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Yemen Initiates New Anti-’Israeli’ Ops. in Collaboration with Iraqi Resistance

Yemen Initiates New Anti-’Israeli’ Ops. in Collaboration with Iraqi Resistance
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By Staff, Agencies 

Yemen’s Armed Forces have announced conducting fresh anti-“Israeli” operations, including in cooperation with Iraq’s Islamic Resistance.

Brigadier General Yahya Saree, the Yemeni Armed Forces’ spokesman, made the announcement in a video statement on Wednesday.

The official said the forces had targeted a vessel, which he identified as “Tutor,” in the Red Sea “using a drone boat, several drones, and ballistic missiles.”

The ship, Saree added, was targeted for violating a ban that has been imposed by Sanaa on vessels travelling towards the ports of the occupied Palestinian territories.

“The operation led to severe damage to the ship, and it is at risk of sinking,” he noted.

“The Yemeni Armed Forces warn all companies against dealing with the ‘Israeli’ enemy and bringing their ships to the ports of occupied Palestine, otherwise, they will be targeted in the area of operations of the forces,” said the official.

The forces have staged numerous such operations since October 7, when the “Israeli” entity launched a genocidal war against the Gaza Strip.

The war has so far caused the martyrdom of at least 37,202 Palestinians, mostly women and children.

In addition to targeting the vessels that are headed towards the ports of the occupied Palestinian territories, the Yemeni forces have been striking targets lying across those territories in response to the “Israeli” entity’s war on Gaza.

Adding to his remarks, Saree said the forces had also carried out two joint operations with Iraq’s Islamic Resistance, an umbrella group of anti-terror fighters, which has likewise been striking targets that are spread out across the territories as means of retaliating for the war.

The first operation took aim at a “vital target” in the city of Ashdod, which is located in the central part of the occupied territories, using “cruise missiles,” he stated.

“And the second was aimed at an important target in the city of Haifa [which lies in the northern part of the territories] with several drones,” the spokesman said.

“Both operations successfully achieved their objectives,” he asserted.

This is not the first time, when the Yemeni forces cooperate with the Iraqi fighters towards retaliation for the war on Gaza.

Saree concluded his remarks by pledging that the Yemeni forces would keep up their operations as long as the “Israeli” entity sustained the war and a siege that Tel Aviv has been simultaneously enforcing against the coastal sliver.
