Sayyed Nasrallah stresses full support to army Opposition will even

The opposition will eventually triumph
Source:, Friday 16-02-2007
The Weapons Issue
"I would like to comment and clarify an issue, which has been raised in an incorrect manner, and it relates to the resistance weapons. Every time progress is made to settle internal crisis, new files are opened to cause further obstruction to the process. We are not like others who store and distribute weapons while they lie denying its possession.. We clearly announce we have it, plenty of weapons, of all kinds ... and we have the right to transport our arms to combat "Israel", even if we transport them in secret to hide them from the "Israeli" enemy; while some are uneasy and uncertain about whom they want to feed the "hay" found in a weapons truck once."
"I do not ask permission to bear arms from those who brought weapons from "Israel", nor those who bore arms under the wing of `Israeli` occupation, nor will I ask it of those who did not shoot a single bullet at "Israel". I rely on public opinion but dialogue with politicians is futile, I have lost hope in politicians."
"The most important element in the resistance is its secrecy and confidentiality as well as the preservation of the resistance`s weapons, bases, leaders and cadres. Why do they ask us to transport our weapons openly?!"
"With regards to the weapons confiscation incident, which by the way were Katyusha rockets, a matter known to both the Customs and the Army and reports have been accordingly submitted."
"Confiscated weapons are unlawfully taken, even if taken to the South. Some say give these weapons to the Lebanese Army. We will not forgive anyone who confiscates even a single bullet from the arms of the resistance. We are ready to provide the army with all the weapons it requires, but with our consent"
"We won the war against "Israel", not through fighting with wooden swords, but by launching rockets and missiles at the enemy."
"The Resistance will always stand by the Lebanese army, with our weapons, men and blood to defend Lebanon. Let no one play between us as none will succeed in causing a rift between the resistance and the army. Hence, this is a just cause as we do not differentiate between the Army and the resistance"
"Resistance fighters in Maroun el-Ras were ready to interfere to support the Lebanese army in case of any further development. Our blood and our youth will stand by the army. This is a just cause as far as we are concerned."
"This (so-called) `resistance government` confiscated our weapons during wartime, which have not been returned until now, and today they confiscate more of our weapons again."
Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted the issue of what has been known in Lebanon as the "predictions of some politicians".
"Through predicting military action against the UNIFIL in south Lebanon, in fact they are preparing for such attacks to point the finger at Hizbullah. Some politicians are trying to create tension between the resistance and the UNIFIL. We don`t have a problem with the UN forces and we do not oppose their presence."
"We are in contact with the countries taking part in the UN forces and they are positively considering our remarks. We have to work through diplomatic channels to prevent any problem that develops between the UNIFIL and the southerners."
The Internal Situation
"During the venerated event of the annual commemoration of the assassination of former Prime Minister Martyr Rafik Hariri, two days ago, the level of speech we witnessed there evokes fear and concern. Does that language of insults and slander put an end to the crisis in this country?"
"It is true that the current situation needs courageous decisions, but experience shows us whose history contains evidence of such decisions and whose does not, because there are some in this country ready to sacrifice Lebanon for their personal interests or position and not even for their own party."
"We, in the National Opposition, have had many clear proposals and we have been committed to the limits we set for ourselves. However, others are ringing the bells of civil war, so this is a battle of public opinion. Let the people decide who really wants to take the country towards civil war and who benefits from such a war."
"Our performance and conduct thus far confirms we do not wish to take the country down that road of civil war, and we are committed in this. When we were shot at on Tuesday and Thursday, the wisdom and patience with which we reacted was evident."
"Through careful analysis, people ought to see who fired at the time."
"Only two days ago we witnessed, regrettably, a language level used by some leaders that evokes fear and anxiety."
"Are these the kind of morals, values and stances that may place the nation on the path to conciliation? To whose benefit is a speech of insults? How does Lebanon benefit from such a policy?"
"Some are prepared to sacrifice Lebanon for their own personal gain, not even for their party; they are even prepared to sacrifice the entirety of Lebanon for their own sake."
"Is this the civilized government of justice? Besides the insults, their response to all initiatives is No to the guarantor-third, No to a national unity government, No to the resistance weapon. There is no place in the country for you and for one and a half million people demonstrating in the streets today, hence you have to pack your bags and leave this country."
"It was said that they had coordinated their speeches together. If that is the case where is the horizon in the statements of `Feb 14` forces? Where is the solution?
"Today, there are calls to take courageous decisions. But whose past encloses courageous decisions and whose does not. I do not want to accuse the whole of `Feb. 14`, but the problem is that while some in `Feb. 14` have a genuine interest in conciliation; another force among `Feb. 14` finds any solution to the crisis completely against their interests." "American Ambassador Feltman comes out to re-ignite and sabotage any situation that may entail the possibility of a solution."
"We welcome any bilateral meetings and this matter is open. I personally would not be party and I will not take part in negotiation or discussion. Some may say I am being standoffish when the interest of Lebanon is what`s at hand. I say we in Hizbullah confide in all our allies of the National Lebanese Opposition, without going into names. We welcome any bilateral meetings that may defuse political mines and clear away apprehensions."
"They are insisting that the opposition is led by Hizbullah and they are trying to establish this equation, but this is not true. Let them negotiate with any leadership in the opposition and be sure that they represent us as much as we represent ourselves."
"The negotiation or consultation-table is an utter waste of time. The problem is that there are foreign sides who do not want a solution in Lebanon, and unfortunately there are internal sides who do not want this as well."
"Such as what happened to the Palestinians and without reading the agreement, we congratulate and welcome the agreement between Fatah and Hamas. There are some in the world who do not want to see a government of national unity form in Palestine and the same applies in Lebanon."
"If the current situation is such, it does not mean we will despair. We have made moves until now and let no one imagine that the opposition has run out of moves or ended. The opposition still possesses many options to act and make moves, while as always, we keep the door open to initiatives and reconciliatory efforts."
"As I have said before, you cannot rule this country alone. The country cannot be ruled unilaterally and through division. The opposition never said it is seeking to eliminate you from the country`s political map, but it said that it wants a partnership. Naturally we will continue our movement."
"Since the beginning, we said if we have an allocation assigned within the government, we would relinquish our share to others."
"In the memory of our two dear leaders, we stress our commitment to the resistance to protect this country. Every grain of dust constitutes a drop of blood from a martyr. Every rock constitutes the body of a martyr, and every olive tree is a gleaming spirit of a martyr. We will not give up a little shrub in the South let alone an olive tree. Hizbullah...the party of Sheikh Ragheb and Sayyed Abbas is capable of being everywhere, in the south and in Beirut, to struggle for rightness in every field simultaneously."
"Hizbullah and its allies are capable today of saving our country and we will not despair. What is going on now is a continuation of the "Israeli" summer war against Lebanon. As we stood up and faced this war, we will stand up now but through using different methods. It is no coincidence that the National Lebanese Opposition is made up of those who provided cover and protection for the resistance that won the war in the South."
"I do not give you false hopes. The illegitimate government has remained standing since the first of November because of the foreign support, who reached a regional stalemate with increasing difficulty day by day. But such support cannot keep the ruling bloc in place forever. As I promised you earlier, I renew my promise that the opposition will achieve its goal and will triumph."
"Just as we were patient before, we must be patient now in the face of the same war continuing now under different labels and forms."
"One of the most important reasons for the victory is the combatants` (Mujahidin`s) discipline, even at the most difficult of times. We will continue to work through patience, precision, trust in God along with your patience and sacrifices, even with those who have been mislead by some."
"With all this confidence at this commemoration I reiterate the promise made by Sayyed Abbas and Sheikh Ragheb and as I previously promised ...this National Opposition will reach the target and will triumph."
Source: Al-Manar TV, 16-2-2007
Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah made a speech during the annual commemoration of the martyrdom of former Secretary General Sayyed Abbas Mussawi and Shiekh Ragheb Harb. His eminence said that "Israel" was defeated in Lebanon in the first war launched by the Zionist entity against an Arab country in collusion with some Arab countries, and the first such war on an Arab country whose people were abandoned, but despite that they triumphed.
Sayyed Nasrallah addresses martyr Sayyed Abbas and martyr Sheikh Harb saying that the resistance has preserved their will and it has survived and triumphed. He said Hizbullah will not forgive Lebanese authorities for seizing resistance weapons.
"We will not forgive anyone who confiscates a bullet from the arms of the resistance. We are ready to provide the army with all the weapons that it requires but with our consent, but we will not forgive anyone who confiscates a bullet," he said.
Sayyed Nasrallah said "we have plenty of weapons, of all kinds ... and we have the right to transport our arms to combat "Israel", even if we transport them in secret to hide them from the "Israeli" enemy.
When we won the war against "Israel", we were not fighting with wooden swords, but we were launching rockets and missiles at the enemy." "The Resistance will always stand by the Lebanese army, with our weapons, men and blood to defend Lebanon, and no will succeed in causing a rift between the resistance and the army" he said. "Resistance fighters in Maroun el-Ras were ready to interfere to support the Lebanese army in case of any further development, our blood and our youth will stand by the army," he said.
His eminence touched on the internal situation and said that every time progress is made to settle the crisis, new files are opened to cause further obstruction to the process.
"We, in the opposition, have had many clear proposals and we have been committed to the red lines which we have set for ourselves while others are ringing the bell of civil war, so this is a battle of public opinion. Let the people decide who really wants to take the country towards civil war and who benefits from this war," Sayyed Hasan said. The Secretary General stressed the opposition does not want to take the country into civil war. "When we were shot at on Tuesday and Thursday, we reacted with wisdom and patience." Sayyed Nasrallah commented on the speeches made during the annual commemoration of the assassination of former Prime Minister martyr Rafik Hariri.
"We have witnessed a couple of days ago the level of speech which evokes fear and worry. Does this language of insults and slander put an end to the crisis in this country," his eminence said.
Sayyed Nasrallah said that there are some in this country who are causing problems for Lebanon for personal ends. "There are some who are sacrificing this country for their personal interests, not for their party and not for anything else," He added.
Sayyed Nasrallah insisted that he will not be a part in any bilateral meeting nor will he negotiate, not because he does not want to, but because Hizbullah trusts its allies in the national opposition.
"They are insisting that the opposition is led by Hizbullah and they are trying to establish this equation, but this is not true. Let them negotiate with any leadership in the opposition and be sure that they represent us as much as they represent themselves."
Sayyed Hassan said that the problem is that there are foreign sides which do not want a solution in Lebanon, "and unfortunately there are internal sides who don`t want this as well," his eminence added. He stressed the opposition will not despair and it still have a wide margin to move to achieve its goal of forming a national unity government and hold early elections. "As I have said before, you cannot rule this country alone. The opposition never said it is seeking to eliminate you from the country`s political map, but it said that it wants a partnership."
Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted the issue of what has been known in Lebanon as the "predictions of some politicians".
"There are some who are predicting military action against the UNIFIL in south Lebanon, and in fact they are preparing for such attacks to point the finger at Hizbullah. There are some politicians who are trying to create tension between the resistance and the UNIFIL. We don`t have a problem with the UN forces and we don`t oppose their presence. We are in contact with the countries taking part in the UN forces and they are positively considering with our remarks. We have to work through diplomatic channels to prevent any problem to develop between the UNIFIL and the southerners," his eminence said.
Hizbullah`s Secretary General concluded: "In the memory of our two dear leaders, we stress our commitment to the resistance to protect this country. Every iota of blood constitutes a drop of blood from a martyr.
Hizbullah is capable of being everywhere, in the south and in Beirut, to struggle for rightness in every field. Hizbullah and its allies are capable today of saving our country and we will not despair. What is going now is a continuation of the "Israeli" summer war against Lebanon. They have stood since the first of November because of the foreign support, but such support cannot keep the ruling bloc in place forever. As I promised you earlier, I renew my promise that the opposition will achieve its goal and it will triumph."

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