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Basij Cmdr. to Al-Ahed: We Will Teach the Enemy a Lesson It Will Never Forget

Basij Cmdr. to Al-Ahed: We Will Teach the Enemy a Lesson It Will Never Forget
folder_openIslamic Revolution-2020 access_time5 years ago
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By Mokhtar Haddad

Tehran – The Trump administration is continuing to engage with countries across the Middle East with an unprecedented dose of arrogance. US President Donald Trump may be infamous for his flip-flopping, but he has been pretty consistent in his threats against the Iranian people who refuse to bow to arrogant demands.

The administration bet on the Iranian people abandoning the state. This was a costly miscalculation, and the Americans were dealt a strong blow by Iran.

The mass outpouring of mourners during the funeral procession of martyred Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani was the best message of strength from Iranians. This message was shortly followed by an Iranian ‘slap’ – the missile attacks that targeted the Ain al-Assad military base. With their prestige tainted, the Americans are still disclosing information about the damage caused by the attack.

Al-Ahed discussed all this and more with the head of IRGC's Basij [the Organization for Mobilization of the Oppressed] Brigadier General Gholam-Reza Soleimani.

 “The Iranian people have always turned threats into opportunities,” Soleimani said in an exclusive interview.  

"The Iranian people will surely turn any threat Trump wants to execute against our country into an opportunity and will teach the enemy a lesson it will never forget," he added.

Brigadier General Soleimani stated that "the Islamic Republic has faced the arrogant Zionist ambitions for the past 41 years. It has not retreated before the regime of power represented by the Great Satan America. And it is certain that Iran will be so in the future as well. With more ability and strength, it will stand against the global arrogance. The Islamic people alongside the Iranian people are steadfast in facing the US. With God Almighty’s help, we will soon see great victories for the Islamic nation in the face of the enemies."
