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Battle of the Mighty


Hezbollah Praises the Iraqi Parliament’s Move to Criminalize Relations with “Israel”

Hezbollah Praises the Iraqi Parliament’s Move to Criminalize Relations with “Israel”
folder_openLebanon access_time2 years ago
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Translated by Staff, Hezbollah Media Relations

Hezbollah issued a statement praising the Iraqi parliament's decision to criminalize normalizing ties with the “Israeli” entity.

Hezbollah issued the following statement:

Hezbollah expresses its pride and appreciation for the historic and important decision issued by the Iraqi parliament, which criminalizes normalizing relations with the Zionist enemy. Hezbollah considers it a major and a key step in confronting the shameful process of normalization undertaken by some Arab countries. It further considers it a solid stance in support of the Palestinian people and their heroic resistance in the face of Zionist aggression and terrorism.

This honorable and courageous stance clearly expresses the genuine affiliation of the dear Iraqi people, their religious authorities and political forces. It further affirms Iraq's firm and permanent position alongside the Palestinian Cause, which was not affected by neither the American occupation nor the difficult economic and political conditions that Iraq has experienced in recent years. Iraq has remained true to its Arab affiliation and its support to resist the occupation.

We call on the Arab political parties and the masses of our Arab nation to benefit to the utmost from the Iraqi example in its content and timing to work in various arenas and to criminalize normalization, as well as to issue the necessary legislations and laws to confront normalization at all levels.
