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Sayyed Nasrallah Warns of ‘Deal of Century’: For Speedy Formation of Gov’t, Victory Scored in Southern Syria

Sayyed Nasrallah Warns of ‘Deal of Century’: For Speedy Formation of Gov’t, Victory Scored in Southern Syria
folder_openReports-2018 access_time6 years ago
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Zeinab Essa


Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered on Friday a televised speech in which he tackled the latest internal and regional developments.
Gov't Formation
Starting with the internal front, Sayyed Nasrallah recalled that "since after the elections, we're urging the expedite in the government's formation."
"We're still calling for this," he said, noting that "Hezbollah's call is not linked to concerns over the regional situations."
As His Eminence cautioned that the problem in forming the government is the absence of standards or criteria, he stressed that "there should be clear and unified standards for the formation of governments and these standards should apply to everyone."
"There are those who bet on regional changes and they have to end this because the developments are in the interest of the axis of the resistance, whether in south Syria or Yemen, specifically its western coast, " the Resistance Leader mentioned.
In addition, Sayyed Nasrallah called for taking the popularity and parliamentary sizes into consideration during the formation of the government. "We will be in front of unclear criterion."
"Our call for expediting the formation process is based on national calculations and needs that are related to the social and economic situations and to preventing a power vacuum. It is far from any regional development," he clarified.
According to Hezbollah Secretary General, "the governmental formats that are being circulated cannot be described as formats for a national unity government."


Asking "why the Alawites and Syriacs are being excluded", he viewed that "every side must be represented in a national unity government."


He further reiterated the call for precise commitment to the sizes of the blocs that had resulted from the parliamentary elections.
Syrian Refugees' Return
Moving to the file of Syrian refugees, Sayyed Nasrallah expressed his surprise about the recent discussions.
"Syrian refugees who want to return to Syria should be allowed to do so without restrictions," he added, pointing out that "Hezbollah wants to benefit from its good relations with the Syrian leadership situation in order to help in this file."
Revealing that Hezbollah has formed a file to facilitate the return of refugees, Sayyed Nasrallah announced that "ex-MP Nawwar al-Saheli was designated to head this file."
"Hezbollah will also form popular committees in all regions to facilitate communication," His Eminence confirmed, noting that "Hezbollah will communicate will announce a mechanism for the refugees' applications so that lists in cooperation with Lebanon's security agencies and Damascus are ready to make the largest number of refugees return safely and voluntarily to their country."
Security, Citizenship
On another level, Sayyed Nasrallah accused some media outlets of exaggerating the security situation in Baalbek -Hermel district.
He further urged the Lebanese Army and security agencies to exert continuous efforts not to accept any cover to anyone breaching the law or security in Baalbek-Hermel.
Regarding the recent debate issuing a new citizenship, Sayyed Nasrallah announced that Hezbollah won't declare its position through media outlets.
However, he wondered "What is the problem if there are people who deserve to obtain the Lebanese citizenship."
"This could achieve certain national and economic benefits," his Eminence predicted.
Deal of Century
Moving to the regional level, His Eminence warned that we have seriously entered the American and "Israeli" action to implement the so-called "deal of century"
"Everyone must shoulder his responsibilities in supporting the Palestinian people to face the executive steps of the "deal of century"," he emphasized.
Syria's New Victory
Meanwhile, Sayyed Nasrallah uncovered that the developments in southern Syria are very positive and they confirm the collapse of the terrorist groups.
"The entire region in southern Syria, whether in Daraa or elsewhere, is facing collapse among the terrorists," the Resistance Leader elaborated, pointing out that "there are popular rallies in the Syrian south to return to the state and we are in front of a great victory and major change."
In addition, Sayyed Nasrallah saluted the Iraqi brothers at the Syrian-Iraqi border.


"The Popular Mobilization Forces played an effective role in defeating the Daesh terrorist group in Iraq," he went on to say.


To the people of the region in Iraq, Syria, Yemen, His Eminence said "Any attack on the resistance, must have an answer."
Trump: The Monster
On another note, Sayyed Nasrallah viewed that US President Donald Trump's policy showed his real image as a "wild monster" over the policy of separating children from their parents for migrants entering the US.
"Doesn't the image of immigrant children separated from their fathers and mothers and put in isolated places clearly express the brutality of President Trump and his administration?" he wondered.
Yemen: The miracle
Moving to the field situation in Yemen, Sayyed Nasrallah rejected Saudi media fabrications that Hezbollah Resistance men have been killed there.
"But whether we're there or not, I categorically deny that there are Hezbollah martyrs in Yemen-not in the last few days nor in recent years," he said.
"Saudi and Emirati military forces, together with their regional and Western allies, have suffered serious losses in Yemen's western port city of Al-Hudaydah," he added, noting that "Fighting in Al-Hudaydah is happening in face of the most important weapons, aircraft, and capabilities."
His Eminence also saluted Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamad over his decision to pull his country's troops out of the Saudi-led military coalition.
"Saudi forces and their allies must know the fact that they are fighting a nation that will never capitulate," Sayyed Nasrallah said.
Moreover, His Eminence appealed to Sudan and its people to withdraw from the Saudi-led coalition.
"It is regrettable to see Sudan's Army in this battle after it had a great respect in the conscience of the people of the region," he stated, hoping that the experience of the West Coast battle be a lesson for Saudi Arabia and UAE.
Source: Al-Ahed
