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Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on the Al-Joroud Battle Developments, August 24, 2017

Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on the Al-Joroud Battle Developments, August 24, 2017
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In His Name

Televised speech delivered by Hezbollah Secretary General, His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah on August 24, 2017, regarding the latest developments of the al-Joroud Battle.

Sayyed Nasrallah’s Full Speech on the Al-Joroud Battle Developments, August 24, 2017

I seek refuge in Allah from the cursed devil. In the Name of Allah, The Most Compassionate, The Most Merciful. Peace be upon the seal of prophets, our Master and Prophet, Abi al-Qassem Mohammad, and upon his chaste and pure Household, his chosen companions, and upon all the messengers and prophets.

My speech for tonight is on the recent developments surrounding the battle that has been taking place since last Saturday in Mount Lebanon and Syria at the eastern border. However, first, we must extend our best regards and high appreciation to the sacrificing fighters on these fronts and their leaders, who are producing this epic.

Here I am talking about the Lebanese Army, the Syrian Army, and the Islamic Resistance fighters in Lebanon and their leaders, and all the officers, cadres, soldiers, and resistance fighters in the field. Our special regards are always to the dear martyrs who offered their souls and blood for these noble and lofty goals which we are all working to achieve. We pray for Allah to have mercy on them and to reward them with sublime statuses. We also extend our special regards to the wounded who were afflicted with various kinds of injuries. Some lost their feet or hands or parts of their bodies. We ask Allah Almighty to grant them speedy and full recovery. Our special regards also go out to all those who supported, aided, and backed this battle with the aim of achieving all of its goals by all means and kinds of support and backing.

As usual, I have several topics to tackle. The first topic is the goals of the battle - the natural and the supposed goals.

As far as Lebanon is concerned, the first goal is expelling Daesh from all of the Lebanese territories in which they are present - the rest of the Arsal Outskirts and Ras Baalbek, Fakiha, and the Qaa Outskirts, and all the way to the Lebanese-Syrian borders.

Second: totally securing the Lebanese-Syrian border requires at least distancing Daesh from the Lebanese border towards the Syrian interior so that it no longer poses a threat to Lebanon and its Army which will reach the border and station itself there. This is understood - I mean should the army reach the borders and stations itself there, Daesh would still be present on the borders, in the mountains and hills.

That means that the terrorist threat to Lebanon still exists, and that the Lebanese Army is in a state of daily, incessant, and continuous exhaustion and confrontation - unless the Lebanese government decides that the Lebanese Army should enter into the Syrian territories in western Qalamoun to eradicate Daesh.

So the second goal is totally securing the Lebanese-Syrian borders.

The third goal is to unveil the fate of the Lebanese soldiers (held by) Daesh and return them back to their noble families and the military institution.

These are the supposed goals from the Lebanese side.

On the Syrian side, the main goal is regaining control over all of western Qalamoun and all the way to the Lebanese-Syrian borders. That means totally expelling Daesh from this area or totally ending their existence. Consequently, on the Syrian side, there were vast areas, mountains, hills, and valleys that used to be used in past years as a launching pad for Daesh towards the interior of the Syrian territories. So it used to form a threat to the rest of the Western Qalamoun towns. It may have formed a base that threatens the Damascus-Homs highway. This base for Daesh used to interact with and have high expectations when Daesh approached Palmyra and took it, and approached and Qaryatayn village and the like.

Today, as far as Syria is concerned, when Daesh ceases to exist in western Qalamoun that will mean that western Qalamoun will be totally secure, the Homs-Damascus Highway will be completely secure, particularly from the eastern side, and that Daesh is very remote and its presence will now only be limited to what they call the Wilaya of Deir al-Zour Wilaya - in the Deir al-Zour province.

So this is the goal as per Syria.

As for the resistance, we adopt the goals of both sides, and we fight for these goals on both sides, and we offer blood for the sake of achieving these goals - on the Lebanese and the Syrian side - because we believe that the battle cannot be disintegrated and partitioned.

Second: as for the course of the battle, following days of preliminary work on both fronts and before the dawn of last Saturday, the Lebanese Army Command announced the commencement of the "Fajr al-Joroud Operation" on Lebanese territories. Simultaneously on the other side, the Syrian Army and Hezbollah announced the battle named "If you return, we shall return" on the Syrian territories.

Today, we are in the sixth day following the commencement of these battles, whether "Fajr al-Joroud" or "If you return, we shall return". All in all, it may be said that what was achieved was very substantial by all measures.

In my last speech - not the July War speech, I talked about this battle. We tackled the geographical nature, the barren outskirts, the tight control of the militants over that area, the nature of the battle, the supposed nature of the enemy. I am saying "supposed" because in the course of the operations, what we confronted on both sides was not easy but it was not of the magnitude we expected or as tough as the impression we had about Daesh and fighting Daesh. So no doubt, what was achieved was very substantial and important by all measures.

On the Lebanese side, the Army Command announced in press conferences and official statements that 100 km2 have been liberated and that there are still 20 km2 of the Lebanese territories and that this will be its focus in the next stages. That means that the Army Command will announce when and how. In fact, the Lebanese Army had carried out during the past stages a precise and skillful performance and realised this great achievement with the least possible human and material costs while showing high competence.

Before the commencement of the battle, and in the speech I gave prior to that, I tackled the areas controlled by Daesh and consequently, the area on which the operations will be staged, whether by the Lebanese Army on the Lebanese front or the Syrian Army and the Resistance on the Syrian front. I mentioned then that Daesh controls 140 km2 of the Lebanese territories. The Army Command announced that it liberated 100 km2 and that there is still 20 km2. There are no inconsistencies here. The announcement of the Army Command is correct and precise. Allow me tonight to say the following in an act of acknowledgement of the sacrifices of the resistance fighters as blood was shed, as well as to maintain credibility. Here I am telling you that 20 km2 of the Lebanese territories were liberated on Saturday with the beginning of the battle and the operations of "If you return, we shall return".

Whoever wants to know the geography precisely can go to the map within the Lebanese territories: Qalaat Hoson, Qalaat Yuneen, towards the Zamarani crossing.

These are Lebanese territories. Daesh was controlling these 20 km2, and they were liberated in the operation "If you return, we shall return". Well, there are no inconsistencies here as there is an intricate topology and borders with Zamarani which is the area of the Syrian Army's operation. Thus this area were entrusted to us, and the resistance liberated these 20 km2 of the Lebanese territories that lead to the Zamarani crossing. As we are illustrating what took place, (it is the case that) the Lebanese area liberated from Daesh is 120 km2: 100 km2 were liberated by the Lebanese Army, and 20 km2 were liberated by the Islamic Resistance; there remains 20 km2 which are totally entrusted to the Lebanese Army. This is as per the course of events on the Lebanese side.

As for the Syrian front, I said in my speech that preceded the last battle that the Syrian area occupied directly by Daesh is over 160 km2. However, we must add to it in the course of the operation the area controlled by the firepower of Daesh. I mean that I talked about the area where Daesh militants exist along with their barricades and fronts - as they used to be present on high mountains that ovelook a vast area along the front. So there was an area which was controlled by the firepower of Daesh. Consequently, this area was not under the control of the Syrian state and the Syrian Army. This area that is overlooked by the front is over 150 km2. When I say that it is over such and such area that means for sure it is not less than that specified area. I like to be precautious. The brothers told me the area is more than 160 km2, more than 150 km2. They gave me figures; but I will say over 160 km2 and over 150 km2. So the sum of the Syrian territories targeted by the "If you return, we shall return" operation is over 310km2. On Saturday at dawn, when the operations started and fire was opened, it was required that we regain control over 310 km2.

So far, until this morning, over 270 km2 were regained from the above mentioned area. Gradually 270 km2 from the Syrian territories were regained and totally under control. Consequently, what is still under the actual control of Daesh and under the control of the firepower of Daesh is about 40 km2. Well, there may be several kilometers more or less. I always intend to be precautious because no one is holding a measuring ruler and making precise measurements. So this is the status quo.

About 40 km2 in the Syrian territories are still under the control of Daesh.

Moreover, on that front and within a few days, a great and important achievement of this magnitude; you are talking about 270 km2 of mountains, valleys, and highlands without tarmacked roads; most of that area does not even have dirt roads. No doubt, the performance was a precise and skillful achievement. Just as we said about the Lebanese front, the performance was precise and skillful, whether by the Syrian Army air force or the land troops as well as the resistance men in the field.

This is as far as the course in the field is concerned.

Third, we will talk about where we are now, and fourth we will say where we are going, and fifth the last recommendation.

Third: where are we currently? Daesh militants are now besieged in the middle of the vast operations area. Perhaps we needed to bring along a map. For example, if we said this is the area, they are exactly in the middle. They are now exactly in a semicircle: 20 km2 are in the Lebanese territories, and 40 km2 are inside the Syrian territories.

In this middle area, Daesh militants are besieged. Should we search for a geographical location that is to be circulated as a central topic for what remains of this battle, in fact we must take the highest highland, and it is the highest highland in all the operation area and perhaps in all of western Qalamoun. This highland comes next to the Moussa Hill - as was said. All of this needs verification because we are talking about meters. Still, among what is left in the operation area, the uppermost highland is Halimat Qara.

Indeed, this is not a mountain peak. It is a mountain with several highlands. It is eye-catching that on the peak of this very high mountain, the Lebanese-Syrian borders are delineated, and consequently, part of this highland is Lebanese territories and the other part is Syrian territories. Now how will this be resolved, as it is supposed that the Syrian Army and the Resistance reach the Syrian border line and the Lebanese Army reach the Lebanese border line - and God willing they will reach there.

So let's take the geographical location for the rest of the area and the rest of the battle. In fact, you will hear of this name very much during the remaining days - Allah only knows whether they will be days or weeks. I do not wish to put a time table. The name of the highlands is Halimat Qara.

Also, as for what we are in today, those besieged inside that area in Halimat Qara and its surrounding area which comprises hills and valleys are Daesh militants along with some civilians and their families. There are no precise surveys. All what you hear in media outlets about the number of militants or the number of civilians is indeed not precise because always there are changes. Dozens of militants have fallen dead and wounded throughout the battle (so far) on both sides. On the Syrian side, there are dozens of militants who surrendered and gave themselves up - some surrendered to the Syrian Army, and some surrendered to the Resistance. Indeed, besides what was announced at the beginning by media outlets, several operations in which (Daesh militants) surrendered took place afterwards, but we did not reveal that in video footages and images because that was an ethical and moral commitment with those who gave up and those who will also give up in the future stage.

So as per the status of the militants, they are in a state of terrible perplexity. They search for any way to quit or to reach a settlement. Were it up to the militants present in the outskirts themselves, they all want a settlement. I am sharing (confirmed) information here and not analysing. They all want a settlement for themselves and for those with them. In any case, should a settlement not be reached, even some of those who are currently present want to surrender and do not want to fight to the end, while some want to fight to the end.

This is the situation of the militants currently.

So far also, the central leadership of Daesh - which is commanding these militants and is responsible for them - seems to be unconcerned about the exit of its fighters safe and sound from the area, and it prefers that they all be killed there. This is according to our information and follow up, and this is not far from the mentality of Daesh and the culture of Daesh and their ‘emirs'.

I will go back to this point under the topic "Where to" later on.

On the other hand, as far as the psychological and moral status of the Lebanese Army, the Syria Army, and the Resistance is concerned, it is excellent, whether as per the leaders, the officers, the fighters, the soldiers, or the resistance men.

Everyone believes that all the factors of the final, decisive, and nigh victory are available to them. It is a matter of time only - it is rather a matter of little time only.

Here I would like to remind and call against putting a deadline for the battle. Some media outlets and analysts say the operation is over, or is not over yet, or is about to be over. Put this aside. Let military leaderships run this battle and prove their wisdom and skillfulness and care. Now the area has become narrow. All people know this, whether those following the Lebanese front in Lebanon or those following the Syrian front in Syria. All those who are wandering where we are and how much time this still needs know that when the area becomes narrow for the militants the fight will indeed become fiercer and its tension will become a little tougher. That means more costs. If the military leadership cares for lowering the costs, it must work quietly, and quickly or as slowly as the field requires in order to lower the costs.

On the other side, a new influential point appeared in the battle. The civilians who are with the militants and who were scattered in an area of hundreds of kilometers - let's say 300 km2 excluding the area controlled by firepower - are now present within a narrow area, and consequently, the care of the sides which are fighting in this battle not to afflict harm on the civilians will also be an influential element.

Daesh usually uses civilians as human shields. We have witnessed this in all the previous experiences even in Mosul.

What we witnessed in Mosul reoccurred. For example, some families or some members used to flee to in order to surrender, but they used to be shot in their backs. We used to hear this in the media. Some used to cast doubt about such news. However, among the group which surrendered and was seen on the media there was a family - a father and his son. Fire was opened on them, and the 14 or 15-year-old-son was shot. His corpse remained on the ground before it was pulled away later.

This is the very Daesh we know. Thus the presence of civilians or the use of civilians as human shields will put the military leadership before the need to act with more precision and skillfulness.

Thus let no one exert any pressure. The easiest thing is for someone sitting in an air-conditioned room to say: ‘where are you; you are late; you did not do anything today. Why did you regain only 10 km2; you usually regain 100 km2'.

Well, do us a favor and go to the front and see the outskirts, the mountains, the valleys, and the rocks. Then sit and theorise to the people. Thus as far as this issue is concerned, let no one practice pressure on anyone. Let the military leadership on both sides evaluate, decide, move, and set the time and the deadlines. This is absolutely entrusted to them.

The fourth point is about what's going to happen next. We're currently reliving almost the same scenario that we reached at the end of the battle with the al-Nusra Front. Now we're working on two lines: the first line being the field which won't stop and is working constantly, and the second line that was recently launched which is the line of negotiation. The negotiations that I will talk about briefly are happening in Syrian territory, and we are following it. These negotiations are inside Syrian territory upon the request of the command of the militants. They said they wanted to negotiate, to talk, and to find a way out of this situation. Of course when we talk about a settlement or a solution, the Syrian government or leadership is concerned above all to facilitate the solution and accept it.

After checking with the Syrian leadership and getting its approval regarding the negotiations, on the basis of us being the side that initiates the negotiation with the armed group's leadership in western Qalamoun, we then started the negotiations. Of course these negotiations have rules, and we've already informed the leadership of the militants in what is left of western Qalamoun with these rules.

First, there won't be a ceasefire before we reach an agreement. When we agree on everything including the details, a ceasefire will be the first clause to be implemented - it's an executive clause. Yet there won't be any ceasefire for negotiations to take place.

Second, the aim of these negotiations is to achieve the goals I talked about in the beginning of my speech, which include clearing Daesh from Lebanese and Syrian territories. Of course, there was a third title that refers to reassurances. Here I want to assert that if we are negotiating on the Syrian side, the Syrian leadership, the Syrian Army, and the Resistance are committed, in any comprehensive agreement that is reached with Daesh will have as a first condition the revelation of the fate of the Lebanese soldiers and their return to their families and (the military) institution.

This subject is tied to a human, moral, national, patriotic, and ideological commitment, whether for the Syrian leadership or that of the Resistance.

Let no one act as if there are two fronts. But in Lebanon, some are behaving as if there is one front in Lebanon, and that there is nothing on the other front. They are saying that there is no fighting, that nobody's fighting and being martyred. No, we're acting on the basis that we have one destiny, one front, one security and one battle. So the command of the Lebanese Army and the families of the Lebanese abducted by Daesh shouldn't think for a second that if the negotiations were held on that front then it means we will accept a solution while bypassing this human and moral objective.

Now the Lebanese government or side will want to directly negotiate with the Daesh militants present in the outskirts. There's no problem with that, the official Lebanese side can enter negotiations but any commitment that will require a Syrian role during implementation - I'm not analysing, I'm just sharing the information I have because we've contacted - and negotiated this subject - with the Syrian leadership.

For example, let's suppose that the Lebanese reach a solution that consists of moving the armed groups and their families to some regions in Syria, who will take them to that region? The Syrian government needs to approve of any agreement.

This case differs from the that relating to the Nusra Front, because of some ambiguities and mistakes that were made in Lebanon, and because of certain moods in Lebanon. The Syrian leadership - as we were informed - will be responsive and eager for the success of this agreement on the condition that an official Lebanese request (is made) and public coordination (is carried out). However, the condition for that is an official Lebanese request and overt coordination - not under the table but rather above the table. The Lebanese government must send an official request to Damascus and inform the Syrian leadership and the Syrian government that it held negotiations with Daesh militants and reached so and so agreement which necessitates such and such. What do you think of that? We officially request that we cooperate to achieve this objective. Surely method of dealing (with each other) then will be according to the points I talked about a while ago and not grudge and machination. So this point is understood, and we do not need to go deeper into it.

Anyway, we must make use of time. We do not prevent the Lebanese government from undertaking this. This is available, however, to make use of time, we on the other side are holding negotiations - indeed without being charged by the Lebanese government and without coordination with the Lebanese government. I am saying that we are negotiating without being charged so that nobody questions who charged us with that. We are negotiating without coordination. So be at ease, and say whatever you wish. We are negotiating to achieve the goals the Lebanese Army Command, officers, and soldiers want to achieve and the Syrian Army Command, officers, and soldiers want to achieve, and the goals which the Resistance's leadership, cadres, and fighters want to achieve, apart from all these formalities which some care for.

Well, as for what we are heading towards, I personally believe according to all the available data that a military settlement is more likely to be the case. We are on both sides heading towards a final military settlement, and the reason is the mentality of the leadership of Daesh abroad. According to my information, Daesh militants who are in the outskirts want a settlement, but the leadership of Daesh abroad and its mentality, culture, way of thinking, and its devaluing of the blood of fighters and civilians alike make this possibility likely. However, I do not say that for sure. Perhaps at one moment we may find a different track, and consequently, a settlement is reached which achieves all the goals I mentioned. However, I am talking about this possibility.

Hereof, I want to tell the leadership of Daesh which is directing (the battle) from afar, and the Daesh militants in these mountains and valleys, that the decision taken to end this battle is final and its outcome is final. Today, I want to add that we do not have much time to waste or consume in this battle. When this battle is over, we will still have much to do. Consequently, the game of wasting time or gaining time by extending the time of negotiations will not be fruitful. Things are moving to their end, either through a settlement if you agree on that, or through fighting which will be a decisive and final fight, indeed fighting that is based on the required skill, wisdom, and human and moral responsibility.

Fifth I tell all the Lebanese people that you are moving towards a very big victory of which you must be proud and happy. You must even brag of this achievement which will crown the Lebanese territories when Daesh is finally expelled from it and the Syrian territories and our borders become secure. Then we will be before the following scene: the Lebanese border from the last common point on the border with occupied Palestine and Syria along the Lebanese-Syrian borders all the way to the sea, will be totally secure from terrorists, whether from the Lebanese side of the border or the Syrian side. This is a very great and substantial achievement. Thus in the near future - which I reiterate may be in days or weeks, more or less, only Allah knows, however in 2017 God willing and not more - you will be before a very great and substantial victory. Do not let some disturbances influence your joy and achievement. First, this achievement has been produced - its decision comes from the Lebanese will. When the battle is over, there are some things which we must talk about as per those who wanted this battle to take place and those who practiced pressure so that it would not take place in the first place. We will tackle this later.

Now we must get through with this and celebrate Eid joyfully. Later comes the stage of drawing lessons in order to know the friend and the enemy and who cares for the country, the security of the country, the Lebanese people, the sovereignty of the state, the persistence of the state and the army.

Thus we will overlook some of the inconsistencies. There is no problem in that. We will also overlook some of the mistakes done by some Lebanese media outlets. I will mention them only to give a chance for the addressing of these mistakes, and we hope that they will be addressed. For example, I know very well and I bear witness that in the Arsal Outskirts battle, all Lebanese media outlets - with the exception of one TV station, namely Future TV - acted with a high level of responsibility and national sentiment. We watched that on TV. Even the anchors with whom we may differ in politics and the reporters in the field expressed and showed this sympathy.

As this battle ended quickly in the Arsal Outskirts, I also know based on my information that the US embassy threatened some media outlets. Some Lebanese newspapers with well-known orientations wrote about the Lebanese media outlets which dealt in such a way with Hezbollah's battle in the Arsal Outskirts and warned them to be cautious not to be subjected to US sanctions just as (certain) banks were. So no sooner did they send their threats to media outlets. This is how the Americans act. They threaten media outlets. Here I am telling you that to lower the impact of public remarks on this point and also to hold some media outlets responsible. In fact, the Americans sent threats to the effect that if you continue as such, you will be sanctioned. Indeed these media outlets did not lie or magnify or create illusionary heroisms and victories. They were only depicting the truth, and it is possible that this was not the whole truth, however, the US administration and the US embassy in Lebanon were very much upset that the resistance in Lebanon appears in the image of one that is victorious and strong, crushing the Takfiri groups which were founded by the US administration itself. They were also upset because these outlets were presenting the resistance as a component of Lebanon's protection and (a player in maintaining) the security of the Lebanese people, and fighting and combating terrorism, at a time when (the Americans) always seeks to categorise the resistance in Lebanon as a terrorist organisation. This is logical. Thus the Lebanese are acting in the way they actually act. However, we as Lebanese, how are we to act and deal with that? Also according to my information - and I will talk about figures and names later - that the Americans and some people and sides in Lebanon contacted some media outlets and told them that it would be great if possible if they avoid talking at all about the other front where the Syrian Army and Hezbollah are fighting. Thus when watching some media outlets since last Sunday, you will not come to know that there is another front. Should any event take place around the world, you may see it on the news, however, you won't see that there is fighting in Qalamoun at the Lebanese border. This battle which serves Lebanese goals was totally made absent or depicted in a general and marginalised way.

I want to say something to the Americans and to these channels: your mind is very small, and you are acting in a childish way, just as when the sun is shining and some seek to stir some smoke and dust to hide the sun and its existence and influence. In such a case, people must not be sad or reproachful.

However, where must I be blameful? Such behaviour indicates that some media outlets which succumbed and moved on this path have lost their credibility, and it is not a media outlet anymore. An event of the magnitude of the battle in western Qalamoun is not mentioned at all in some media outlets or is marginalised. This is not a media outlet anymore, it has become something else. Call it what you want.

What is even worse is the moral collapse of some media outlets. This really leaves a sad impact on people. After all people are a bundle of emotions. I can understand this issue but many people in this country who live and laugh here do not accept or tolerate that on the same land in one battle against one enemy and for the same goals, this man will be killed and become a martyr and that man will be killed and (and considered merely) a casualty. According to what norms, humanity, or morals is that valid? You are free. You can carry on in such a way. This is a collapse of morality. However, as a Lebanese person and as a human being, I feel that my brothers and I are concerned one way or another of being responsible for our country and for people living together and loving each other and decreasing sensitivities and problems.

I hope that God willing media outlets will improve their performance. I am not practicing pressure on any one or threatening anyone. Let no one tomorrow say that Hezbollah is threatening media outlets. No! Act as you wish and do not mention the battle at all and say what you wish and succumb to the Americans as much as you want. Soon you will realise what the result of this humiliation will be. This is your own business. However, I believe that the Lebanese interests, the moral interests, and the interests of the Lebanese people require certain Lebanese media outlets to act with morality, professionalism, and responsibility, and not to ruin this achievement which it produced, and thereby (gaining a place) in the hearts of the Lebanese when it acted in a moral, humane, and national way with the Arsal Outskirts battle.

Finally, I say that in any case, we are before a major victory. It goes without saying that each Lebanese political force will want to present its own explanation of the issue. We already started to hear and are still hearing analyses and interpretations. Well, that is good. What matters is logic, evidence, proof, and facts.

We believe that this major victory which was achieved so far and will be completed soon God willing is one of the excellent results of the golden equation - the army, people, and resistance. Here we will add to them the Syrian Army and whoever wants to get upset is free to do so. We are adding the Syrian Army as an act of logic. We are talking about an area of 300 km2 or more, besides the area which is controlled by firepower in a semi-circular form along the border. We are talking about an enemy such as Daesh. Everyone was daunted by the battle. Let no one say he did not feel daunted. We all understood that we were heading to a very difficult battle. Allah Almighty eased things. However, one of the main, important elements was that fire was opened all sides along a 360 degree sphere. A front was attacked from all sides. No matter who is in the middle, they will surely become perplexed, unsteady, horrified, frightened, and defeated. This is logic.

This integration which took place between the Lebanese front and the Syrian front is what quickened these major victories with the least possible costs. These are among the results of the golden-diamond equation. If anyone knows about something more valuable than diamond let him tell me about it. This is my information. This is the result of this equation: the army-the people-the resistance, and here in this battle we add the Syrian Arab Army. What matters are the results, and everyone can reason based on his own logic and the idea in which he believes and which he represents. Thus we call for dealing with the upcoming victory - which as I mentioned a while ago is the seal of the battle for liberating the entire border and expelling terrorism from the entire Lebanese-Syrian border, within the Lebanese territories and within the Syrian territories, as the Second Liberation.

On May 25, 2000, occurred the Day of Resistance and Liberation. From now on, we will call this the First Liberation. For many years, this liberation extended over very wide areas. In another meeting God willing we will talk and present a report to the Lebanese people and all the peoples of the region on this battle which is called the battle of liberating the Lebanese-Syrian borders from the hegemony of the terrorists and the Takfiris who used to threaten both countries and occupy wide areas from the Lebanese territories and the Syrian territories. This is the Second Liberation which we must all hail and celebrate as an act of highly esteeming the sacrifices offered by everyone. We know the greatness of the martyrs who were martyred to achieve this great and substantial victory. God willing this day will come to light, and we all will celebrate it. Until then only Allah Almighty knows when it will come. May 25, 2000 is the date of the First Liberation. It is clear to me that in 2017 the Second Liberation will take place. The day and the month are linked to the wish of Allah Almighty and the will of the leaderships and the fighters who are producing victories and decisively settling these issues in the field. We will fill the day and the month with the appropriate words to have a new day for victory and liberation that asserts the golden equation.

Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessing.

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