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Al-Ahed Telegram

Hezbollah: Martyrdom of Leader Sayyed Fouad Shokor Title of Our Decisive Commitment To Continue Resistance

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Statement issued by Hezbollah  Media Relations:

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful

{Among the believers are men who have proven true to what they pledged to Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their pledge ˹with their lives˺, others are waiting ˹their turn˺. They have never changed ˹their commitment˺ in the least.}

After a long journey full of sincere faith in Allah and a covenant with Allah, tireless jihad, and a long wait to meet Allah Almighty and his beloved brothers, the martyred leaders and martyrdom-seekers, at the height of longing for this meeting, Allah Almighty bestowed upon His mujahid, honest, loyal, and loving servant the high medal of martyrdom and permitted him this eternal meeting in the pleasure and closeness to God.

We herald the martyrdom of the great jihadist leader, dear brother and beloved Sayyed Fouad Shokor [Sayyed Mohsen]. He’s a great martyr on the road to Al-Quds. He is the title of our resistance in its decisive commitment and firm determination to continue the jihad until the liberation of the land, the sanctities, and the people from the injustice and brutality of this usurping, criminal, and murderous entity. He’s one of its great symbols, among the creators of its victories, strength, and power, and one of the leaders along its battlefields who did not abandon jihad until the last breath.

Just as his direct presence in life with us was a distinctive force for the resistance, his great martyrdom will be a strong push for his mujahid brothers to move forward in their steadfastness and courage to preserve the achievements, victories, and capabilities and to achieve the goals and hopes that this great leader aspired for.

His martyrdom comes on the days of the commemoration of the martyrdom of Imam Hussein [AS], and he adored Hussein [AS]. This only increases our determination and resolve to reject humiliation and refuse injustice and not be subservient.

We offer our condolences to and congratulate our Master, the Patron of Age [peace be upon him], His Eminence the Leader Imam Khamenei, all the Mujahideen and the resistance fighters in all arenas, and the sincere and loyal supporters of the resistance on the martyrdom of this great jihadi leader.

We especially address members of his honorable family, and we ask God Almighty to bestow upon them beautiful patience and good rewards in this world and the Hereafter. May He accept from us and from them this dear one, place him with the Messenger of God and his pure Household [peace be upon them], and include him in the caravan of the martyrs of the luminous Karbala.

This is our statement of condolences and congratulations, and as for our political position on this sinful attack and major crime, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah [may God protect him] will express it tomorrow in the funeral procession of the martyred leader, God willing.
