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Leader of Martyrs: Sayyed Nasrallah


Sayyed Nasrallah: ‘Israel’ Seriously Worried About its ‘Third Devastation’, This is A Coming Truth

Sayyed Nasrallah: ‘Israel’ Seriously Worried About its ‘Third Devastation’, This is A Coming Truth
folder_openReports-2023 access_timeone year ago
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By Al-Ahed News

Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Friday afternoon a speech during the memorial ceremony held to honor late Hajj Assad Mahmoud Saghir [Hajj Saleh].

At the beginning of his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah condoled with the family of late Hajj Assad Saghir, his brothers in arms, and prayed for Allah’s mercy on him.

Because he was not known, His Eminence underlined that it is our duty to talk about Hajj Saleh who joined the path of resistance at a very young age. “Hajj Saleh was among the founding generations, he was pious, temperate, humble, polite, and calm.”

Sayyed Nasrallah went on to list the characteristics of the late Hezbollah commander, and said: “Given his qualification, expertise, and intelligence, Hajj Saleh worked mainly with Hajj Imad Mughniyeh until his martyrdom. Hajj Saleh was only committed to Resistance and performing his Jihadi job.”

“Hajj Saleh was in charge of security evaluation for a long time, and this is a very key job. He also contributed to managerial missions and played a key role in dismantling ‘Israeli’ networks, uncovering the spies, and confronting the booby-trapped cars.”

His Eminence also noted that after the martyrdom of Sayyed Mustafa Badreddine [Sayyed Zolfiqar], Hajj Saleh became in direct charge in Syria, in which he worked on facing the Takfiri groups on the security level, and contributed to exposing the Zionist spies there.

Later, Hajj Saleh became in charge of protecting the zone where the shrine of Sayyeda Zeinab [AS] in Syria is located, and he didn’t quit his job in Syria ever since he went there.

“Among the files he was in charge of, Hajj Saleh pursued the issue of Hezbollah fighters whose whereabouts in Syria were unknown, and we have made great achievements that are almost in their last level,” according to Hezbollah Secretary General.

Additionally, Hajj Saleh worked in the Palestinian and Iraqi files; in Iraq there were two phases, one was while resisting the US occupation between 2003 and 2011, and the other when Daesh [Arabic for ‘ISIS/ISIL’] was in Iraq

Moving to the Iraqi issue, Sayyed Nasrallah lamented that it was unfair that the achievement made by the Iraqi resistance in defeating the US scheme was not in the spotlight.

As for those who criticized Sayyed Nasrallah’s latest speech of focusing on regional issues, His Eminence said “Sadly, some people in Lebanon think the country is an isolated island that has nothing to do with what is going on in the region; yet Lebanon is highly affected with the regional and world developments, mainly in Syria and Palestine.”

Speaking of the present and future of Syria and Lebanon is the same as speaking of those of Lebanon; Syria and Palestine are Arab and we have ethical, nationalistic, and religious duty to take care of, according to the Resistance leader.

Then, Sayyed Nasrallah asked: Had Syria fallen to Daesh, what kind of Lebanon would we have been living in?

“Whatever happens in Palestine affects Lebanon’s security, sovereignty, present, and future; imagine that Palestine today neighbors Lebanon without ‘Israel’, this is not a dream rather a coming truth,” His Eminence underlined.

Regarding Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah explained that we are in front of a huge achievement after the failure of the cosmic war against the Arab country. “Syria has already been part of the struggle against the ‘Israeli’ enemy and part of the Axis of Resistance, and remains so despite this war.”

In the second year of war on Syria, the Arab country was offered to abandon its key position within the Axis of Resistance but it refused, Sayyed Nasrallah said. “Whenever we see Arab, Western, and official delegations visiting Syria we feel happy, and we don’t feel concerned or worried,” His Eminence noted, ruling out that this would change Syria’s position and support for the Resistance: “The war on Syria cemented trust, and don’t allow anybody to doubt our relations with Syria.”

On the level of easing some restrictions imposed by the so-called Caesar Act, Sayyed Nasrallah commented that when Washington saw the Arab return to Syria, it allowed approaching it only regarding what has to do with the earthquake.

As for the country’s northeast, the Hezbollah chief considered that it would be better, if possible, to deal with what is happening there through Russian-Syrian-Iranian-Turkish negotiation.

His Eminence further underlined that whenever a country is strong it won’t fear any dialogue or any political or diplomatic steps.

With respect to accusing Iran of dominating the regional countries, Sayyed Nasrallah said: They try to promote that Iran came to control and dominate Syria; which in turn practices its entire sovereignty and freedom and takes all the decisions it wants. Iran doesn’t practice colonialism in Syria but rather helps Damascus to defend it and prevent its downfall.

“Some Arab regimes have an imagined battle with Syria; which is out of the circle of submission to the US, and has always been eyed for implementing the US schemes in the region,” His Eminence noted, setting a condition that “Hadn’t it been for Syria’s defiance, the issue has been settled since long ago; however, Syria’s support for the resistance movements has changed all regional equations.”

Slamming the US’ continued blockade and war on Syria in different forms, including its military forces illegal presence in eastern Euphrates that prevents liberating Syria, the Hezbollah chief made clear that Syria’s true rival is the US, and Syria and its people need all kinds of cooperation from friends and allies.

His Eminence expressed confidence that the regional and international developments indicate that the US blockade and sanctions won’t remain and will be broken.

Moving the ‘Israeli’-occupied territories, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that what is taking place in the occupied Palestine is historic and very important: There is a dominating sense within the ‘Israeli’ entity that the internal and external division will lead to the annihilation.

“The ‘Israelis’ fear a third devastation of their entity; and what is happening there brings big hopes in which what the ‘Israeli’ entity is facing is attributed to the defiance and resistance in the region,” His Eminence added.

However, he indicated that normalizing with certain countries doesn’t protect the ‘Israeli’ entity and won’t stop the Palestinian resistance operations, also noting that the significant transformation is that within the ‘Israeli’ entity today there is fear of something similar to what happened on May 25th, 2000 in South Lebanon.

The Axis of Resistance is serious, very honest, prepared, and not ready to any kind of submission, Sayyed Nasrallah underlined.

According to what is going on today in the occupied West Bank and the 1948 lands, which is of a high level of importance for the project of Resistance, the Hezbollah chief set the priority to extend the hand of help to the resisting Palestinians who are pushing this entity to the abyss.

On the level of the Saudi-Iranian rapprochement, Sayyed Nasrallah referred to it as something good which will serve the interests of the peoples of the region and may open new horizons in the region and Lebanon as well.

With respect to the presidential issue, the Hezbollah chief reiterated that the group doesn’t want to impose a president of the republic: “We want to open doors to accomplishing this mission.”

He concluded by advising the opposing parties not to for wait the foreign forces as they have no right to veto anything related to electing a president of the Lebanese Republic.
