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Sayyed Nasrallah to “Israel”: A War on Lebanon might Lead to Regional War, Demise of Entity

Sayyed Nasrallah to “Israel”: A War on Lebanon might Lead to Regional War, Demise of Entity
folder_openReports-2023 access_timeone year ago
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By Al-Ahed News

Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Wednesday a speech in the memorial ceremony held to honor late leader Hajj Hussein Al-Shami.

At the beginning of his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah offered his condolences to the family of Hajj Al-Shami and all his brothers who are attending the memorial ceremony held to honor him.

“When we talk of Hajj Hussein Al-Shami, we are doing some of our duty of introducing him to people, as many of our brothers work secretly in night and day, and our people don’t get to know before they pass away,” His Eminence stated.

He further hailed Al-Shami “who belongs to a faithful family that works for the sake of Allah.”

“Ever since his youth he shouldered the burden of Islam and calling for Islam. He was at the forefront of those who believed in the Islamic Revolution in Iran before its victory, and he was among the first to join the path of late Imam Khomeini,” His Eminence confirmed. 

In parallel, Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that “Hezbollah’s path was built upon piety since day one, as the founding leaders were ready to sacrifice their lives, some of which were martyred, and others passed away, and some lived a blessed life that is full of achievements, the likes of Hajj Hussein Al-Shami.”

“Hajj Hussein participated in the establishment of the Resistance Support Committee and assumed the its responsibility after Sheikh Hussein Kourani. He also contributed to the establishment of the Al-Qard Al-Hassan Foundation, along with his brothers, and he had a fundamental role in managing this institution and setting its controls and laws,” His Eminence revealed.

In parallel, he clarified that “Al-Qard Al-Hassan is enjoying an accelerating path due to US sanctions,” noting that “In 2015, the majority of the Lebanese banks asked everyone affiliated with Hezbollah to withdraw their deposits, in implementation of the US decision.”

“The US resolutions and the Lebanese banks’ behavior led people to withdraw their deposits and save them in Al-Qards Al-Hassan Association,” he affirmed.

“Al-Qard Al-Hassan does not discriminate between the Lebanese, but some politicians object to opening branches in certain areas,” Hezbollah Secretary added, rejecting the opening of Al-Qard Al-Hassan branches in areas where people refuse this opening.

Sayyed Nasrallah welcomes “any party’s decision to imitate the services of Qard Al-Hassan’s experience that have proven to be for all Lebanese people and doesn’t discriminate between any political paths, regions, or sects.”

On the same level, the Resistance Leader urged the Lebanese state “to take the measures to confront the deterioration of the economic situation and the rate of the currency’s exchange.”

His Eminence also described “the rise in the dollar’s exchange rate” as “illogical” calling the Lebanese state to prevent currency speculative operations.

“The gray zone between the Lebanese leaders has been very tight but there is no excuse not to call for dialogue to tackle the economic and living conditions,” he mentioned, pointing out that “Everyone agree that improving the living conditions is linked to improving the economy, and China is ready to support in this regard.”

Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah underscored that “China is ready to invest in Lebanon, but why doors are closed to China? This only requires making the decision and political courage. There are economies that might face collapse, and many major countries may collapse quickly

He went on to highlight the importance of social solidarity especially with the beginning of the holy month of Ramadan. “Hezbollah, with all its capabilities and institutions, is at the disposal of the people, and this is our permanent role.”

On the presidential file, His Eminence confirmed that “Things are moving slowly yet efforts are underway; the decision is domestic in the first place, and the foreign factor is supportive but not decisive.”

“Lebanon was not even mentioned in the latest Iranian-Saudi meeting,” he unveiled. 

Commenting on the northern occupied Palestine operation that confused all levels of the “Israeli” enemy, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed: “It is not my business to analyze the incident or assign responsibilities. Many have stopped at Hezbollah’s silence, but this is part of the battle and is a sign of wisdom. Also, it confuses the enemy.”

“Let the ‘Israelis’ investigate what happened and when they reach the results, the necessary thing will be done,” he said, noting that “The ‘Israeli’ enemy today is in trouble. The weakness, trouble, confusion, despair, distrust in one another and in the future of the temporary entity haven’t been precedented in its history.”

According to His Eminence, “The ‘Israeli’ government is composed of corrupt, extremist, and crazy members. The idiots in this ‘Israeli’ government disclose the truth of this entity which others hide.”

To the “Israeli” Security Minister, Sayyed Nasrallah sent a sounding message: “Do whatever you can as your threats are meaningless.”

“The maritime boundaries issue proved that the enemy fears engaging in a war with Lebanon, and that what they threaten us with would be the reason for eradicating them,” he added, vowing that “Any ‘Israeli’ attack on Lebanon, in any region, or against any Lebanese or non-Lebanese figure will be answered by the Resistance. A war on Lebanon might lead to war in the entire region and the demise of ‘Israel’.”

Commenting on the developments on the Yemeni front, His Eminence underlined that “As a result of the regional atmospheres and the failure of the war on Yemen, there are high hopes about reaching a solution.”

“News about prisoners swap in Yemen bring joy to the heart of every honorable person,” he said.

On the 20th anniversary of occupying Iraq, Sayyed Nasrallah affirmed that “The true and honest Iraqi resistance was the side that forces the Americans to withdraw from the country.”

“Iraq has been liberated thanks to the blessings of the resistance that fought the invaders and the occupiers, not by the efforts of the Takfiris who implanted death in mosques, churches, holy shrines, and universities,” he asserted.
