The More the Palestinian Resistance Grows the Weaker the ‘Israeli’ Entity Turns

By Mohammad Youssef
Palestine today is the major headline of all the news in the region. The resistance of the Palestinian people, particularly the youth, has ushered in a new era of struggle against the ‘Israeli’ occupation.
One day, after the horrible massacre by the ‘Israeli’ forces in Jenin, which left ten Palestinian people martyred, a twenty-one-year-old Palestinian, Khayri Alqam, killed eight Zionist settlers in the occupied holy city of al-Quds thus enacting the punishment against the temporary ‘Israeli’ apartheid regime.
It is worth mentioning that this heroic operation took place under the nose of the ‘Israeli’ intelligence apparatuses and was considered a shameful failure for all of the regime’s monitoring and alarming systems.
The importance of the operation is that it comes as part of a thread of operations where the new and young generation of Palestine is racing to fight the occupation and inflict losses against those occupiers.
It also came to prove the Palestinian determination to unify the fronts against the enemies where the occupiers cannot apply their strategies to isolate the resistance.
More importantly, this new trend of the resistance operations conveys a deep sense of national zeal and keen awareness about the real enemy of the umma which the ‘Israelis’ represent. After years of systematic brainwash policies and propaganda to present the Zionist enemy as a friend of the Arab and Islamic umma, the new generation has given a live and vivid testimony about the failure of the enemies’ propaganda in this regard.
A new survey that was published a month ago showed that only a very slim segment of society accepted to normalize the relation with the ‘Israeli’ entity.
The different Palestinian military resistance factions are under a challenge of advancing their efforts to present a new version of their resistance styles to match the creativity of the Palestinian people that never ceases to bring new methods to fight the occupation.
These operations have portrayed a vivid image about the kind of patience that the Palestinian people enjoys and how great is their commitment to their cause and their trust of achieving victory.
On the other hand, the ‘Israeli’ occupiers are showing signs of weakness and bankruptcy on all levels. Their military is not at its best, and their intelligence systems are proving complete failure. Their political leadership is in complete chaos and shows vertical division that is deeply entrenched in the society itself.
For the first time in its entire history, the Tel Aviv regime is highly divided in its choices over almost everything, it is vulnerable to go into a civil strife, especially after the demonstrations against the new government leveled unprecedented accusations of corruption and warmongering to its members.
The new scene in Palestine is a very optimistic and colorful one. It is full of trust and hope that the victory is looming and will come soon… sooner than any time in the past!
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