Sayyed Nasrallah: Hezbollah, Allies Emerged Victorious... Supporters Provided Resistance with Safety Net

By Al-Ahed News
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Wednesday a speech tackling the Lebanese parliamentary elections and he latest political developments on the internal arena.
At the beginning of his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah thanked every person who voted during the Lebanese parliamentary electoral process. “We highly appreciate all those who performed this duty despite every hardship,” he said.
His Eminence further thanked all volunteers who contributed to Hezbollah’s electoral machine during the Lebanese Parliamentary Elections.
In addition, the Resistance Leader thanked those who voted for the Resistance by saying: “I thank you very much and I can’t say but that I’m speechless when it comes to thanking you.”
“The massive popular participation and the results of the elections convey a message of adhering to the resistance and its weapons,” he viewed.
Sayyed Nasrallah continued by thanking the resistance people for establishing a shield of protection for their resistance via elections’ results noting that “The voters provided the resistance with a safety net against the campaign of targeting that followed the daily financial and media campaigns.”
In parallel, His Eminence hailed the fact that “The Resistance men were performing two roles at once; the first was to contribute to the success of the electoral day and the second by staying ready to defend Lebanon [against any attack].”
Denouncing the fact that “The US and its Lebanese allies are responsible for the greatest theft that Lebanon has suffered all over the past 3 years,” he confirmed that “Neither intimidation nor threatening the people with their future yielded any result.”
“On the level of Resistance, the outcome is a major victory which we are proud of given the circumstances of the battle, the tools that have been used, and the money that was spent in it,” Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned, noting that “Hezbollah’s electoral achievement came after a major media and psychological attack on the resistance and its allies added to the economic pressures, sanctions and various crises.”
According to His Eminence, “The massive popular participation and the results of the elections convey a message of adhering to the resistance and its weapons. What happened is a great victory that we in Hezbollah are proud of, especially when we study the battle’s conditions and what was used and spent in it.”
On another level, he underlined that “What we witnessed concerning the elections and the honorable Sunni sect’s stance particularly the ‘Future Movement’s’ boycott is a very important issue that needs a calm, responsible and accurate approach.”
Regarding the new parliamentary map, Sayyed Nasrallah praised the fact that “The resistance and its allies achieved a strong and big presence in the new parliament,” noting that “It isn’t true that the parliamentary majority has shifted from one place to another.”
As His Eminence rejected the talk that a political camp in the country can claim to have won the parliamentary majority, Hezbollah Secretary General explained that “We're in front of a parliament that is composed of different and diversified blocs that include independent representatives, all the alliances will affect its shape, but it is clear that nobody could claim to have the parliamentary majority.”
“The interest of the Lebanese people might be in what happened,” he emphasized, pointing out that “When no one has the majority, this means that everyone is responsible, and no one is allowed to relinquish the responsibility.”
Urging all political sides for pacifying the political rhetoric, Sayyed Nasrallah underscored that “We're all concerned with pacifying the country and bickering will not lead to a result.”
Meanwhile, His Eminence called for calming the situation in Lebanon and tending to deal with the issues that concern the people through partnership and cooperation rather than rivalry.
“The extent of the financial, economic and life crises in the country can’t be solved by a single team even if it obtains the majority,” he stated, noting that “The state could have set up seven or eight mega centers to make voting easier for the people.”
Warning that “The entire world is moving into a crisis as fuel and wheat’s prices have risen and there are things that may be cut off in the market,” Sayyed Nasrallah advised Hezbollah rivals by saying: “If you think that we might feel tired or abandon defending the resistance, you’re delusional and your debates won’t reach a place.
Moreover, he urged all political sides to review their practical performance and alliances. “The recent experience carries many lessons in which everybody reviews their practical performance, alliances, and rhetoric. Crises couldn’t be dealt with but through partnership and cooperation.”
Sayyed Nasrallah also called for calming the situation in Lebanon and tending to deal with the issues that concern the people through partnership and cooperation rather than rivalry
Responding to certain political fabrications that accompanied elections, His Eminence reminded that “Among the lies that have been promoted is the one about how to hold elections amid the presence of the resistance’s weapons… isn’t it high time for this lie to come to an end?”
Another lie is about the ‘Iranian occupation’. On this level, he wondered: “We’ve witnessed the US embassy and the Saudi ambassador’s intervention who were the most active during the elections, did you witness the Iranian ambassador or any embassy employee intervening in the elections?”
To “Someone” [former PM Fouad Siniora] who formed lists all over Lebanon and was financed by the foreign embassies, who won two or three seats, claims that the people have expelled the resistance, Sayyed Nasrallah sent a sounding message: “How does this ‘someone’ dare to talk on behalf of the Lebanese people as he didn’t gain more than a few thousand votes
Elaborating that “Those who claim that a certain choice is the most popular in Lebanon have to return to the majority of votes to identify this,” he went on to say: “Under such an electoral system, the numbers of MPs do not truly reflect the popular will. One must look at the number of voters, not MPs.”
“The distribution of electoral districts happened in this unscientific manner as they are cut and pasted upon the interests of some political leaders. The numbers of votes for the Loyalty and Hope lists in some districts is way above 500,000… don’t those represent the popular will?” His Eminence said.
According to Hezbollah Secretary General, “Lebanon must be a single electoral district based on proportional and non-sectarian representation and youths from the age of 18 must have the right to vote, so that the number of MPs can reflect popular choices.”
Sayyed Nasrallah assured the people of resistance: “We won’t spare any effort, especially for those who sacrificed their blood and gave us their votes,” urging supporters not to stage motorbike rallies.
“More than once I repeated that shooting in the air is forbidden, and this is the fatwa of our scholars, because this terrifies people. Any Hezbollah member who shoots in the air will be expelled,” he stressed, noting that “We have told our supporters that the ‘Shia, Shia, Shia’ slogan is inappropriate. We want calm and stability and we don't want provocations.”