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Leader of Martyrs: Sayyed Nasrallah


‘Israel’ Confiscates Thousands of Dunums in the West Bank in Attempt to Expand Settler Schemes

‘Israel’ Confiscates Thousands of Dunums in the West Bank in Attempt to Expand Settler Schemes
folder_openPalestine access_timeone year ago
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By Al- Ahed News

The ‘Israeli’ occupation authorities confiscated 2.3 million dunums of the occupied West Bank lands, allocating them to construct and expand the Zionist settler scheme at the expense of the Palestinian existence, the Land Research Center of the Arab Studies Society said in a statement marking the 47th Land Day anniversary.

The center mentioned that the occupation regime confiscated those lands to build 572 settler units, which will be occupied by around 850,000 settlers, regardless of the international legitimacy resolutions.

During the confiscation of the West Bank lands, the ‘Israeli’ occupation forces destroyed 12350 Palestinian houses, and uprooted more than 2 million aging olive trees.

Added to the attacks on the West Bank lands, the ‘Israeli’ occupation forces razed other Palestinian villages, such as al-Araqib some 214 times.

The center further underlined that the ‘Israeli’ occupation dried al-Houla Lake, looted the Jordan River sources, changed the path of the Jordan River, and is working currently to dry the Dead Sea in an unprecedented challenge of the international charters.

The ‘Israeli’ occupation forces practice the systematic displacement and confiscation of lands, and legislates for this aim apartheid ‘laws’ in its parliament [the Knesset], the last of which was issuing tenders for the construction of 940 units in the illegal West Bank settlements of Efrat and Beitar Ilit, as well as a further 89 units in Har Gilo settlement, located five kilometers south of al-Quds.
