Sayyed Nasrallah Commenting on Quran Desecration in Stockholm: Expel Sweden’s Ambs. from Arab, Islamic Countries

By Al-Ahed News, Live Coverage
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah called on the Arab and Islamic peoples to demand that their governments withdraw their ambassadors from Sweden and expel the Swedish ambassadors from Arab and Islamic countries.
In a speech delivered during the commemoration of the third night of Ashura held by Hezbollah in the southern suburbs of Beirut, and commenting on the desecration and burning of the Holy Quran under the protection of the Swedish police in Stockholm, Sayyed Nasrallah called on the Lebanese government to withdraw the Lebanese ambassador or charge d'affaires from Sweden, and expel the Swedish ambassador from Lebanon, considering that this stance is “the weakest degree of faith”.
Sayyed Nasrallah said, “We are saddened by what happened today – a new ugly act that desecrated our Holy Quran,” adding that “what we witnessed is a provocation to the feelings of Muslims, and it is clear that whoever burned or desecrated the Holy Quran was with the permission of the Swedish government, and he is the same person who burned the Quran some time ago”.
Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that the desecration of the Quran affects all Muslims and does not affect one group over another, and therefore people have the right to express their anger.
His Eminence added, “The insult is repeated by the same state; and the foolish side which stands behind the perpetrator tried to offend Iraq and Iran, but the insult to the Quran is an insult to all Muslims.” Sayyed Nasrallah further warned of the “Israeli” insistence on sedition because the first time of desecrating the Quran did not receive a reaction, “So they returned to push towards sedition again, which we should all beware of it”.
The Resistance Leader praised the Iraqi stance with regard to this crime, describing what the Iraqi government did as “a brave and wise act, and an excellent stance, when it summoned the Iraqi Chargé d'Affaires and expelled the Swedish ambassador from Iraq, calling on Arab and Islamic countries to follow suit”.
Sayyed Nasrallah continued, saying: “If we want the burning and desecration of the holy Quran that happened in Sweden not to be repeated, then all Arab and Islamic countries must do what Iraq did”.
He also called on “the brothers and sisters in all neighborhoods and villages to attend sit-ins tomorrow [Friday] in all mosques while carrying copied of the Quran, and urge the state to take a stance towards Sweden,” considering that this is the least that can be done.
Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that “tomorrow is Friday, and the whole world must see how we embrace our Quran, and the whole world must see how we protect our Quran with our blood and our children”.
His Eminence also called for a collective reading of the Holy Quran in gatherings, calling on people “to come tomorrow [Friday] to gatherings while embracing the Holy Quran”. He asserted that “the whole world must see – that when our Quran is desecrated – how we embrace and read it”.
Sayyed Nasrallah concluded his speech by saying that the next step would be to sever relations with Sweden if the offense to our Holy Book was repeated.