Sayyed Nasrallah: Lebanon Facing Economic War, US Huge Defeat in Afghanistan Identical to Vietnam’s Saigon

By Staff
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech in which he briefly tackled some internal Lebanese files.
Addressing mourners at the 8th night of Ashura, Sayyed Nasrallah underscored that “Some ‘senior people’ hold a press conference to attack us in Hezbollah, and they may address me personally. The best way is to ignore them. Some people work to insult us as if they don’t they won’t recieve money from the Saudi and American embassies.”
“There are those monopolize fuel and gasoline on daily basis in various regions,” he added, noting that “Another reason for the crisis added to the monopoly of fuel is smuggling. There are those who took advantage of this matter and continue to smuggle fuel. The Lebanese state, the Central Bank, and many people are responsible for the problem of gasoline, diesel oil, and medicine.”
Reiterating Hezbollah’s stance from the issue, His Eminence stated: “We reject smuggling and do not approve of it. There is even religious refusal to this matter. Those who think that we approve smuggling to Syria, where we have sacrificed blood, is wrong, unjust, and suspicious.”
According to the Resistance Leader, “There are certain political leaders that are partners in covering those monopolizing fuel derivatives, and those leaders ignored monopoly and focused on the smuggling to attack Syria and its allies.”
Repeating Hezbollah’s rejection to smuggling and that it doesn't cover anybody, he unveiled that the party is working to make diesel oil available for hospitals and municipalities.
“We contacted Syrian officials to have access to certain amounts of diesel oil to meet the needs of hospitals and bakeries, and I received calls from senior Syrian officials requesting to prevent smuggling that harms Syria’s economic plan,” he clarified.
He went on to say: “Some of those who smuggle fuel derivatives to Syria are apparently among Syria's enemies. Controlling the borders with Syria is not Hezbollah’s responsibility but rather the state’s.”
In parallel, Sayyed Nasrallah elaborated that “What is happening in Lebanon is part of a state of economic war that aims at humiliating the Lebanese people and the Resistance.”
“The US wants Lebanon submissive and humiliated, but Lebanon is part of the front or the axis that has been dealing the US scheme blows time and again,” he confirmed, pointing out that “The war has started ahead of October 2019 with financing US embassy-affiliated civil societies. The Americans are the ones that pressed the then PM and forced him to resign. The aim of this economic war is to pressurize the Lebanese people and push them to collapse.”
Meanwhile, His Eminence assured that “Knowing that the ongoing situation is not only the result of internal problems makes our capability to be patient greater.”
However, he highlighted that “The Resistance is strong, solid and firm,” advising both “Israel” and the US not to mistaken their calculations.
Commenting on the US withdrawal from Afghanistan, Sayyed Nasrallah said: “The Afghan situation is huge, which peoples of the region should learn its strategic dimensions.”
“[US President Joe] Biden withdrew his forces from Afghanistan because he could no longer stand it,” he mentioned, noting that “The scene in Kabul is identical to that of Vietnam's Saigon.”
Shedding Light on some aspects of the US defeat in Afghanistan, His Eminence recalled that “Biden said he has spent more than $1 trillion, while his troops left the country failed and humiliated.”
As he viewed that “The US is still ignorant and doesn't understand the region as it repeats its mistakes,” he reminded that “Biden wanted a civil war in Afghanistan that would take place through fighting between the Taliban and the Afghan forces.”
To all those betting on the US, Sayyed Nasrallah sent a clear message: “The Americans took with them their equipment and the police dogs, but didn't take with them those who served as their collaborators. Biden said that it is not the Americans' duty to fight instead of anybody; this is a message for those expecting that the US would fight on their behalf.”