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Al-Ahed Telegram

Hezbollah: Haniyeh’s Martyrdom Will Strengthen the Resistance’s Resolve to Continue Jihad

Hezbollah: Haniyeh’s Martyrdom Will Strengthen the Resistance’s Resolve to Continue Jihad
folder_openLebanon access_timeone month ago
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By Al-Ahed News

Hezbollah extends its heartfelt condolences on the martyrdom of head of the Political Bureau of Hamas, Ismail Haniyeh.

Hezbollah issued the following statement:

In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful

{Among the believers are men who have proven true to what they pledged to Allah. Some of them have fulfilled their pledge [with their lives], others are waiting [their turn]. They have never changed [their commitment] in the least.}

Allah Almighty is Truthful

To the struggling, oppressed, and proud Palestinian people, to our honorable brothers in the Islamic Resistance Movement Hamas, to all the esteemed factions within the Palestinian resistance, to our Arab brethren, and to every free, honorable and courageous mujahid, we extend our deepest condolences on the martyrdom of the esteemed and honest leader and brother, Ismail Haniyeh, may Allah have mercy on him, head of the Political Bureau of Hamas. Our heartfelt sympathies particularly go to his noble and sacrificing family, who have endured the loss of dozens of martyrs among their men and women in the pursuit of liberating Al-Quds [“Jerusalem”] and Palestine. We pray that Allah Almighty grants them patience, solace, and abundant reward in this world and the hereafter.

The martyred leader, Ismail Haniyeh, stands as one of the great resistance leaders of our time. He bravely opposed the American hegemony project and the Zionist occupation, carrying their cause with unwavering dedication, always prepared for martyrdom in the name of their beliefs.

The martyrdom of Leader Haniyeh [may Allah be pleased with him] will only strengthen the resolve and determination of resistance fighters across all arenas to continue their path of jihad. His sacrifice will bolster their resolve in confronting the Zionist “Israeli” enemy, the perpetrator of genocide in Gaza, the usurper of Palestinian land and the violator of our nation's sanctities.

We in Hezbollah share with our dear brothers in the Hamas movement profound feelings of pain over the loss of this great leader, intense anger over the enemy's crimes, immense pride in our leaders who guide their people and fighters towards martyrdom, and unwavering confidence in the divine promise of victory for His believing and struggling servants.

We ask Allah to accept this revered and noble martyr among the ranks of the honored martyrs and to encompass him in His boundless mercy.
