reality. It has become clear that this plan involves making demographic changes in the West Bank, threatening the security of the region, particularly Jordan and the Gulf states,” the Islamic Jihad stated.

The movement also said Netanyahu’s “stubborn stance” on repeatedly rejecting a lasting ceasefire in Gaza “is an obvious attempt to buy time and gamble on changes within the United States to reoccupy the Gaza Strip and advance the plan to seize the West Bank to establish a state for those obsessed with Talmudic myths.”

“We call on the Palestinian Authority to reconsider its positions before it loses the last remnants of the illusion of sovereignty over violated areas while continuing to bet on an international community and an Arab stance that have proven to be impotent and complicit,” the Islamic Jihad said in its statement.

The Islamic Jihad also warned Arab countries, “This racist usurping entity seeks land and does not value all the peace rhetoric, except to the extent that it provides time to fracture the Arab and Muslim front to complete its domination of the region and its peoples.”
