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The School of Soleimani: From Birth until Martyrdom

The School of Soleimani: From Birth until Martyrdom
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By Al-Ahed News

The book has so far been available in the markets in four languages…

“Soleimani’s School: From Birth in Kerman until Martyrdom in Baghdad…” is the title of a book penned by Pakistani author Sayyed Hassan Reza Naqavi. First published in Urdu, Persian, then English, the Lebanese capital Beirut hosted the ceremony to sign the Arabic version of the book.

The event, which was held at the Cultural Counsellorship of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Lebanon, was first addressed by the publisher, the manager of al-Walaa Publishing House Hassan Khalifeh.

“Qassem Soleimani has passed through the borders of geography and entered the hearts and minds of people. He is a one-of-a-kind man within the Axis of Resistance. And a good proof on being a global hero is that a Pakistani author pens a book in Urdu about his life. This book is definitely useful for whoever desires to learn about the aspects of the life and the leading role of martyr Soleimani in making victories,” Khalifeh underlined.

Before signing the book, the author remarked that Martyr Qassem Soleimani was not only admired by Muslims, but also valued and appreciated by the Christians and the Druze. “Given what I’ve read about the past three decades, I didn’t find any person, except for religious clerics, who served Islam and humanity as Hajj Qassem Soleimani.”

All walks of life in Iran, Syria, Pakistan, Lebanon, Palestine, and Iraq considered him part of them, Naqavi explained.

During a conversation with al-Ahed News, the author emphasized that he was inspired to write the book about the life of the former commander of the Islamic Revolution Guard [IRG] Quds Force by the personality of Martyr Qassem Soleimani himself, given the fact that he reads and writes about history of different figures in different countries, which clearly displayed the martyr’s uniqueness.

Mr. Naqavi detailed the distinction of martyr Soleimani by listing some of the characteristics conveyed in his personality. “I had seen Islam and resistance, his role in helping the poor and vulnerable people, his anti-US and anti-‘Israel’ policies in the region, and his struggle for Islam and the Islamic Revolution, and for saving the lives of people in Syria and Iraq from Daesh [Arabic for ‘ISIS/ISIL’].”

The course of writing the first-published version of the book took the author almost two years during which he cited several sources and reports, and interviewed different Iranian figures whether from the political and military fields who mainly contributed to collecting the information found in this book.

Sayyed Naqavi didn’t spare the opportunity to express for our website his love the Lebanese resistance group Hezbollah. “When I was 9-yo in Pakistan, the picture of Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah was hung in our home. And after the July 2006 war, we published about the “Manifest Victory” and celebrated it in Pakistan, and displayed an exhibition about Hezbollah’s victory in the war against ‘Israel’.”

Iran’s Cultural Counselor in Lebanon, Sayyed Kumail Baqer, for his part, described the meeting held to sign this book as a good proof to display who is Hajj Qassem Soleimani and the school he left behind. The meeting attended by people of different nationalities is a good proof that Hajj Qassem Soleimani is an international personality who was a main pillar in the formation and devotion of this front.
