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Sayyed Nasrallah: Al-Quds A Red Line. The ‘Israeli’ Game in Palestine, Lebanon or Syria might lead To A Regional War

Sayyed Nasrallah: Al-Quds A Red Line. The ‘Israeli’ Game in Palestine, Lebanon or Syria might lead To A Regional War
folder_openReports-2023 access_timeone year ago
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Translated By Staff

Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Friday a speech in the festival held to celebrate International Al-Quds Day 2023.

At the beginning of his speech Sayyed Nasrallah reminded that “The April 1996 understanding established the foundations for the era the resistance’s victories against ‘Israel’.”

He further explained that “Al-Quds Day is a day for Palestine, its sanctities whether Islamic or Christian and a day for unity in support for the oppressed Palestinian people.”

“Al-Quds Day is a day of solidarity for the honorable people of the world with Palestine, Al-Quds and its oppressed people,” His Eminence stated, noting that “The victory we will achieve is thanks to the peoples and the leaders’ shouldering of their responsibilities towards Palestine.”

In parallel, the Resistance Leader underlined that “The ‘Israeli’ entity declared alert on all fronts and is suffering fear and anxiety, while the axis of resistance is on top of relief.”

To the daring Palestinian people, women and men, Christians and Muslims, Sayyed Nasrallah assured that his Hezbollah “will support you and you are not alone.”

According to His Eminence, “There are major developments that took place on the international level and within the Zionist entity; and when we assess this, we find that our axis is in a positive situation.”

“Another evidence on the US retreat is its defeat in Afghanistan,” he stated, pointing out that “The American defeat in Afghanistan triggered a regional earthquake, and its consequences are appearing successively.”

On another level, Hezbollah Secretary General underscored that “The US had to retreat in Venezuela after its economic and political blockade on the country.”

In addition, His Eminence revealed that “Gulf officials told us that they are convinced that the US can’t be relied upon to protect a regime or a country.”

“Bilateral relations and dialogue between the countries of the region shape its security and stability,” he emphasized, recalling that “Some Arab countries’ normalization with ‘Israel’ came as an implementation to US order, not as some ‘Israeli’ officials claim.”

Sayyed Nasrallah went on to say: “The NATO war with Russia, and the US confrontation with China regarding Taiwan make the US busy and ‘Israel’ concerned.”

“The unfolding international transformation has great advantages for the Axis of Resistance,” he confirmed, noting that “Today, the axis of resistance emerged strong and effective in face of the US wars in the region during the past decade.”

Hailing the recover of relations between Syria and a number of Arab countries and the return of the political relations, His Eminence stressed that “Turkey wants to have ties with Syria yet the Syrian leadership is setting normal conditions for restoring such ties.”

Sayyed Nasrallah also welcomed the atmosphere emanating from Yemen and Saudi Arabia that
“calls for optimism, and makes us happy.”

“All the upcoming developments from Yemen and Saudi Arabia raise hope,” he said, reiterating that “We have been calling for ending the war on Yemen since day one of the aggression.”

To the Iraqi people, Popular Mobilization Units, and resistance factions, the Resistance Leader affirmed “We harbor great hopes on you.”

Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah viewed that “The Saudi-Iranian deal has positive impact especially on the level of curbing normalization with the ‘Israeli’ entity.”

“Some have been talking of the formation of a Sunni-‘Israeli’ axis, or an Arab-‘Israeli’ axis against Iran, but this has failed,” he assured, pointing out that “The real support for the resistance is Iran under the leadership of Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, and thus and this is why it was blockaded and battled.”

Moving to internal “Israeli” arena, His Eminence explained that “The so-called ‘Israeli” judicial reform revealed all the divisions in the ‘Israeli’ entity, and it is a non-bloody war of abolition led by Netanyahu and his extremist team.”

“The division in ‘Israel’ would have turned into a bloody war had it not been for the American intervention and the visits of its officials,” he asserted, unveiling that “There is a dangerous and horrible backtrack of the fighting spirituality for the sake of the ‘Israeli’ entity.”

As His Eminence praised the Palestinian Resistance in Occupied Al-Quds and the West Bank, Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned that “There is a heroic resistance in the West Bank and al-Quds, sacrifice, martyrdom, and insistence to be present in the Aqsa Mosque; this is a major development.”

Commenting on the recent rockets that were launched from South Lebanon towards the Occupied Palestinian territories, he described the incident as “a major one given the ongoing situation since 2006.”

“We believe that the policy of silence terrifies and concerns the enemy,” he stated, noting that “The enemy that threatens the Lebanese people and bombs Syria must remain concerned and terrified; this cements the balance of deterrence and the rules of engagement.”

In addition, Sayyed Nasrallah confirmed: “The balance of deterrence made the ‘Israeli’ response limited and ridiculous.”

“The ‘Israelis’ thought that they made an achievement by not attacking Hezbollah after the shelling that was launched from South Lebanon,” His Eminence said, noting that “The ‘Israelis’ didn’t bomb any infrastructure belonging to Hezbollah, it only bombed a banana field.”

He underscored that “The ‘Israeli’ told its people lies and everybody knows that what was bombed is not a Hezbollah site; this reflects its weakness. Among [‘Israeli’ PM Benjamin] Netanyahu’s lies were that [Yaair] Lapid’s government has signed a deal with Hezbollah, which everybody knows that this is a lie.”

To Bibi, Hezbollah Secretary General sent a sounding message: “Netanyahu threatens the resistance and we threaten him too… and days will decide... Any security incident that takes place in Lebanon will be answered without hesitation.”

Regarding the developments along the Syrian border, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that “When the Syrian Army is deployed along hundred kilometers-long fighting line, don’t ask them to open another front.”

“The Syrian stance towards the ‘Israeli’ hostilities might change at any moment,” he said, noting that “What happened in the past week regarding the drones in South Syria is a signal that the Syrian stance would possibly change.”

Back to the Palestinian front, Sayyed Nasrallah acknowledged that “The West Bank is the shield of al-Quds with its patience, steadfastness, resistance, and tolerance.”

“For the Palestinian people to remain defiance in the West Bank and al-Quds, we must support them with money and arms… When we say the “West Bank is al-Quds Shield”, this equals that it is duty to support the West Bank,” His Eminence affirmed, noting that “The ‘Israeli’ game in al-Quds, Lebanon or Syria might lead the region to a bigger war.”

In addition, he warned that “The enemy’s foolishness, especially in the past few months, would push the region to a war.”

To the ‘Israelis’, the Resistance Leader threatened: “Beware! Al-Quds is a red line!”

“Lebanon, which made its victory in 2000, is with all the honorable and free people; we are with Palestine and won’t abandon it,” Sayyed Nasrallah concluded.
