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Sayyed Nasrallah on Parliament Refuses Demarcation of Borders on 05-05-2006

Sayyed Nasrallah on Parliament Refuses Demarcation of Borders on 05-05-2006
folder_openReports-2006 access_time17 years ago
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Source: Daily Star-Al Manar, 5-5-2006

Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah, who has headed Hizbullah since 1992, criticized the Parliament majority for refusing to postpone the demarcation of the (occupied) Shibaa Farms border until after its liberation and rejecting Syria`s request to start the demarcation in the North and the Bekaa. He was reported as saying that "14 March" did not really want to demarcate Lebanon`s borders with Syria "but are just looking to disarm Hizbullah."
In his speech opening of an international book fair in Beirut`s southern suburbs Thursday, he said that the issue of the sand-berms, which were erected by Syria in Ras Baalbek and Ersal, was an old issue "totally made up" by the March 14 Forces to cause tension with the Syrians.
"I object that problems with Syria over border issues be qualified as a new Shebaa Farms," he said, adding that this comparison was "shameful."
Nasrallah was referring to statements made by acting Interior Minister Ahmad Fatfat, who said Tuesday following a central security meeting with Premier Fouad Siniora that Syria had erected military posts and sand barricades inside Lebanese territory.
Hizbullah`s leader said the March 14 Forces were "provoking Damascus and creating silly problems daily," accusing them of failing to abide by the decisions of the national dialogue, which called for good relations with Syria.
The leaders of the country have agreed over the past few months to demarcate borders and establish diplomatic relations with Syria. The next national dialogue session, which will be held on May 16, will discuss the more controversial issues of the presidency and Hizbullah`s arms.
Nasrallah also voiced his support for the country`s unions and syndicates and added that Hizbullah would participate in the demonstrations that the unions have called for on May 10, if the government failed to meet their demands.
He criticized the economic reform plan, presented recently by Siniora`s team to the Cabinet, for reducing cultural and educational matters to figures.
He said that education should be a priority in the government`s policies.
A five-year economic reform plan was put to the government by Siniora for discussion before endorsement.
Commenting on regional issues, Hizbullah defended Iran`s right to acquire and export nuclear power for peaceful purposes and accused the United States, Britain and France of "monopolizing knowledge" in the world.
"The knowledge of dancing ... and singing ... is acceptable ... but acquiring the knowledge or technology of enriching uranium for peaceful energy purposes is banned for Arabs, Persians and Turks," he said.
"It is only allowed for Anglo-Saxons, and I do not know why the French are joining them," he said.
Sayyed Nasrallah also called on the government to withdraw the draft law and to deliberate with the Union`s Coordination Commission. Hezbollah Secretary General warned that if the government did not take reassuring and convincing steps, the party will take part in the Union`s demonstration set for the tenth of May.
Hizbullah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah lashed out at the February 14 powers holding them responsible for not delineating borders with Syria in northern Lebanon and the Bekaa region. Delivering a speech at the opening of an international book fair in Beirut`s southern suburb, Sayyed Nasrallah dismissed as shameful, problems with Syria over border issues be qualified as a new Shebaa Farms.
The issue of the sand-blocks in the Bekaa region is totally made up. Before Lebanese officials make resonant positions, they have to send people to the territory to establish whether these sand-blocks existed there since five years or they were erected within weeks.
Should this matter be addressed with all this noise?
I object that any problem with Syria over the border be qualified as a new Shibaa Farms. This is very shameful.
It is shameful on the political, national and ethical levels.
If there is a problem of borders, then we should address this problem.
Who is refusing delineating borders in the North? They are the February 14 powers and not us.
Who is refusing to delineate borders in the Bekaa region? They are also the February 14 powers and not us.
We said on the negotiating table that borders in the North and the Bekaa should be delineated while postponing delineating borders in the Shibaa Farms, till after liberation. However they want to delineate all borders starting with the Farms, so they are not seeking delineation, but they area after the arms of the resistance.
Syria is now calling Lebanon to delineate borders in the North and the Bekaa region, why aren`t they accepting?
If there is a problem of borders in the Bekaa, then the Lebanese government bares part of this responsibility.
Everyday there are problems and provocations in vain.
Lots of these provocations by some Lebanese powers are ridiculous and worthless. They only serve to provocation and straining the situation between Lebanon and Syria. Therefore they are not committed to the resolutions of the National Dialogue Commission.
Someone has a project of war and enmity with Syria, and he is searching on daily basis for the least reason to raise and address as the sand-blocks issue was addressed.
But in contrast, did the government or the officials hold a meeting for the Central Security Council when they were told, or when they heard in the media, that thousands of "Israeli" individual landmines drifted by floods into the liberated regions of Mays-el-Jabal, Odaiseh and other towns?
Not a meeting was held and not a statement was made by the directly concerned official.
Does Lebanon`s interest, economy, stability, tourism season, investments, building of the state, national unity, do they all sanction the continuation of this daily provocative and hostile atmosphere against Syria, that is ruining ties between both countries? Never.
We do not see this zeal and this chivalry against "Israel", why? This is very painful.