Sayyed Nasrallah to Muslim Youth: You Must Protect Your Quran and Punish the Abusive Criminals Severely

By Al-Ahed News, Live Coverage
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah stated that “the commemoration [of Ashura] does not end on the tenth day [of Muharram], even if this day [the 13th day] is the climax of the commemoration”.
His Eminence explained that “one of the greatest lessons of Karbala is when your Taklif [responsibility] becomes to stand until the last breath for the sake of your religion and your sanctities, and the lesson of Karbala is our lesson until the Day of Resurrection is that we stand and nothing shakes us”.
The SG’s remarks came during his speech on Tuesday at the thirteenth of Muharram march organized by Hezbollah in the southern city of Nabatiyeh.
Nonetheless, Sayyed Nasrallah said: “Yesterday in Sweden, pages of the Holy Quran were burned and an image symbolizing Imam Hussein [AS] was burned,” stressing that “this behavior constitutes an insulting challenge to two billion Muslims in the world”.
His Eminence explained that “A filthy person under the protection of the Swedish police insulted two billion Muslims in the world, and so did the Danish government.”
The Resistance leader noted that “in some countries, if the insult was directed at a king, a prince, the wife of a king or a prince or to his family, the world would denounce this action and relations would be severed,” adding, “as for the Quran being burned, these lifeless people did not lift a finger”.
“In the light of this humiliating and negligent reality, one understands some of the suffering of Imam Hussein [AS] at that time,” the Hezbollah SG stated.
His Eminence pointed out that “Yesterday, while I was watching this cursed person burn the Quran, and if it was possible for us hear the torn Quran, it would have said: ‘Is there anyone to help me?’”.
Sayyed Nasrallah addressed the Muslim youth in the world by saying, “There is no longer any meaning in waiting for anyone – neither the Arab League [AL] nor the Organization of Islamic Cooperation [OIC] –you must protect your Quran and your sanctities, and punish these cursed abusive criminals with the most severe punishment”.
“What is happening today in the world and in comparison with the near and distant history, increases our conviction that our choice is the right one, and what is said in the Lebanese interior and the region are nonsense,” the Resistance Leader stated, explaining that “what protects this country and its people is its Resistance and its Resistance only, and all evidence confirms this fact, and this is what we insist on doing.”
In the context, His Eminence asked: “If the rulers in our Islamic world do not have the courage and zeal to defend the Holy Quran, will they defend our land, Lebanon and al-Aqsa Mosque?”, indicating that “when we waited for states, our people failed, but when the people rose up, we won”.
Sayyed Nasrallah addressed the Palestinian people and urged them, “not to wait for these people [international bodies], for you must bet on your people, your blood and allies in the Axis of Resistance.”
Regarding what is happening in the Ain al-Hilweh camp, His Eminence, affirmed that "what is happening in the Ain al-Hilweh camp is painful there is bloodshed, displacement and painful repercussions”.
The Hezbollah Chief said, “We appeal to everyone in the Ain al-Hilweh camp to stop the fighting and everyone who can contribute a word or with a call to stop the fighting must do so,” stressing that “this fighting should not continue because its repercussions are bad for Sidon and its surroundings, the South and all of Lebanon.”
On the occasion of the Lebanese Army Day, Sayyed Nasrallah said, “We consider the army the basic guarantee of the unity of the land and stability, and this institution must be cared for and supported in order to be able to carry out its responsibilities, as its soldiers are exposed to many risks”.
His Eminence concluded his speech by saying, “We are in the era of victories scored by peoples and resistances, not states and governments”.