Millions of Iranians Rally to Mark Int’l Quds Day

Local Editor
Millions of people are attending the International Quds Day rallies across the world to show their solidarity with the oppressed Palestinian people and condemn "Israeli" atrocities.
Organized by the Islamic Propagation Coordination Council [IPCC], the rally in Iran started at 10:30 local time [06:00 GMT] in Tehran and 850 others cities across the country.
People taking part in the rallies seek to communicate to the world the deplorable status of the Palestinians and press the apartheid "Israeli" regime to respect Palestinian rights.
Nine routes had been identified for the rallies throughout the Iranian capital, which witnessed the commencement of the demonstrations.
Iranian President Hassan Rouhani also joined the Friday rallies in the capital.
He said the "Israeli" regime is bound by none of the internationals norms and rules and is a base for the US and the global arrogance in the region.
"Today, any country that fights this base and any country that wants stability and security in this region, is looked upon unfavorably by the global arrogance," the Iranian president said.
"The Muslim people of the region and the world," Zarif said, "still identify the Zionist regime [Israel] as the biggest threat to the Islamic world and international peace and security."
Non-Muslims, including Jewish people, are also taking part in the rallies in Iran.
Rallies are also underway in other countries, including in Iraq, where people took to the streets of the capital, Baghdad, on Friday.
The late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini, named the last Friday of the lunar fasting month of Ramadan as the International Quds Day.
Each year, millions of people around the world stage rallies on this day to voice their support for the Palestinian nation and repeat their call for an end to the Tel Aviv regime's atrocities and its occupation of the Palestinian territories.
Source: News Agencies, Edited by website team
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