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Sayyed Nasrallah Announces Hezbollah’s Support for Franjieh As President, Says “Israel” Moving towards Its End

Sayyed Nasrallah Announces Hezbollah’s Support for Franjieh As President, Says “Israel” Moving towards Its End
folder_openReports-2023 access_timeone year ago
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Translated By Staff

Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Monday a speech on “The Wounded Day”.

At the beginning of his speech Sayyed Nasrallah praised the sacrifices of the resistance’s wounded fighters and the freed prisoners.

To the Lebanese people, His Eminence underlined that “These wounded people carry a message that the sacrifices of the scored achievements don’t end after the victory.”

“Many of the resistance fighters who were wounded or prisoned returned to the battlefield and ended their lives as martyrs, such as Martyr Leader Samir Al-Qintar and Martyr Fawzi Ayyoub,” he added, noting that “Thousands of the Lebanese have entered the “Israeli” prisons, and the new generations must get acquainted with the Zionist detention centers.”

Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah called for recalling “the sufferings of the families of the detainees who waited so long for their beloved ones to return without learning any piece of information about them, and this is one type of the injustice practiced against the detainees, especially in Al-Khiam Detention Center.”

His Eminence further mentioned: “Also on the day of the detainees, we recall the honesty of the resistance that vowed not to leave any detainee behind bars; there are members whose whereabouts are still unknown, and we will never abandon this issue.”

Moving to the Palestinian front, the Resistance Leader predicted that “All what is happening inside the Zionist entity resembles indications towards collapse.”

To the dear Palestinian people, especially the prisoners and their families His Eminence said: “We, in Lebanon, are aware of your suffering and pain.”

Meanwhile, he urged the entire nation “to support the Palestinian people against the Zionist entity.”

“‘Israel’s’ move towards the death penalty law for Palestinian prisoners is a foolish one,” he affirmed, noting that “This ignorant enemy think that when it threatens the Palestinian resistance fighters with death if they are captured, the Palestinians will be deterred.  They will become bolder. They do not fear death.”

As Sayyed Nasrallah asserted that “The Zionist decision to execute the perpetrators of Palestinian operations is inhumane and foolish,” he stated, noting that “We need not any evidence on the barbarism of the occupation entity when we see what is going on in the town of Huwara.”

His Eminence also expressed Hezbollah’s solidarity and search for its responsibility in the issue of the Palestinian prisoners.

To the Palestinians, he confirmed that “We understand the suffering of what you are experiencing today in the West Bank, Al-Quds, Hawara, Nablus and East Al-Quds, as we lived your sufferings during the years of occupation and resistance.”

On the land borders, the resistance leader warned that “The ‘Israeli’ occupation today is trying to expand, but unarmed people stood to face heavily “Israeli” armed soldiers.”

Hailing the fact that “The Lebanese Army’s officers and soldiers are performing their responsibilities with all due courage,” he underlined that “Would this scene have been scored without the presence of a real deterrence equation in Lebanon?”

“The Lebanese civilians and Lebanese Army are forcing the ‘Israeli’ and its tanks to retreat,” Sayyed Nasrallah stated, noting that “This equation has protected Lebanon and it will protect our resources and borders whether in the land or the sea and will protect our oil fields later.”

In addition, His Eminence affirmed that “The deterring force in Lebanon wasn’t supported by any side other than the Islamic Republic of Iran and Syria.”

“Efforts must be exerted to liberate the Occupied Shebaa Farms and the Kfarshouba Hills,” he affirmed, noting that “All those who care for ‘Israel’s’ security, topped by the US, seek to strip Lebanon of its strong and golden equation.”

In parallel, Sayyed Nasrallah vowed not “to allow anyone to make Lebanon move towards chaos and destruction.”

“The maritime delimitation deal is not normalization and we ultimately don’t seek anything that has to do with pleasing the US,” he added, pointing out that “Whatever decision we make or a step we take that we feel it pleases the US makes us doubt it.”

Moreover, His Eminence emphasized that “We don’t feel disappointed or regretful regarding the delimitation of the maritime boundaries as it is a historic and important achievement. We didn’t surrender at all and we won’t surrender; and today, in light of the living crisis, people won’t abandon the resistance.”

According to the Resistance Leader, Sayyed Nasrallah cautioned that “They want to steal our power by assassinations, defamation, and provoking the global public opinion against us, as well as through starvation and chaos.”

On the internal front, Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated that “Hezbollah categorically and certainly seeks the election of a president and we don’t seek vacuum.”

“We reject that any foreign side imposes a president on Lebanon, and we aren’t to allow any foreign veto to be imposed on any candidate for the presidency,” he said, noting that “The election of a president is a great national interest.”

However, he announced that “We accept help in bringing viewpoints closer to each other, and regarding our friends, Syria and Iran didn’t and would never interfere in the presidential affair.”

In addition, Hezbollah Secretary General underlined that “We want a serious and decisive election of the president of Lebanon; we don’t want void and this is the definite national interest.”

“We’re committed to the two-thirds quorum for the election of a president. In the previous presidential elections, we blocked the quorum, and today we’re hearing from the leaders of some political parties that they would block quorum to prevent the election of a president from the Axis of Defiance. It’s their right,” Sayyed Nasrallah declared.

Sayyed Nasrallah went on to say: “There is nothing called a ‘Hezbollah candidate’ rather a candidate supported by Hezbollah.”

“Our decision is fully in our hands regarding nomination,” he said, suggesting that “Each party nominates its presidential candidate and go to the Parliament. If a quorum is present, we will elect the president directly.”

To the Lebanese rivals, Hezbollah Secretary General stressed that “It is your natural right to block quorum, but why are you permitting what they used to attack us about?”

“The Saudi-Iranian conflict has to do with the regional situation, especially in Yemen, and the solution is in the hands of the Yemeni leadership in Sanaa,” His Eminence affirmed.

Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah clearly announced that “The natural candidate that we, in Hezbollah, support and who meets our qualifications is former minister Suleiman Franjieh.”

“The entire executive authority is supposed to rescue the country, not only the president,” he said.

Regarding Hezbollah’s relation with the Free Patriotic Movement, Sayyed Nasrallah unveiled that “We kicked off talks with our allies, particularly the Free Patriotic Movement, to back a presidential candidate and we reached some results.”

“Unconditional dialogue is needed over the presidential file,” he said, noting that “When we name any person for presidency it would be a serious commitment; neither we maneuver nor change our candidate in the future.”

To the brothers in the Free Patriotic Movement, the Resistance Leader recalled that “Since the signing of the understanding in 2006, we have been and are still keen on it. The understanding between us didn’t turn us into one party and did not make anyone dependent on the other. There is nothing in the understanding that obliges a party to agree on a president, a speaker or a premier.”

Clarifying that “Today, our support for Minister Franjieh's candidacy does not mean abandoning the Mar Mikhael understanding or withdrawing from it,” Sayyed Nasrallah revealed that “Among Hezbollah members, I’m the keenest on the relation with the FPM.”

“The country needs calm, dialogue and communication, otherwise we must live with the presidential vacuum,” he concluded.

