Sayyed Nasrallah: Diesel to Arrive in Lebanon Thursday… The American Conspiracies Will Fail as They Always Did

By Al-Ahed News
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a televised speech on Monday evening in which he tackled the latest political developments in Lebanon and the region.
At the beginning of his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah mourned the demise of prominent cleric Sayyed Mohammad Said al-Hakim in Iraq and the Head of the Supreme Shia Council in Lebanon Sheikh Abdul Amir Qabalan.
Moving to politics, Sayyed Nasrallah welcomed the formation of the Lebanese government that was announced on Friday and thanked all those who contributed to this achievement. His eminence didn’t forget to thank the caretaker prime minister Hassan Diab for his patience and patriotism and shouldering the responsibility over the period of caretaking the responsibilities of the already resigned government.
Highlighting that the current government’s priorities must be to save the nation from the heart of the downfall, carry out reforms, and take care of people’s livelihood, the resistance leader also voiced support for getting prepared to hold the municipal elections in the due time, and insisted on this issue.
Also on the governmental level, Sayyed Nasrallah called for finishing the ministerial statement as soon as possible for the government to gain confidence and drive the country out of the crises, urging everybody to stand in solidarity to grant the government the sufficient time before judging it.
Fuel bound to Lebanon
In key notes that were the reason for delivering Monday’s speech, Sayyed Nasrallah commented on the fuel shipments heading for Lebanon, explaining that Hezbollah had two choices regarding the destination where the ship docks, one was Lebanon and the other was Syria.
“Not to embarrass certain parties inside Lebanon, we decided to send the ship to Syria, which agreed on the matter of receiving the ship at one of its ports,” His Eminence stated, adding that Syria facilitated the movement in Baniyas Port for the storage and transferring the oil via the borders, and it also provided the cisterns in which the oil will be transferred.
Sayyed Nasrallah announced that the first ship carrying oil derivatives docked at the Syrian Port of Baniyas on Sunday evening, and today [Monday] unloading its cargo will be finished.
His Eminence further declared that transferring the oil derivatives to Beqaa area will start on Thursday and will be stored in certain reservoirs in Baalbek.
Lashing out at some bets that considered the promise to send the ships is just for media consumption, the resistance leader said the matter is left behind as the ship already arrived.
“The ‘Israeli’ was in trouble as the equation of deterrence was set, and it is the one that protected and allowed the arrival of the first ship,” Sayyed Nasrallah underlined, slamming those who betted on the Americans who failed to prevent the arrival of the ships despite the pressures and threats.
Additionally, His Eminence noted that betting on causing a trouble between Hezbollah and the Lebanese state has also collapsed thanks to the cooperation of the Syrian state: “All bets have collapsed and serious work has started although we expected setting new gamblings.”
The Hezbollah leader elaborated that the ship that has already arrived was carrying diesel oil, and the second ship will arrive at the Baniyas Port within a few days. Meanwhile, all administrative measures to send the third ship have been finished, and it will carry gas oil from Iran.
The fourth ship will later be carrying diesel oil to be used for heating as winter approaches, Sayyed Nasrallah made clear.
Elsewhere in comments on the same issue, the Hezbollah leader mentioned that based on the new government’s track and the given data, the destination of other ships would be decided.
Ruling out any intention of making profits, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah doesn’t seek trade or benefits from such ships, and it only aims at easing the suffering of the people. “The cargo that will arrive will be handed to all classes in Lebanon and is not limited to certain people,” His Eminence assured.
“We prepared a specific mechanism to deliver the oil derivatives, and we don’t aim at competing with others,” Sayyed Nasrallah said. “As per distribution, we adopted several divisions; the first of which is a donation that will be sent for a one-month supply for several sides.”
Those sides are public hospitals, nursing homes, orphanages, and centers that take care of people with special needs, Sayyed Nasrallah said. Additionally, water facilities and poor municipalities that has water wells, the civil firefighting centers, and the Lebanese Red Cross will be considered in this donation.
According to Sayyed Nasrallah, the second section that will receive those derivatives with appropriate prices - and there are priorities in this regard - are the private hospitals, serology laboratories, bakeries, and supermarkets, the food industry, and the agricultural equipment.
“We will sell the oil derivatives to the second section with prices that are lower than the costs at the market and there will be no oil that will be sold to individuals,” the resistance leader underscored.
In the phase of distribution, Hezbollah will depend in the first place on the Al-Amana company that is already blacklisted by the US and will deal with other companies later. The quantities will be distributed gradually to increase the amount of the beneficiaries and Hezbollah will focus mainly on the municipal unions, according to Sayyed Nasrallah.
His Eminence underscored that the important point for Hezbollah is that the material reaches the due recipients and not the black market. “We will shoulder a big amount of the costs against the greed and monopoly found in Lebanon.”
The resistance group will sell the material in prices that are less than their expenses as it doesn’t seek profits and will consider the losses as an aid from Hezbollah and Iran, its leader added.
The official price for selling the diesel oil will be either announced on Wednesday or on Thursday, and it will be less than the expenses. The material will be sold in exchange for the Lebanese pound and Hezbollah will not cost the country’s treasury anything, Sayyed Nasrallah emphasized.
“We aim at breaking the black market and the greed of the monopolists,” His Eminence reiterated.
Sayyed Nasrallah called on the new government to have the Lebanese Army as the guarantor in the process of delivering subsidies to the people.
In clear remarks highlighting Hezbollah’s capabilities, Sayyed Nasrallah said the party was able to get a convoy of ships at once with a media coverage, but it didn’t do so because it didn’t want to incite anybody and it is why Hezbollah achieved the matter with the minimum of media coverage.
“We don’t aim at any political employment of what happened,” His Eminence noted, affirming that among the blessings of what happened is that it opened new doors to Lebanon, especially after the direct US move to bring Egyptian gas through Jordan and Syria.
On the same level, Sayyed Nasrallah welcomed the official visit of the Lebanese delegation to Syria that was open and loving despite the critical situation.
Regarding the agreement of exchanging Iraqi fuel, Sayyed Nasrallah said it is supposed to arrive in Lebanon and thanked the Iraqi government for its efforts in this respect.
Also on the local level, Sayyed Nasrallah warned that the ration card might open another door to stealing, corruption, and politicization and called on the Lebanese to adhere to the law related to the ration card without any fraud: “Those who don’t meet the restrictions should leave the money offered by this card to other people in need.”
Gilboa Heroic Op
Hailing the operation of Gilboa Prison break, Sayyed Nasrallah described the “Tunnel of Freedom” Operation that was carried out by Palestinian heroes and resistance men as an event with major and very important significances.
“The “Tunnel of Freedom” Operation expresses the creativity of those heroes and it is a source of pride for every honorable man, it also expresses the Palestinian insistence on freedom,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.
Additionally, His Eminence ruled out that detaining four of the six escapees would undermine the success of the operation and underscored that the responsibility of protecting the two remaining escapees should be shouldered by all Palestinians.
July 13 Events: Gaza Liberation, Airport Massacre, Jabal al-Rafei Confrontation
As today marks the 16th anniversary of liberating the Gaza Strip, Sayyed Nasrallah commented on this “major victory the resistance has scored and it emphasized the benefit of the choice of resistance”, noting that liberating the Gaza Strip led to turning it into a main base for resistance and a source of hope for all the people of Palestine.
July 13 also marks the day when the Lebanese Army opened fire at the heads of people protesting against the Oslo Agreement, in comments on the tragic massacre, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that “We were very patient on this calamity to ward off sedition some sides wanted to create against the Lebanese Army.”
“Nobody in Dahiyeh has opened fire against the security forces although they were killing their sons and daughters. Our people blocked the road in front of the sedition that was desired and later, the blood of our martyrs blended with that of the army’s martyrs,” Sayyed Nasrallah underlined, in reference to the martyrdom of a group of resistance men, including his own son, martyr Hadi Hassan Nasrallah, and a group of Lebanese Army soldiers on July 13, 1997 while combatting an ‘Israeli’ commando unit in Jabal al-Rafei, south Lebanon.
“The blood of our resistance men blended with the blood of the Lebanese Army officers, which led to victory,” the Hezbollah leader.
US will always fail
Sayyed Nasrallah concluded his speech by assuring the Americans that they will fail in every conspiracy they hatch against Lebanon: “Just as your hopes and conspiracies failed, you will fail once again and the golden equation [of Army, People, and Resistance in Lebanon] will persist.