Sayyed Nasrallah Sets New Equation against Afraid “Israel”: You’ll Regret Any Move, Netanyahu Failed in Syria

Zeinab Essa
Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah set on Saturday a new phase of confrontation with the apartheid “Israeli” entity.
Absence and Health
In an interview with the pan Arab Al-Mayadeen channel, Sayyed Nasrallah refuted all rumors about his “deteriorated” health: “I didn’t face any health problem despite turning 60 years old!”
His Eminence further explained that his absence was “because there were no occasions in the past two months.”
Northern Op Didn’t End
Commenting on the “Israeli” Northern Shield Operation along the Lebanese border, the Resistance Leader declared that the operation isn’t over yet although the “Israelis” announced this.
As he revealed that “Hezbollah decided not to comment on the operation until it is over,” he noted that the excavating machines are still operating.
“There are tunnels, but we are not obliged to say who dug them or when; “constructive ambiguity” is our policy,” Sayyed Nasrallah stressed, adding that “the Resistance’s silence had contributed to the calm in southern Lebanon.”
Sayyed Nasrallah also unveiled that “there are old tunnels, which proves the failure of “Israeli” intelligence, one of which dates back to 13 years ago. The "Israelis" discovered a number of tunnels after many years, and it's not a surprise, the surprise is that these tunnels, they took some time to find.”
Urging the “Israeli” settlers to make sure whether their leaders are telling the truth about tunnels, he went on to emphasize that “Netanyahu’s announcement that the tunnels were paving the way to enter the Galilee has served us in the psychological war against “Israel”, as it spread fear in the hearts of “Israelis”.”
“The “Israeli” prime minister did so “because of his political distress,” His Eminence added pointing out that “the occupation’s measures along the borders reflect “Israeli” fear from the expected Galilee operation.”
To Enter Galilee
Responding to the recent “Israeli” threats concerning a new aggression on Lebanon, Sayyed Nasrallah reiterated “We decide to enter the Galilee in the event of an “Israeli” war on Lebanon.”
“The Zionists will not know from where we in Hezbollah will enter the Galilee,” he underscored, noting that “the generals- who understand in the “Israeli” enemy- said that if Hezbollah wants to enter Galilee, it does not need tunnels.”
Unveiling Hezbollah's tunnels “doesn't even affect 10 percent of our plan to take over the Galilee, if we decide to go ahead with it," Sayyed Nasrallah stressed, wondering “and even if they did destroy the tunnels, can't we rebuild them?”
“Is it logical that Hezbollah would enter the Galilee with thousands of fighters through four tunnels?” he said, adding, “I do not know whether we will attack the Galilee by sea, air, land or tunnels.”
In a sounding message to the “Israeli”, Sayyed Nasrallah announced: “Any Israeli” operation, though a limited one, would be considered a declaration of war,” warning the “Israelis” “that you have to be aware that Netanyahu may make mistakes as a result of his ambitions.”
“The operation of tunnels does not cancel the Galilee operation, it is even not worth this propaganda,” His Eminence highlighted, pointing out that “All what Eisenkot is interested in the issue of tunnels is how to score an imaginary achievement as a leaving chief of staff.”
“We have the capabilities and the plans” to cross into the Galilee, he said, adding that “any decision on such a move will be decided by us, according to the situation on the ground and our interests.”
In this context, he sent an advice to the “Israelis”: “tell Netanyahu he is better off with Hezbollah with precision missiles, because if they day comes when we want to attack a military base in Tel Aviv, but if there's a 50-meter or 100-meter deviation, where would it fall then? On people. It's in their “[Israelis']” interest that we have precision missiles.”
Moreover, he warned “If the “Israelis” attack Lebanon, they will regret it. This means they will be forced to never repeat their aggression, because our response will be one that they never expected. If such a miscalculation occurs, Hezbollah and the entire Resistance Axis are ready to respond to any “Israeli” aggression.”
“Lebanese officials must take into consideration what is happening on the border,” Sayyed Nasrallah said.
Axis of Resistance
In this context, His Eminence clarified: “Gaza is ready to respond militarily to any “Israeli” aggression and will not tolerate.”
Expecting a fool act from Netanyahu ahead of elections, Sayyed Nasrallah said: “Netanyahu can commit a mistake in Syria or Gaza. However, he will be very attentive in Lebanon.”
“Some “Israeli” generals admit that the coming war is unprecedented,” he threatened, noting that “In any coming war, entire occupied Palestine will turn into a battlefield.”
Warning that “Hezbollah has enough precision missiles for confrontation in any future war,” he assured that “we have the precision missiles and what we need to possess in face of any war on Lebanon.”
Moving to the Syrian arena, His Eminence mentioned that ““Israel's” fears in Syria are great because there is an intelligence failure there.”
“In Syria, we're in the last phase but the victory isn't complete yet. The Syrian state is now in control of most of its territories. We- in Syria-are talking about a very great victory as today the situation is at its best ever compared to 2011,” Sayyed Nasrallah stated.
His Eminence also said “Israel” and its leaders “must watch the bolstering of Syrian air defense, which has significantly improved,” warning Netanyahu “not to miscalculate the level of “Israeli” aggression in Syria.”
Despite its attacks in Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah said, ““Israel” has failed on the political and strategic levels, when it “said Hezbollah's power would be hurt and all Iranians would be taken out of Syria, but none of that happened.”
In addition, he confirmed that “The Syrian army and its allies are capable of resolving the battle in northern Syria,” pointing out that “things almost came near the clash between [US President Donald]Trump and [his Turkish counter Recep Tayyip] Erdogan because of the situation in the east of the Euphrates.”
“Daesh [Atabic Acronym for the terrorist “ISIS”/ “ISIL” group] is almost finished in Al-Boukamal pocket. When Daesh is finished there and east of Euphrates, we'll be more comfortable in Syria, because there is no conflict between Syrian army and Kurds - there's open communication. What prevented the Syrian and its allies to continue Al-Boukamal region is the US,” His Eminence explained.
On the situation in Idlib, Hezbollah Secretary General went on to say that “Options are open in Idlib but the priority is for political solution. The reinforcements were completed to liberate Idlib, but Turkey prevented this. Either Turkey will find a solution to Idlib or, ultimately, I do not think the Syrian leadership will leave its land to the terrorists.”
Trump’s Withdrawal Declaration of Failure
Commenting on the US decision to withdraw from Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah recalled that “from his first day in office, Trump said he was to withdraw his troops from Syria.”
“The decision to withdraw US troops from Syria is in itself a failure and a defeat,” he considered, adding that “during elections, Trump asked why the US was spending trillions and shedding its blood in these areas. He had to travel to Iraq secretly and left secretly, which is an admission of the American defeat.”
In this context, he stressed: “Trump, unlike his predecessor Barack Obama, was sincere in his positions toward other countries, asking countries in Middle East, Europe and East Asia to pay for the US protection.”
Sayyed Nasrallah said Trump first announced he would withdraw from Syria seven months ago, but he delayed the move after Mattis asked him to let the US make an achievement before its withdrawal.
“Then they went to Russia and told Russians we are ready to withdraw every single forces from Syria, if Iran and Hezbollah pull out from the country,” he emphasized, noting that “the Russians transferred the request to Syria, but Hezbollah believed Trump would withdraw from Syria anyway.”
The Resistance Leader went on to underscore that “Iran said its presence in Syria is legitimate and Syria announced it will not use allies as bargaining chip in negotiations with adversaries.”
“The positions of Iran, Syria and Hezbollah made Trump disappointed with the plan, leading to his December 19 announcement that the US will get out of Syria soon, as they do not need to have a base in the country,” he told Al-Mayadeen.
“Israel” Lost in Syria
According to His Eminence, “The Americans failed in Syria, and the most disappointed person from that is Netanyahu.”
To him, Sayyed Nasrallah said: “Why do not you tell your people that you have lost all your bets so far in Syria? You have to be careful about the persistence of what you are doing in Syria. Do not misjudge the region which might lead to a major confrontation. Where are the groups that you armed in Syria?
As he confirmed that Netanyahu failed in enforcing “Israel's” alleged red-line in Syria,” Sayyed Nasrallah stated that “Israel's” airstrikes failed to prevent weapons from reaching Hezbollah in Lebanon via Syria. Netanyahu failed in his bet that Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad and the Syrian state would fall.”
In another warning to the “Israeli” community, Sayyed Nasrallah declared that “there is possibility that a decision may be taken to deal differently with the “Israeli” attacks, because what happened recently is very serious.”
He further disclosed that “SDF representatives asked to meet Hezbollah in Beirut after the US decision to withdraw from Syria.”
Arabs and Syria
On the Arab’s move towards Syria, Sayyed Nasrallah disclosed that “the American decision to withdraw from Syria also caused an Arab snowball effect of attempting to reconcile with Syrian regime: including the visit of Sudanese president Omar Bashir to Damascus with the Saudi green light, UAE reopening embassy in Damascus....”
“Even after end of war, Syria will remain part of “Resistance Axis”,” he said, pointing out that “Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad has stressed to interlocutors that he will remain by the side of those who supported his country against terrorism, and will be loyal to them.”
Deal of Century
Regarding Palestine, His Eminence viewed that “It can’t be said that the “Deal of Century is over.”
“The "Deal of the Century" is not frozen, but it has experienced some setbacks. Deal had three prongs: Trump, Netanyahu, and MBS. Deal required important Arab side for legitimacy - MBS, as Saudi crown prince, gave it this legitimacy.”
In this context, the Resistance Leader explained that “Today, MBS is in a tough situation. He's no longer a pillar upon which to build such an important project. He's in trouble - over Yemen, domestic Saudi situation, and because of Jamal Khashoggi murder. So Arab support of "Deal of Century" has fallen.”
“Trump won’t come to save Netanyahu or MBS. The US is in no position to reinvade the region or wage war. What the US wants to do is to reassemble regional allies with their own funds and to place them at the forefront of confrontation,” His Eminence underscored.
Yemeni Legend
Slamming the Saudi arrogance, he reiterated that “ What prevented a dialogue in Bahrain is the Saudi.”
Moreover, Sayyed Nasrallah praised the “Yemeni steadfastness in face of the Saudi aggression” as “legendary and must be taught in military schools”
“Saudi Arabia is incapable of continuing its war on Yemen. Even the international community is tired of it. The besieged and hungry Yemeni who is killed at night and during the day is the one who makes rockets and aircrafts.”
Relation with Aoun
Moving to the internal Lebanese front, Sayyed Nasrallah stressed that Hezbollah’s “relations with His Excellency the President of the Lebanese Republic are the same based on the same kind of affection and consensus.”
Stressing that the alliance with the Free Patriotic Movement remains steadfast, he unveiled that “[the US envoy] David Hill said in a session during his recent visit to Lebanon that a rift should be found between Hezbollah and the FPM.”
“We do not want to change the Taif accord or blow it up,” Sayyed Nasrallah said, concluding that Hezbollah “insists on forming a government as the interest of all Lebanese people lies in the formation of government.”
Source: Al-Ahed news