Shamkhani’s Message Marking Lebanon’s “May Glory” via Al-Ahed: Iran Steadfast in Supporting the Resistance Front

By Mokhtar Haddad – Al-Ahed News Website
Tehran – On the twentieth anniversary of South Lebanon’s liberation from the Zionist entity’s profanity, which marks the twenty years on the Resistance and Liberation Day, Advisor to Leader of the Islamic Revolution His Eminence Imam Sayyed Ali Khamenei, and the Secretary of Iran’s Supreme National Security Council Rear Admiral Ali Shamkhani addressed, in a special message via al-Ahed News website, the Lebanese government, people and resistance with the following text:
In the Name of Allah the Beneficent the Merciful
{Indeed, the party of Allah - they will be the predominant} – Holy Quran, al-Ma’idah 56
I congratulate the people, government and Islamic Resistance in Lebanon on the Resistance Day and the anniversary of South Lebanon’s liberation from the profanity of the Zionist occupation thanks to the efforts of the resistance men.
This occasion, which coincided with the anniversary of the major conquests during the Sacred Defense era in which the city of Khorramshahr was liberated, has revealed that the power of belief and faith is the upper power that is capable of burying the arrogant satanic conspiracies.
Today, the Lebanese Islamic Resistance’s capabilities have emerged while achieving a balance of powers against the Zionist entity in the region. It was crystal-clear after the liberation of South Lebanon in 2000, expelling the Zionists during the 2006 33-day war, as well as in confronting the Zio-Takfiri plots, that the resistance’s might is growing bigger every day.
There is no minimum doubt that Hezbollah is the strongest defender of security in Lebanon, and the shield that is confronting the Zionist entity’s greed in this country. Hezbollah’s support of the resistance front at the frontlines has expelled the ghost of ‘Takfiri-Hebrew-American’ terrorism from the region and the world.
It is self-evident that without such sacrifices, the terrorist virus of “Daesh” [the Arabic acronym for ‘ISIS/ISIL’] and the Takfiri salafi movement has reached Europe and turned the green continent into ruins, just like the case in Aleppo, Palmyra, Mosul and Fallujah.
On this thorny humanitarian path, we mustn’t forget the role of the noble and great leaders such as Lieutenant General Martyr Hajj Qassem Soleimani, Martyr Hajj Imad Mughinyeh, Martyr Hajj Mustafa Badreddin (Sayyed Zolfiqar) in leading the resistance front. Those have spent their lives in raising the importance of the name of resistance, as well as guaranteeing the security of the peoples in the region and the world, in addition to cutting the hand of the proxy killers who are tools of the Western civilization.
Indeed, the Islamic Republic and the Iranian people will remain steadfast in supporting the resistance front and the Palestinian cause. We won’t submit to the pressures of the terrorist American regime, the first supporter of the child killer Zionist entity.
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