Bahrain’s Clerics: The Best Jihad Is To Tell a Word of Truth before a Tyrannical Ruler

By Sondoss al-Asaad
On the eve of February 14 revolution, Bahrain's religious scholars or the Ulama applauded the Bahrainis' faith in the righteousness of their cause against the arrogant tyrants' injustice and corruption.
In a statement, the scholars added that it is by this faith the people have been confronting the oppressive regime for prolonged years of injustice and aggression and the status quo has relatively been constant in light of the government's bogus reforms and its denunciation of many covenants.
The Bahrainis profoundly reject despotism and experience has shown that they are hard to succumb to injustice neither do Bahrain settles in its shadow; hence, comprehending this dogma is the only gateway to resolve the crisis and to take the country to safety, stability, development and prosperity, the scholars averred.
The scholars renewed commitment, loyalty and devotion to His Eminence Ayatollah Isa Qassim; to the righteous martyrs and their families who have shown supreme epics of steadfastness; to Bahrain's wounded, patient and detained people; and predominantly to God Almighty.
They pledged to carry on their uprising against injustice and dictatorship and that they do not condone the oppression of the people.
The statement reaffirmed the scholars' assertion that the victory of the people is imperative because of their righteousness and the law of God Almighty states that the oppressed is superior.
They stated that they are fully confident of God's promise and promised victory, and confident in the wisdom of their leadership; the sincerity of their national symbols; the unflinching patience, solidity and willingness of their people.
The scholars also reiterated the Bahrainis' adherence to their legitimate demand of having a just government and a constitution through which they determine their destiny; and their inalienable political right to freedom and dignity, especially what relates their religious rituals, sanctities and statutes, which have not been spared from the government's aggression.
They also affirmed that in light of their leadership's shrewdness, popular figure's resilience and people's awareness; all attempts by the regime to circumvent over these demands have been and would ultimately fail.
The Bahrainis' exceptional allegiance to Ayatollah Isa Qassim, from diversified affiliations orientations, especially at this stage, the statement noted, would strengthen their unity in front of the unprecedented arrogance practised by the government, the scholars emphasised.
They added that the people's trust in this leadership would undoubtedly pave the path, in the better means, to a bona fide cooperation, stemming from the commonalities and the legitimate responsibilities they share.
The Bahraini scholars further affirmed the people's conviction to the nonviolent revolution approach as a strategic option, which has demonstrated its reasonability and inevitability, as a prerequisite to the permanence and survival of the movement; this approach is today confirmed more than ever.
They then called upon Bahrain's promising young generation; chiefly those with leadership qualifications, to peacefully revive the revolution, adding the Bahrainis' hope reckon on their vitality and vigour and are looking for their revolutionary fingerprints on the eve of the ninth anniversary of the revolution and in the upcoming years.
The scholars then expressed extreme indebtedness to Bahrain's beloved sons who are unfairly chased by the authority; the wounded; the detainees; the martyred, saying all Bahrainis are charged with the duty to stand by them, to check their conditions and to strive to fulfil their needs.
On the glorious 14th anniversary of February revolution, the day of standing with just and truth, the statement, at last, urged all loyal people to take actions by their words, positions, pens, footages and all available and peaceful means; to partake in the held events, peaceful marches and field tours and on social media platforms.
Your movement is an ethical and religious obligation, based on the Islamic principle that the best jihad is to tell a word of truth before a tyrannical ruler, the scholars concluded.