Martyrdom and Victory: February 16th A Day of Pride in Lebanon’s History of Resistance
By Mohammad Youssef
The 16th of February every year observes a very significant occasion in Lebanon: The martyrdom anniversary of Sheikh Ragheb Harb, Sayyed Abbas al-Mousawi, and Haj Imad Mughniyeh.
The three martyrs left significant fingerprints on the path of the resistance and contributed hugely to its launching, evolving achievements and victory.
Each of the three historic figures had had his specific heritage.
To begin with Sheikh Ragheb Harb, he was among the first leaders at the beginnings of Hezbollah and was the first who sow the seeds of the resistance in the ‘Israeli’-occupied South Lebanon. He excelled in educating the people about the necessity of the resistance. His immortal words still resound in the hearts and minds of millions, not only in Lebanon, but across the Arab world: “The stance is a weapon and shaking hands is a recognition.”
It is worthwhile mentioning that this article here is too short to mention some of the great accomplishments by Sheikh Ragheb who was assassinated by the ‘Israeli’ enemy occupation forces in his southern Lebanese village, Jebchit, on the 16th of February 1984.
Sheikh Ragheb made his village and the surrounding villages a stronghold of resistance against the ‘Israeli’ occupation and led a popular resistance which confronted the ‘Israelis’ on a daily basis. This resistance made their presence in South Lebanon a very difficult one; it was only a year after his martyrdom that the ‘Israeli’ occupation forces were obliged to withdraw from parts of the south.
Sayyed Abbas al-Mousawi, the former Secretary General of Hezbollah, embraced martyrdom that he has always wished and longed for on the 16th of February 1992. He was targeted by an ‘Israeli’ helicopter which launched a missile attack against his car which led to his instant martyrdom along with his wife and their child.
Sayyed Abbas al-Mousawi was one of the founding fathers and prominent leaders of Hezbollah resistance. He has been able to spread the resistance message across the country. The resistance has grown immensely under his leadership. The humane side of the resistance as a servant to the doomed and oppressed people has had a large segment of his activities. “We'll serve you by our eyelids” was one of his famous slogans.
He was very close to the resistance fighters, and he shared and participated in many of the operations and battles against the ‘Israeli’ enemy. His piety and modesty have shown his iconic conduct on the social and political levels.
As for Haj Imad Mughniyeh, volumes also could be authored for the genuine and immense contribution to the evolvement and the development of the resistance on many levels and in many areas. Under his leadership, the most significant military achievements have been accomplished. The liberation of the year 2000, and the divine victory of the year 2006 had his fingerprints on them.
The body of the resistance in Lebanon and Palestine have his significant signature as well. He believed in fighting the occupation, and believed equally with the capability to defeat it.
The three leaders are among the founding fathers of the resistance and the significant contributors to its development. Every one of them had his unique creative way which added up to the blessed triumphant path of the resistance. They are remembered and will always be as symbols of sacrifice and devotion.