If This Is the Way ‘Israel’ Monitors Hezbollah, Then It Better Brace Itself!

By Fatimah Haydar
Beirut – It is no secret that the “Israeli” entity eyes Hezbollah, the Lebanese Resistance Group, closely. It monitors the group’s every move be it on the battle fields or its media outlets.
Recently, the “Israeli” news website Ynet reported that a Hezbollah drone infiltrated what the “Israelis” call their “territory” – occupied Palestine so to speak.
In its report, the news outlet was keen to reveal the aerial capability of the “Israeli” Occupation Forces [IOF] – which according to it was holding a military drill “to train for defense against drone attacks”.
To make a long story short, let’s take a look at an excerpt from the report which is supposed to be a Breaking News material – a way the entity shows its settlers that it is always aware of the activities of Hezbollah.
The excerpt reads as follows:
“A UAV belonging to the Hezbollah ‘terror’ group infiltrated ‘Israeli’ territory on Thursday according to a report in the Al Nahar television channel considered close to the Iran-backed organization.”
“The infiltration was said to take place during the second day of an ‘IDF’ military exercise, to train for defense against drone attacks, taking place along the ‘Israel’-Lebanon border.”
You’re probably wondering what’s wrong with these lines. Well, they’re perfectly correct grammatically and language-wise, but wrong in every sense of the word in core. A second reading of the paragraphs with a bit of knowledge on current events reveals the gaffes.
The “Israeli” military exercise Ynet was referring to was the 5-day drill dubbed the “Lethal Arrow” that began on Sunday, October 25 and ended on Thursday, October 29.
Now, according to the Ynet report, the Hezbollah drone infiltration took place on the “second day” of the IOF drills, which based on the dates we have mentioned earlier, should be on Monday, October 26 and not Thursday because that would be the last day of the drill.
But what’s worse is that if Ynet referred to Thursday, December 3 – which is a month and a couple of days after the “Lethal Arrow” drills – to be the day of infiltration! They should get their facts straight.
This is one.
The other error, which is more important, is that the report cited “Al Nahar television channel” which it said was “considered close to the Iran-backed organization” – i.e. Hezbollah.
First, Al-Nahar is not a TV channel; it is a Lebanese newspaper. Second, it is not affiliated to Hezbollah in any sense as Ynet stated.
So, if we were to be lenient on the media outlet, we would say that it was a typo; instead of typing the letter M, to cite Hezbollah-owned al-Manar Channel, the editor typed N instead. It’s a common mistake though, since on a QWERTY keyboard both letters M and N are next to each other.
However, it was not the al-Manar that reported the incident, but the Lebanese al-Akhbar newspaper. Al-Akhbar said that al-Manar will broadcast images taken by the reconnaissance plane.
This shows lack of professionalism on behalf of the “Israeli” outlet, attributing information to the wrong source. A mistake like this reveals how ignorant the enemy Hezbollah is dealing with. If not ignorant, indolent!
Perhaps it was a slip, perhaps it was intended; but I doubt the latter. Though, let’s not assume the worst! After all, no one is perfect! Not even the so-called invincible army.
If this is the way “Israel” and its media outlets monitor its enemies, then the “Israelis” better brace themselves because they are heading for a brick wall! No wonder why Hezbollah is always one step ahead.