Sayyed Nasrallah Warns “Israel”: You Too Will Go Back to the Stone Age If You Go to War With Lebanon

By Fatima Haydar, Live Coverage
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Nasrallah delivered on Monday a speech marking the 17th anniversary of the July 2006 Victory.
In his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed that the courageous and speedy return of the people after the July 2006 War victory instated the military victory, pointing out that "the scene of returning convoys of cars on all roads symbolized the steadfastness of our people in stance, their adherence to the land and decisive commitment to the choice of resistance, no matter how great the sacrifices".
His Eminence pointed out that the anniversary of the victory this year coincides with the month of Muharram, on the tenth of which the great battle of Karbala happened.
Sayyed Nasrallah added that “It is our duty to extend our condolences to the martyrs of the bombing in Pakistan, in the Syrian Desert and in Shiraz [in Iran],” saying, “It seems that there is an American decision to return Daesh [Arabic acronym for ‘ISIS’ / ‘ISIL’] to work in many arenas.”
The Resistance Leader considered that had it not been for building on the results of the July 2006 War, the victories would not have been achieved later. “This victory is a historic victory for the future, and today we are facing a new phase that is one of the results of these victories,” he added.
“We would like to thank all those who contributed in making this legendary epic over the course of 33 days: the people, the Resistance fighters, the military and security institutions as well as the national and popular embrace,” the Hezbollah SG stated.
He went on to say, “We thank Iran and Syria for their support and the sympathy of all the people in the Arab and Islamic world as well as all the countries that stood by the Resistance in the July War.”
“We especially thank the martyrs of the Resistance, the [Lebanese] army and the Lebanese people, in addition to the martyrs of the massacres in various Lebanese regions,” said Sayyed Nasrallah.
The Secretary General explained that the process of the maritime border delimitation and the starting of exploration would not have been possible without building on the results of the 2006 July War.
“Within days, the exploration ship will reach Block 9 in the southern territorial waters, and the hope of the Lebanese is attached to the Qana gas field and others,” His Eminence said.
Relatedly, Sayyed Nasrallah indicated that “a sovereign fund is an urgent need for Lebanon so that the oil wealth is for all the Lebanese and that the future generations benefit from it,” adding that “over the past months, the parliamentary committees have reached a proposal for the sovereign fund law that is on the agenda of the parliamentary session next Thursday,” as he urged the deputies to tackle the issue in a national and sovereign approach.
The Resistance Leader clarified that “What prevents the enemy from diminishing Lebanon's rights in its natural wealth is Lebanon’s strength and the enemy's [‘Israel’s’] understanding that any attempt to confiscate a Lebanese right will be met with a strong reaction,” stressing that “the real guarantee for preserving Lebanon's rights and oil wealth is retaining all the elements of power, especially the Resistance”.
Furthermore, Sayyed Nasrallah shed light on the situation in the “Israeli” entity and how it has become weaker over the course of 17 years.
He stated that “Whoever monitors the ‘Israeli’ situation since the July 2006 War sees the downward trajectory of this entity on more than one level”.
“After 17 years, the enemy was unable to deal with the effects of the July War on its entity, army, political level and ‘home’ front,” His Eminence explained, adding that “the Resistance in 2006 made the ‘Israeli’ ‘home’ front part of the war, and thus reached a ceasefire without the enemy achieving its goals”.
“The Resistance is escalating in Lebanon and Palestine – in the West Bank – in a particular and important way, while the ‘Israeli’ track is in a state of decline,” Sayyad Nasrallah pointed.
The Resistance Leader said, “The security doctrine that Ben-Gurion placed in the enemy [‘Israeli’] entity was based on deterrence, warning and decisiveness. After 2006, the enemy added a fourth element, which is defense and protection”.
Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted that the “Israeli” entity shifted from offense to defense in contrary to the Resistance Axis.
“The enemy shifted from attacking and taking the initiative to attack [offense] to a position of defense for the most part, and the Axis of Resistance took control to a large extent,” adding, “what is most important on the [‘Israeli’] ‘home’ front is the unwillingness of the settlers, colonizers and occupiers of this land to sacrifice and bear the consequences”.
The Hezbollah SG also affirmed that “‘Israel’ today is hiding behind walls”. He explained that the “Israeli” army is in the worst condition compared to any time in the past and that Gaza is evidence to this.
“From 2006 until today, the enemy [‘Israel’] has been conducting periodic maneuvers for the ‘home’ front, but the result is that the ‘home’ front is not yet ready for any future war,” Sayyed Nasrallah explained.
“From the July War until today, this stage constituted a turning point in the history of the enemy [‘Israeli’] army, and since that day, weakness began to prevail in this army,” the Resistance Leader said, adding, “The enemy's army is not in a better condition than it was after the July War, and many enemy generals talk about the difficult state their army has reached”.
“From 2006 until today, the ‘Israeli’ army’s achievements on the ground were absent, and this is what we saw in Gaza when they tried to advance and they were killed, wounded and captured; what they talk about is only with firing from the air,” the Hezbollah Leader clarified.
“The enemy’s army is suffering from the Resistance fighters in the [occupied] West Bank, and this is evidence to the absence of ground achievements,” he continued, and said, “The enemy entity today is weaker than it was in 2006 politically, militarily, popularly and morally, and the Axis of Resistance is much stronger than it was in 2006”.
Sayyed Nasrallah asked, “Were they able to restore the strength of the Zionist army after 17 years of repair and maneuvers? Certainly not, as many of the enemy's retired and active generals and ministers talk about the difficult situation that the ‘Israeli’ army has reached”.
Elsewhere in his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that “‘Israeli’ leaders must know that in this arena they are not playing a game of scoring points, but rather a game of existence and annihilation,” warning them, “if you go to war with Lebanon, you too will go back to the Stone Age”.
“The enemy's [“Israeli”] War Minister threatens to return Lebanon to the Stone Age, and this is not new, but what they have to understand is what can Lebanon and its Resistance do to the enemy entity?” the Resistance Leader asked.
His Eminence issued a warning to “Israel” saying, “All civilian and military airports, air force bases, power and water generating stations, main communication centers, infrastructure, oil refineries and the Dimona reactor… the enemy must calculate how many precision missiles the Resistance needs to hit all these targets”.
He concluded his point by asking, “What if the battle develops with the entire Axis of Resistance? Then there will be no such thing as ‘Israel’”.
With regard to Lebanese internal affair, the Kahaleh incident in particular, Sayyed Nasrallah said, “The truck overturning at the Kahaleh area is a normal incident, but the incitement of one of the malicious Lebanese channels fueled the situation”.
His Eminence pointed out, “Of course, there are ammunition and weapons that are transported from place to place in connection with any confrontation that may take place in the future, and we have multiple means of transportation, including trucks,” saying that “The Resistance during 17 years was the accumulation of elements of strength, and we have not stopped on any day since the year 2000 and after the July 2006 War”.
Sayyed Nasrallah made it clear that “We do not consider that there is a problem between us and the residents of the Kahaleh area or any of its families,” pointing out that, “There are political forces that want to take matters as far as possible”.
“This incident is in the custody of the judiciary, and we are ready to cooperate, and we await the results,” His Eminence stated, urging “for calm on the political level and dealing with events with wisdom, prudence and responsibility”.
He said that had it not been for the media incitement carried out by this well-known malicious channel, what happened at Kahaleh area would not have happened.
Also, Sayyed Nasrallah addressed the Lebanese in general and the Christians in particular and said, “there are political leaders and figures who are clearly pushing the country towards explosion and civil war through their performance, behavior and stances,” as there are responsible stances such as that of President Michel Aoun.
“Going to the civil war in Lebanon will make everyone lose, and do not think that anyone in the world will intervene to save any party, and what is happening in Sudan is an evidence to this matter,” the Hezbollah SG said.
He also said that “The course taken by some political forces that are pushing towards civil war will take Lebanon to ruin and the temple will fall on everyone's head,” warning that “If the civil war takes place in Lebanon, there are many parties that will work to escalate this war, the first of which is ‘Israel’”.
However, Sayyed Nasrallah said “The Lebanese people will not allow division. It is not in the interest of any sect that partition occurs in Lebanon,” adding that “This country has no choice but partnership and walking with some, albeit slowly, is better than any other option”.
Accordingly, Sayyed Nasrallah extended his condolences and blessings to the family of martyr Ahmed Qassas and pointed out that the martyr “assumed his responsibilities until the last moment of his life when he was martyred in defense of the Resistance and for the sake of its readiness and capabilities”.
In the end of his speech, the Hezbollah focused a humanitarian issue, tackling the death of the young man, Ali Hassan Sharaf al-Din, who died in a car accident. Ali was a member of Imam al-Mahdi [AS] scouts. His family donated his body organs.
His Eminence hailed the humane act by saying, “this is the culture of life and sacrifice, and we are proud of them”.
Sayyed Nasrallah concluded his speech by affiring, “Today we are on an upward path with a promising and open horizon, and we are walking with firm steps towards ultimate victory”.