“Israel”: Sayyed Nasrallah is a Difficult Enemy, We mustn’t Underestimate His Capabilities
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It is not the first time that “Israeli” officials and analysts have acknowledged the difficulties they face in dealing with the speeches of Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah and their inability to deal with the threats he makes.
The latest confessions came from Eytan Ben-David, the deputy head of “Israel’s” so-called “National Security Council” stated in an interview with Channel 13 that Sayyed Nasrallah is “a difficult enemy, and his capabilities must not be underestimated, and his threats must be listened to and dealt with seriously.”
These remarks come days after Sayyed Nasrallah’s speech on the 17th anniversary of the July 2006 victory.
“If you choose war against Lebanon, you will also be returned to the Stone Age,” His Eminence warned while responding to remarks made by the “Israeli” War Yoav Gallant threatening to “return Lebanon to the Stone Age.”
It’s worth mentioning that Sayyed Nasrallah comments received extensive media coverage in the “Israeli” entity.
Channel 13 analyst Zvi Yehezkeli warned that it is necessary to pay attention to what Sayyed Nasrallah says, as “his self-confidence is increasing, and his threats must be taken into account, especially after the familiarity he showed with ‘Israeli’ society.”
For his part, the founder of the so-called ISDF [“Israel” Defense and Security Forum], Brigadier General Amir Avivi, said in an interview with Channel 13 that Sayyed Nasrallah “derives confidence from his precision missiles, which constitute a balance of terror and a strategic threat that ‘Israel’ must deal with.”
Likewise, Amir Bar Shalom, Channel 12’s security and political affairs commentator, said that Sayyed Nasrallah has “very impressive knowledge about details concerning ‘Israel’, and this matter is part of his psychological warfare” against the “Israeli” entity.
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