Hezbollah Slams the Brutal US Aggression on Iraqi Resistance Sites: A Blatant Violation of Iraqi Sovereignty

By Staff
Hezbollah issued the following statement:
Hezbollah vehemently denounces the brutal and fraudulent American aggression against the Iraqi Hezbollah Brigades sites and considers it a blatant violation of the Iraqi sovereignty, security and stability, as well as a violation against all components of the Iraqi people, namely the Hashd al-Shaabi who had the upper hand in confronting the Takfiri terrorism, delivering defeats against it and chasing its remnants.
This aggression reiterates the US administration’s will to strike the elements of power within the Iraqi people, which is capable of confronting Daesh [the Arabic acronym for terrorist ‘ISIS/ISIL’ group] and the powers of extremism and criminality, which were supported by the US administration on different levels and are still part of its plots and malicious tools in the region.
The US, Hezbollah added, reveals its real face as an enemy of Iraq and the interests of Iraqis seeking freedom, true sovereignty and a secure future.
As Hezbollah prays for Allah’s mercy and highest ranks for the martyrs, the speedy recovery of the wounded, patience for the families of martyrs, and victory for the entire dear Iraqi people, it offers its deep condolences to the dear brothers in Hezbollah Brigades.
There is no doubt that those who decided to carry out this criminal assault are to soon discover the foolishness of their decision, its consequences and repercussions, Hezbollah concluded.
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