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Sayyed Nasrallah Warns “Israel”: Don’t Make Wrong Calculations, Any Mistake might Blow up Entire Region

Sayyed Nasrallah Warns “Israel”: Don’t Make Wrong Calculations, Any Mistake might Blow up Entire Region
folder_openReports-2023 access_timeone year ago
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Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Nasrallah delivered on Thursday a speech as Lebanon celebrates the 23rd anniversary of the Resistance and Liberation Day.

At the beginning of his televised speech, Sayyed Nasrallah viewed that that ‘Resistance and Liberation Day’ is a great occasion that reminds of the great victory that was achieved in Lebanon. “The Resistance and Liberation Day is a great occasion that recalls the majestic victory which was achieved in Lebanon on this day.”

He further congratulated the Lebanese people on the beautiful and dear occasion. In addition, His Eminence thanked the Lebanese Army, the Security Forces, the Palestinian factions, and all presidents and political powers that supported the resistance, and thanks Iran and Syria who supported and are still supporting the resistance and all its leaders

Moreover, the Resistance Leader thanked all those who contributed to the victory a top of whom are the martyrs, the wounded, the liberated detainees, the Mujahideen and all their families.

Sayyed Nasrallah also thanked all the people who remained defiant and embraced, supported, and protected the resistance in all the Lebanese regions especially South Lebanon and Beqaa.

“After the withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000, and the withdrawal from Gaza, there is nothing called ‘Great Israel’,” he said, noting that “Today, ‘Israel’ hides behind walls and fire, and it’s unable to impose its conditions in any negotiations with the Palestinian people.”

Meanwhile, His Eminence underlined that “Those who suspect that the battle against our enemy has finished are mistaken as there is part of our land which is still under occupation.”

Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted the necessity of commemorating this occasion by saying: “The Lebanese generations and all people must be reminded that this victory was not granted, but was instead an outcome of long years of sacrifices.”

He also warned that Some sides seek to waste the achieved victory. “We have to prevent this.”

In addition, Hezbollah Secretary General clarified that “Our struggle dates back to May 17, which means the wrong choices, and May 15, which is the Day of Nakba, and reaches May 25th, which represents the right choices.”

“After the withdrawal from Lebanon in 2000, and the withdrawal from Gaza, there is nothing called ‘Great Israel’,” he confirmed, noting that “The occupation entity’s transformations, which was supposed to be strong and dominant, are the results of the long struggle and the history of sacrifices.”

Sayyed Nasrallah went on to say: “‘Israel’ has no interest in a multipolar world, but rather a one-pole world led by the US.”

“‘Israel’s’ internal division comes at a time the resistance axis enjoys great cohesion and steadfastness,” he stressed, pointing out that “Among the goals of the global war on Syria was to oust it from the axis of resistance.”

According to His Eminence, “The Iranian president’s positions during his latest visit to Syria after 12 years of global war on it confirm the coherence of the axis of resistance.”

Regarding the axis of the resistance’s strength, the Resistance Leader assured that “The pillar of resistance is the human, who believes in his cause and right and who possesses bravery and daring. The axis of resistance has an excellent human capacity as well as spirit in Gaza, Al-Quds, the West Bank, and the entire region.”

Commenting on the recent “Israeli” threats, Sayyed Nasrallah sent sounding messages: “The ‘Israeli’ has miscalculations if he thinks that the great war will be with the Palestinians only or the Lebanese only.

He further responded to “Israeli” PM Benjamin Netanyahu’s threats, by affirming: “You are not the ones who threaten with the great war, but we are the ones threatening you with it.”

On this level, His Eminence unveiled that “Any great war will include all borders and its areas and fields will be narrowed by hundreds of thousands of fighters, and we have tremendous superiority when we tackle the human aspect.”

Moving to the disturbed “Israeli” internal arena, Sayyed Nasrallah explained that “Today, there is a loss of confidence in the entity’s institutions, while our people have overwhelming confidence in the resistance leaders, movements, and countries, as they are ready to sacrifice the lives of their children in this path.”

“One of our strong points is the ‘Israeli’ enemy’s internal front, which is facing an ideological retreat,” he stated, noting that “One of the important transformations is that the ‘Israeli’ internal front is weak and feeble, and that the ‘Israelis’ are ready and seek to flee.”

His Eminence also viewed that “There is hope more than ever to liberate Palestine from the river to the sea. The enemy's entity has lost its historic leaders.”

Assuring that the deterrence equation is what protects Lebanon, the Resistance Leader asserted that “The ‘Israelis’ backtracked their latest threats due to fear in the settlements and after Hezbollah’s latest wargames. Netanyahu has failed to restore deterrence through the latest Gaza confrontation. ‘Israel’ resorted to escalating its rhetoric after the failure in Gaza.”

On this level, he urged the “Israeli” enemy’s premier, war minister and army chief to be careful and not to make wrong calculations.

“We’re confident and certain that Palestine will be liberated and that we will pray in Al-Aqsa Mosque, as the occupying entity is moving towards demise,” His Eminence reiterated, noting that “Among the major transformations is the development of the resistance’s military capabilities, an example of which is what we have in Lebanon.”

Sayyed Nasrallah estimated that “The one who should fear the great war is ‘Israel’,” underlining that “The ‘Israelis’ failed to strengthen their deterrence and realized that they would pay the price for every attack.”

Moreover, he disclosed that “The “Israelis” retreated from their threats because of the decline in the touristic activity and the ‘shekel’ against the dollar.”

“The enemy must fear, pay attention and not be dragged to any miscalculation by committing any mistake in any country that might lead to a great war,” he added, noting that “The great war in the region will move the ‘Israeli” entity to the abyss and to its demise.”

To “Israel”, Sayyed Nasrallah sent a clear threat “The ‘Israelis’ must know that none of the resistance movements fears them. Any mistake might blow up the entire region.”

Calling on all Lebanese to put bickering aside amid the presence of a true protection umbrella for Lebanon. The resistance Leader underscored that “The ‘army, people and resistance’ equation protected Lebanon as security remains a prerequisite for any economic and political treatment.”

He also viewed that “The ‘Israeli’ entity managed to normalize relations with some Arab regimes, but it was unable to normalize relations with the Arab people. The occupation realized that the Arab regimes are incapable of imposing normalization on their people.”

Moving to the internal Lebanese arena, Sayyed Nasrallah called again the Lebanese to return to dialogue to address their crises. “The regional equations call for optimism,” he added.

His Eminence commented on the issue of ‘the Banque du Liban’s’ Governor: Either he steps down himself or the judiciary takes responsibility because the caretaker government doesn’t have the authority to remove him

“The issue of the Syrian refugees can be resolved through a decision to send a Lebanese government’s delegation to Syria,” he said.

On the presidential file, Hezbollah Secretary General concluded: “Further dialogue and contacts are required and we call for discussing the presidential choices without preconditions.”
