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Battle of the Mighty


Author: US, "Israel" supporting terrorism

Author: US,
folder_openInternational News access_time16 years ago
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Source: press TV, 19-10-2008

The US and ‘Israel' are the main sponsors of the state terrorism in the world, says the author of 'Zionism: the Real Enemy of the Jews'.

"The United States is supporting ‘Israeli'-sponsored terrorism in the Middle East", noted Saturday, Alan Hart in an international conference in London dubbed 'Terrorism: alternative global perspectives'.

Muslim scholars, international experts and practitioners from around the globe participated in the conference organized by the Center for the Study of Terrorism (CFSOT) to explore the wide-ranging effects of the US "global war on terror" in the context of a critical appraisal of the international system.

According to IRNA, Hart, who is also a British Middle East expert, added that ‘Israeli' regime, backed by Washington "simply ignores the United Nations resolutions concerning the violation of Palestinians' rights".

During the past sixty years after creation of the illegal regime, the United States had blocked most anti-‘Israel' resolutions at the Security Council.

"The world is poling apart. There is only one way to confront with the double standards of the West and that is informing people about the realities of the history," he said.

Referring to the Palestinian-‘Israeli' conflict and likening it to the British-Irish row, he said the British government settled the Scottish people in Northern Ireland to occupy it gradually.

"A similar situation exists in Palestine where the Jews are occupying Muslim lands," he said, blaming former premier Tony Blair's foreign policy for spreading terrorism and extremism across the world.

Hart also urged Muslims to stand against Islamophobia "which is currently spreading across the world".

He also noted that Iran is a victim of collusion among regimes in Washington, London and Tel Aviv while "it is constantly targeted by the propaganda war of the US media".
