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There is no stale bread for hunger

There is no stale bread for hunger
folder_openInternational News access_time16 years ago
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Source: Tehran Times/MNS (, 20-10-2008

By Alfredo Grande

TEHRAN - There is nothing. Pure Hunger, without a thing rising on the horizon or the saucepan to satisfy it.

The Pure Hunger is a perfect extermination mechanism. It implies shortage, never surplus. There is no surplus of starving people. There is a planned lack of food. The serial murder is committed by means of a surplus of shortage, a surplus of poverty. Without the uncomfortable presence of weapons, extermination camps, poisonous gasses or prison cells, the dungeons of postmodernism.

Murdering 18,000 children each day around the world is a silent operation. And it is monochord. Without the stridency of a bomb; without the heartrending screams of agony. The Pure Hunger is a shadowing form of final solution. The bureaucrats throw up their hands in horror.

The problem of hunger is acknowledged in its most atrocious manifestations. Acknowledged and denied. Again and again it returns in solidarity campaigns, which are much less efficient than this simultaneous ethnic and biological cleansing.

Hunger is a crime, this is as true as the fact that we know who the criminals are. Just six mega-companies that control the whole planet's agribusiness. Never before have so many owed less to so few. Will they be taken before an international court for crimes against humanity in times of peace? Marx had pointed out that the capitalist system is incompatible with the rational use of agriculture. Rational in the fundamental sense: that the food is destined to cause satiety and not mega-profit for transnational companies. But we know that reality is merely a catastrophic fiction.

The United Nations informs us that one billion people live on a dollar a day. I believe the correct information is that one billion people die on a dollar a day. What is the standard of living for the United Nations? We witness -- still astonished -- an extermination plan without a military apparatus as the main protagonist. Just like the joke of the smuggling of donkeys, easily crossing the border while the guard wonders what is being smuggled. An international perversity is appalled about that which it generates. Mega concerts for hypocritical philanthropies.

Monstrous budgets to account for useless campaigns in which they pretend to cure what they deliberately did not want to prevent. Food tsunamis that do not bring about anything but wars against poverty, a tacit way to admit that a long-lasting peace deal with wealth has been signed.

Hunger does not cause rebellions. The physiological mechanism is anesthetized after a few days and not even the feeling remains. The rest is like a comatose state that increases gradually.

Unlike thirst, hunger becomes intolerable. It stops being perceived as such. Awareness is shut down. It may even be difficult for the hungry or the undernourished to accept what they need the most: food. The Pure Hunger cannot be satiated anymore. Never again.

There will not even be stale bread for that hunger. At least they will never know that the food surplus is destroyed to keep up competitive prices. The only mercy the system allows itself to have.
